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  1. I agree with most of what you said. However, The Anti Air Specialist is great against most aircraft besides the Hind which I think is fine. It gives Nod a cool edge in the air catergory. I believe there's hope for the Black Hand using the changes listed above. Logan AA-12 HE should do more damage to vehicles. The AA12-HE litterely doesn't do anything which confused me. Not a huge problem though. Patch. Radar invisible Patch is something I'd use. FLASH M202. I could deal with this unit only having 1 Timed C4. Although as I listed later, I would like for Nod to get an M202 Flash as well to deal with GDI's. Havoc Power Suit. I still believe that this unit only encourages killwhoring. It's ethier at base refilling or camping Nod base that's being whored. Stage II FV005. This unit was used as a MBT before being nerfed. To make it usefull again maybe a faster deploy time so it can be used effectively? Churchill. One of the main reasons why Nod can't do anything at the start as well. The tank should be WAY slower as a nerf to make up for it's armor. Like 4.0m/s TOW Humvee. That is why the nerf's i reccomened were reasonable. This unit currently decimates anything that's light armor and medium armor in an unescapable locking missle. Nerfing the damage by 5% means it still hits HARD. The reload nerf means that it hits hard still but not as often. The speed nerf mean it's more possible to actually hit the vehicle. The Humvee 50 cal currently goes 22 M/S. The TOW Humvee goes 20 M/S. I don't see how it's fair for a $200 price difference. I believe the speed should be 17 m/s. The nod coutnerpart (The BDRM-AT Flute APC thingy) is $700 and hits pretty hard/is balanced but can be 1 hit K/O'd by a TOW Humvee. Brining all this up, I believe justifys the slight nerfs reccomened for this unit. It still retains it potency but isn't unusable for $700. It requires more skill to use but if used correctly will hit nearly just as hard. If you die, then the $700 credits start to add up. It will also be a good base point to see if the nerf's are enough instead of being massively nerf'd at the start. Mammoth Recovery Tank. I agree. As said earlier, two of these repairing each other and repairing the mammoth tanks in front of it is nearly impossible to kill. I would increase the price as you suggested to a higher price (Around $2,800) and make the speed the same as the Mammoth 120mm (7..9 m/s) along with a slight decrease in HP and Armor (50) Aegis Shield Generator. I did not bother mentioning this unit because I know that it's ethier in-game or not in-game. There's no inbetween. I would like it so you're forced to be inside the vehicle for the shield to work. However I can see people AFKing in the vehicle or just abusing it. I don't think the changes you suggested like the shield having health are possible because of the game engine. It's a neccasary evil imo. The goal of IA is to combine everything from every CnC Game nearly into one. I believe it does so wonderfully but the real goal or fun in IA is when there are a lot of powerful things that have to be used to counter other powerful things. There are in my belief a lot more underwhelming and underpowered things at the moment rather than powerful for Nod. The Rocket Soldier: I believe the rocket soldier is a neccasary evil. I understand it's annoying a $200, $300 unit can take out defences but in the next patch the rocket is being very slightly nerf'd. I can confirm this as i've tested it out. However, you need the rocket soldier to take out defences and at such a low cost that you can constantly do something during the game even if your credits are low. I agree there are too many sniper units that don't do anything. These were adressed as well above. Nod Vehicles. I believe IA encourages both solo and Teamwork based play. This is different from vinallia renegade in which it was very limited and the only way to play was through non-stop tank spamming or just being really lucky with a beacon. I think the $950 Melta Bike is fine. It has a purpose in which it kills Mammoth 36's and Tort 39 Pdrs from behind. I love the Ob guns, Stealth Suits and Wep pick ups. Instead of taking away I think the addition of things adds a great element to the game and the more dynamics to attack an enemy base and win the better. It's just a little fine tunning that I believe needs to happen. For example, I could do with the ADATS and AGT gun having limited ammo (Much like the EMP Grenade). This is better than just removing it completely and I think a lot of other people would agree based on what i've seen. Love crates as well because more Visceroids. 1. No. I have seen you and Noizzer and NFHAVOC play in-game using the resupply vehicles. The reason is so you guys can just spam Lancers to machine gun Lancer basically any GDI Tank. I actually support this tactic and think it's pretty cool. But to buff resupply vehicles so that you're unstoppable is a terrible idea, especially a T-35. You'd at this point be unkillable. The BMD-13 and Weisel do a great just at resupplying (Especially since all you do is get a tech and reheal it anyways) and they have armor upgrades from the CC to boot. 2. GDI does not need a second resupply vehicle. I do believe that the AAV could use a faster reload, but I don't see the reason to buff any reload vehicles. 3. I agree. A lot to unpack here. The Tunguska 9K22 is not over powered. It costs $2,400 and barely does it's job effectively. The rockets that you're talking about barely damage to Mammoth Tanks, Titans, Tort 39 Pdrs that much because when the Tunguska is on the field these are the only units that GDI are fielding. In addition, a $2,500 ORCA Fighter can easily kill a Tunguska. Sometimes being able to 1 Hit K/O the vehicle. If your main tactic to killing a Tunguska is using aircraft anyways (Which is specfically dedicated for AA) what do you expect. As a last point, the Tunguska can be two hit K/O'd by a TOW Humvee or a Mammoth Railgun (Of which there's usually 3 in field at a time). This is not a unit that needs to be nerf'd anymore than it has. Chinooks are slow. But that's because it takes a while to get them up to speed. In addition that has non-targeting missles that have a massive range and the Chinook has massive armor. If you're being shot down by tanks then fly higher and get up to speed in base before going to the field. Also evaluate what you're using the chinook for. It's something that has to be purposefully used each time for ethier long range building attacks or to ferry a rush. Then watch the GDI base and alert your team that there are 6-10 Kawasakis flying around in the GDI base for no reason. It just takes 1 person. In addition you said above that the Tunguska denies all of the GDI airpower so get a Tunguska. The Kawasaki is arguably one of the most lightly armored GDI aircraft in-game and most maps with an OB and Aircraft (Ulake, Cold_Valley) you have ample time to be able to shoot down the aircraft before they reach your base. Great wall is getting a redesign. I believe that map is just a bad example to use for anything balance wise due to how limited in scope the whole entire map is for each team.
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