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Showing most liked content on 04/18/2019 in Posts

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  2. Renegade is here!Our very own W3D Hub Launcher can now be used to play Command & Conquer Renegade in all of it's glory! From APC rushes to 500 sniper wars, there's been no better time to return to Renegade and re-live the old days! Here's how you can do that! How do I play?First you'll need to install Renegade! Where do you get Renegade from? You can buy Renegade physically from second-hand stores or online as a standalone or as part of the First Decade collection. W3D Hub recommends Amazon or Ebay! You can also buy it digitally as part of the Ultimate Collection on Origin. Anything else I need to install?Once you have Renegade installed, you need to install the latest scripts package from Tiberian Technologies. The Tiberian Technologies patch consists of an extremely extended version of the custom scripts.dll that has many bug fixes, compatibility with newer Windows versions and wide support for mods! Click here to download it. Once you have downloaded the installer, run it and install the files into your Renegade directory. This is very important if you have the Origin version of the game. So what about the launcher?To get Renegade into the W3D Hub launcher, you first need to install it. You can get it from here: Once the launcher is installed, start off by clicking The Renegade icon on the launcher: You might find that the launcher has already detected your installation of Renegade (using known registry keys) which means that you will be able to play Renegade from the launcher with no more steps! If the launcher doesn't find your install of Renegade, you will see a new button that reads "Import Game". Click it and you will be taken to this screen:  You will be prompted to browse for your Renegade executable from the installation directory. Browse for it, select Game.exe and then click "Import Application". If all goes well, you should be done! So how do I play?Once Renegade has been imported to the launcher, you will be able to join servers using the Server Browser tab! Just pick one and hit the join button! We recommend RenCorner if you want a more vanilla Renegade experience and MPF UltraAOW NewMaps if you prefer something a bit different! Come and join us!Come and join us on Discord, where we discuss all of the games on the launcher, including Renegade! Meet people who share a same passion for Renegade and it's mods as well as be in the know about game nights and events in advance! Join us by clicking connect below! Cheers for reading! [blurb]Our very own W3D Hub Launcher can now be used to play Command & Conquer Renegade in all of it's glory! From APC rushes to 500 sniper wars, there's been no better time to return to Renegade and re-live the old days![/blurb][thumb]custom_thumb_ren.png[/thumb]
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  3. This isn't even a thing in scripts 4.x, distance has no effect on damage. This is only a possibility if the shotgun's damage is all or mostly splash-based. Even so, it wouldn't be this consistently bad if this was the case (and you'd see some instances of yourself clearly missing the enemy with all your pellets but still doing some damage to them). I'd say this is the most likely factor since it appears the shotgun never did noteworthy damage to them in that entire clip even with a clean hit. Another possibility is that the grenadier has some wrongly labelled hitboxes (such as a torso that takes damage like it's a foot instead of, y'know, a torso) but that would cause every non-splash weapon to suffer against them, so this probably isn't it.
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  4. Will send a measage in PM.
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