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Showing most liked content on 07/28/2019 in Posts

  1. Greetings, in this way i want to announce upcoming campaign I am working on. I called it [Tiberium Resurrection] - it tells story after Nod mission Sheep's clothing (where Nod undercover as GDI mass-murdered mutants and captured Tratos), so the relationship between GDI and Mutants is really bad. It will contain 3 missions for now (maybe i will add more later), few multiplayer / skirmish maps and some changes to environment (New tiberium type, paved cliffs - thanks to Holland.) It is not complete yet, however now I can tell that map will not be very big but there will be many triggers, and so i recommend you actually checking every black tile for text speech, bonus money or maybe something else . I will update this topic so you can see my progress and maybe some screenshots soon. I want to release first mission in november. Also, if you have any suggestions / requests / wishes / feedback, etc. just reply. Thats all for now, have a good day. CAMPAIGN MAPS the Prologue Map progress: 100% Trigger(s) progress: 100% Propaganda Forecast Map progress: 100% Trigger(s) progress: 100% City Cleansing Map progress: 35% Trigger(s) progress: 15% the Final Battle Map progress: Trigger(s) progress: SKIRMISH MAPS Fields of Insurgency (2-4 players) Map progress: 100% Islands of Destruction (2 players) Map progress: 100% Tiber River (2-5 players) Map progress: 90% LAUNCH TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9j5Cz6IZOQ OFFICIAL POST: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9186-wip-tiberium-resurrection/ OFFICIAL DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwRerrV DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8zyy6ewoayh1wrv/Tiberium_Resurrection_5.0.zip/file MODDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberium-resurrection Do not forget to report bugs and share your opinions about this project!
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  2. I might get a new job in August myself, btw congrats.
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  3. Like seeing if they could melt the Iron Throne or not.
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  4. Great to see 20(21) years later people still Modding Tiberian Sun! Keep up the good work and congratulations so far! Can’t wait to play. *C&C Valves Music Intensifies*
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