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Showing most liked content on 04/21/2019 in Posts

  1. I was watching some old E3 videos of C&C Renegade back when it was in very very early development stages, and there's a few things there that I wish I knew how to create, i.e the running animations of Logan running around an empty Nod base, to the FPS model of Havoc's EVA unit. Wonder if EA will ever release these builds as part of an anniversary bundle or celebration of the C&C Franchise?
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  2. What? I'm not...you think I'm one of Jeod's puppets, his mafia players? I mean, look at me, do I look like Mojoman? *detonates demo truck* I'm sorry. I am sorr—ohh, I'm sure that's going to be okay. I'm sorry, it's just...I don't understand. Don't compare me with Mojoman!
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  3. Ah I see you found the cast away island. Well there are many isle in the infinite but unfortunately well not so much atm. There were plans for this island, unfortunately didn't made it in time.
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  4. There are other islands you could colonize. Perhaps even if you get enough followers, you could invade and take over Veyrdite's colony.
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