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Showing most liked content on 05/06/2019 in Posts

  1. You know what, I just went ahead and made a Google Sheets version for ease of communication and contribution. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ejKIecD_XlxJcjoCkzK3VNQd-6gVKZrrXU_p84WVs-8/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Yes, it was exactly translated like that. I had to change most of the words. Google translate does better job in translating Germanic languages. Translating other language families sometimes can be problematic, unfortunately. But that's why we are here for! :D By the way, that's the neatest spreadsheet I've ever seen. Thank you, Jeod! I've added the translation to the spreadsheet. Also, who are those sneaky pickles in hiding? I only know like two Turkish people who rarely plays in IA Anyway, I hope everything goes perfectly Good job everyone!
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  3. First pass at the Russian translation - looks like I've still got quite a few bits of UI to add translation tags to, but it's a good starting point I've also done the German translations too. Thanks @NoSoldier and @__nEmPoBu4__ for your help thus far, I'll update this topic once I've added more translation tags to update more parts of the UI. @Jeod that's a good idea, nice way to map it all out - I'll dig into that when I do my next pass
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  4. I would like a Turkish translation. I recall some users voicing support for it before.
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  5. Here are translation tags, translated to Russian. Let me know, if there will be any problems or updates! Translation Tag English Translation APP_INOFFLINEMODE In Offline Mode В режиме офлайн APP_TITLE W3D Hub Launcher Лаунчер W3D Hub BUTTON_EDIT_NICKNAME Set Nickname Изменить никнейм BUTTON_EDIT_NICKNAME_TOOLTIP Set the nickname you will use when playing online Ввод имени игрока, которое будет использоваться в игре по сети BUTTON_INSTALLGAME Install Установить BUTTON_JOIN_SERVER Join Server Присоединиться BUTTON_JOIN_SERVER_TOOLTIP Join this game server Присоединиться к этому серверу BUTTON_LOGIN Login Войти BUTTON_LOGOUT Logout Выйти BUTTON_PLAYOFFLINE Single Player Одиночная игра BUTTON_PLAYONLINE Play Now Играть BUTTON_PROFILE Profile Профиль BUTTON_PROPERTIES Properties Настройки BUTTON_REGISTER Register Зарегистрироваться CHOOSE_NICKNAME Choose Nickname Выбрать никнейм GVI_INSTALLING_APP Installing Application Установка приложения GVI_INSTALLING_APP_VERSION Installing {0} version {1} Установка {0} версии {1} GVI_PSTATE_DOWNLOADED Downloaded Загружено GVI_PSTATE_DOWNLOADING Downloading Загрузка GVI_PSTATE_FAILED Failed: {0} Ошибка при исполнении: {0} GVI_PSTATE_INSTALLED Installed Установлено GVI_PSTATE_INSTALLING Installing Установка GVI_PSTATE_PENDING Pending В ожидании GVI_PSTATE_VALIDATING Validating Проверка GVI_REPAIRING_APP Repairing Application Исправление приложения GVI_STATE_DOWNLOADING Downloading Загрузка GVI_STATE_FAILED Installation Failed: {0} Установка не удалась: {0} GVI_STATE_FINISHED Installed Successfully Установка завершена успешно GVI_STATE_GET_MANIFESTS Downloading Manifests Загрузка манифестов приложения GVI_STATE_INITIALISING Initialising Инициализация GVI_STATE_INSTALLING Installing Установка GVI_STATE_PREVALIDATION Validating Existing Installation Проверка существующей установки GVI_UNINSTALLING_APP Uninstalling Application Удаление приложения GVI_UPDATING_APP Updating Application Обновление приложения LOGIN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATING Authenticating... Аутентификация... LOGIN_STATUS_FAILED Login Failed Попытка входа не удалась LOGIN_STATUS_LOGGEDIN {0} {0} LOGIN_STATUS_NOTLOGGEDIN Not Logged In Не авторизован TAB_GAMES Games Игры TAB_HOME Home Главная TAB_LOBBY Chat Чат TAB_SERVERBROWSER Server Browser Поиск серверов TAB_SETTINGS Settings Настройки 
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  6. Hi @__nEmPoBu4__ I'm one of the developers. I just wanted to add that we definitely should not give up hope on the localization just yet. I have an idea for solving the netcode issue mentioned above, and I'm discussing it with the team. Stay tuned. Also, I have a Russian friend who is currently looking for game projects where he can do translation/localization work. Do you guys already have a team assembled, or are you looking for contributors? Glad to have you on board!
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