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Showing most liked content on 09/23/2021 in all areas

  1. Here is your APB update for today. The info is copied from the 3.6 changelog, with some additional screenshots of the revamped Canyon River level below. The extremely lengthy, circuitous tunnel section is now eliminated, along with all the infantry routes that led into or out of the rear sides of the bases. There is a new short, direct, and accessible tunnel route under the east hill to replace the long tunnel route that was removed. Inside the cave mentioned above is a capturable gem silo, worth 2 credits per second to the team that captures it using a Technician or Engineer. The top of the east hill is no longer accessible. The Soviets have extremely easy access to the west hill next to their Barracks, where previously it was difficult to defend. The west hill has a couple infantry routes which were moved, appropriated, and simplified from other areas of the map. The Allied base building positions have been swapped. The Soviet Barracks has moved slightly closer to the War Factory. Each team has four defenses, which have been rearranged in their own ways. Added bot support.
  2. Welcome to the 14th edition of W3D Weekly! Let's get into it! Community News There's nothing too new to talk about on the general community side of things, but something worth mentioning is that @ Coolrock made a thread on the forums recently for people to post their old community photos. There's some good ones in there already, but if you have some moments that you want to re-share, feel free! You can find the thread here: Red Alert: A Path Beyond - Releasing 3.6 Soon! Today, we're going to report which levels will have new bot support. Stay tuned though, more exciting APB info below. The following levels are likely to be added to the lower player count rotation since they now support bot play: Canyon River Keep Off The Grass Under Be sure to attend our APB game night on October 1. That is...checks watch... next Friday! I guess we'd better release by then. Have I mentioned there will be prizes involved?? Since we have too many updates to share and not enough weeks to stick to weeklies, we would like to share with you an APB update every day until 3.6 releases, so stay tuned for that! Cold War ConfrontationMore info from CWC this week! Today we're showing off the 3 basic NATO defence structures. This is the MG Nest. Armed with a .50 caliber M2 Browning heavy machine gun, this defensive structure will make quick work of any infantry trying to attack a NATO base. This is the TOW Nest. This structure is very similar to the MG nest, but is armed with a TOW missile launcher, perfect for eliminating vehicles. (Be warned, the TOW missiles WILL track you down once fired!) Finally we have the Stinger next, which is the anti-aircraft defensive structure. It has a pair of Stinger missile launchers mounted to a fire control system, as well as some camo netting. Going near this with a helicopter is not advisable. Don't worry, though. The Warsaw Pact has its own set of defences which shall be revealed all in due time. Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising No real updates from us this week, but rather a question. We've ben talking about the Battle Bunker again this week and how we should implement it. We have dug out one of our old demo videos which has an interesting implementation with key-carded doors, but we're a bit undecided on it at the moment. Check out the video in question below! Let us know your thoughts and ideas about how you feel this structure should be implemented! That's it for this week!Come back next time for some more bodacious W3D content! [blurb]We've got more APB, CWC and AR updates in this latest weekly update! Come and check it out![/blurb]
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  3. This map has come a long way over the years. I like the new look.
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  4. In that case it adds nothing to the gameplay. Just being yet another, bigger sentry gun.
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  5. what about a garrisonable allied turret, the one from the cut content of RA2? it would be a mirror to the bunker and would be effective against vehicles
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