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Showing most liked content on 06/02/2019 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone, never done this before but id really like to try this one.ää
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  2. Shrek is the final boss of your life. (Also I might use him as my char for GoT Mafia dunno)
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  3. I had to edit armor.ini to defeat this guy. Apparently one of the only useful warheads for me was flame, so I made flesh invulnerable to everything else and added a big multiplier to this warhead type. Watching buildings go down in seconds to a flame tank was satisfying.
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  4. ooh, I like the shotgun physics a lot, also nice model, and animation, the SPAS feels smooth to use
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  5. Yap need Toxin Tractor back!
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  6. Please Yap.. Ban this jerk haha jk.. Yeah we need TOXIN TRACTOR BACK!
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