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Showing most liked content on 11/07/2020 in all areas

  1. I guess Jeod could be trying to explain what lynchproof means for newer players.
  2. People need to stop thinking of games in terms of dead-or-alive. Player activity goes up and down, can be seasonal, and is affected by many things - including going over to other games such as AI (that has been having regular 40+ player games recently). APB has been through drops in activity numerous times in the past, as with any game that has had its initial hype run already. Some players love the flagship large full server competitive battles, while others are also happy with a smaller count or coop or just having fun with bots and some friends. The core players will always come back to the game but keep in mind that playing the same things over and over all the time saturates one's desire. People need a break. And what I've noticed with APB in particular is that being the good game that it is, these brakes happen after longer periods of large server activity. It goes up and down. What you might look forward to beyond future updates to the game is that the winter holiday season is coming yet again, and that's usually a time where APB picks up again in player numbers. APB is alive, it just depends on what day/time you check in and/or what you personally want out of the experience.
  3. If I start to take over more GM duties will you give me the spreadsheet of all the roles too?
  4. I just wanted to find an excuse to make fun of shade.
  5. Excuse me Magic The Gathering is a red blooded American card game.
  6. Clearly your charisma has persuaded me. ##Shade939
  7. I’m on mobile. You can’t do shit to him today.
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  8. Hey guys I was crawling through the vent like you do, and I saw iLTS in there! What gives?
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  9. Player Vote Shade939 Shade OrangeP47 Killing_You Category 5 iLikeToSnipe ChopBam Mojoman Anon_Kat Retaliation Orange FRAYDO TheIrishMan Louis LEAD Shade/Orange Tie
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  10. Remind me in the morning.
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  11. I like to think of it as entertainment during an otherwise very boring day start.
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