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Showing most liked content on 06/09/2018 in Posts

  1. I've started sending out roles. Will start the game within the next day or so.
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  2. General stuff Re-added the Gamma sound for the refill button so it can't be mistaken for a nearby medic. Accuracy penalties for jumping now only apply if you stay airborne for more than 1/10th of a second; this means that the various things that cause you to stop touching the ground for a millisecond (like getting off the end of a ladder, buying a new infantry, or touching a prop with collision that isn't a perfect square such as rocks or sandbags) will no longer unfairly impose accuracy penalties on you. (This has been an issue for all of Delta but only the new dynamic reticle brought it to light.) If you don't like the dynamic crosshair, or need to be able to tweak its pixel boundaries to use a custom crosshair texture, you can now edit it; use XCC Mixer to extract crosshair.ini from the always2.dat (or always.dat if it's not in always2 at some point in future) and place it in the your game's data folder (the same folder that always.dat is in). Set Enabled to false to disable it, and edit the other settings at your leisure if you're just tweaking for a custom crosshair. Soviet Rifle Soldier Fixed missing AK-47 secondary. Yak Fixed build limit. Tweaked physics again; should be less slippery on the runway. Damage multiplier to base defenses up (0.24 -> 0.3; now identical to its damage multiplier to main buildings) Construction Yard Repairs main buildings twice as fast, but defenses half as fast. Power Plant Damage penalty for buildings on low power is more harsh (10% -> 16.67%) Bonsai The terrain is finally dry again. (All surfaces with mud effects are now dirt or sand where appropriate, except the riverside and the depths of the tunnels) Coastal Influence Some minor terrain tweaks around the Soviet end of the bridge to hopefully make V2 defense more plausible??? Land route turret is now a pillbox. Removed patch of trees on the Soviet end of the island; V2s can now occupy that spot to attack the turret from just outside its range. Guard Duty Turret moved 20 metres forward so it has more coverage but is harder to defend. (Super vulnerable to yaks!) Reshaped cliffs around turret. Moved both teams' watch towers onto the cliffs for better visibility. Added rocks and deep water around the Allied side of the bridge so it's not such a safe space for artillery. Soviet Ore Silo is now behind the Airfield. Fixed out-of-bounds zone leaking into Construction Yard basement. Lunar Paradox Rangerhead "crushing" weapon tweaked to be more consistent. Rangerhead speed and handling improved. Flammoth Tank damage up (20 -> 25) Medic suicide damage down (600 -> 500) Guided V2 suicide damage down (800 -> 600) Fixed Militant Force not playing on gameover screen. Ridge War Fixed missing Allied Ore Truck airdrop terminal. Seamist Soviet defenses have been pushed back, particularly on the CY side, giving Allies reign over more of the map and thus more of a chance at taking down the inevitable CY V2 flood. Siege Fixed some awkward terrain around bridges. Fixed vehicles getting stuck on back of Soviet WF.
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