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Everything posted by Shnappz

  1. I've never seen or heard of this before! Very cool though, think I may have to jack in fruity loops! Was this on the snes?
  2. a personal unenjoyment of something does not make it a sucky game Clearly by me saying it's shit; I'm expressing my opinion about it, which could be entirely different to yours. I think the game is shit and you don't.
  3. Interesting concept with the base building. Not sure about those models though.. Some of them look a little basic
  4. Not a fan I find trance extremely boring
  5. Thanks for the lesson in dance music sub genres. Much appreciated. I'm not sure what I'd do without you here to guide me...
  6. I wouldn't say it has started quite yet. DA:I was fucking fantastic, and I don't even like Dragon Age games. Also just going to point out that C&C games after EA took over got 80% more balanced than any of the previous titles. There were actual reasons to build something other than Mediums, Heavies, Grizzlies, Rhinos, Titans, and Ticks. Case and point C&C 3 was probably one of the best titles in C&C history in terms of actual balance and it only had what 8 months dev time because blizz announced SC2: Wings of Liberty. Kane's Waffles made it even better. They just couldn't compete with Blizz and sales showed it. EA suits are dicks but they know what is and isn't working. (but yeah story went a little eh) Sims 4 was shit and Sim City was getting even worse. My money is on Visceral being next. DS3 was bad and Hardline was even worse. Then if Battlefield and Battlefront doesn't step up the game Dice might be next. Balance is important but it doesn't make a game good... CNC3 sucked IMHO
  7. You forgot to mention the crappy techno soundtrack
  8. YR isn't freeware either. They arent offering the games for download, you have to already have it to play on CNCNet.
  9. I like both ideas OWA... It'd be hard to pick between them without seeing how either options play.
  10. To be totally honest, I disliked YR and RA3, but strangely I did like generals 8-)
  11. Darn, I was hoping to be able to claim that bit of creative genuis. Moons right though, I got it from ra2
  12. Yeah he's a bit of whizz when it comes to modelling and animating animals
  13. Haha... They lost me with the bears man :/
  14. I love how much effort has gone into this april fools, with the logo and all Good work guys!!
  15. This has got to be an April fools... RA3 was shit lol
  16. had to read that comic strip again... yep was still just as funny as last night! Interesting to know though... it does make me giggle how much internet drama there is focused around things like this.
  17. YR is out now, shouldn't be too long before ra2 follows. God knows why they did it that way rounds probat assumed YR was more popular?
  18. Yeah you do have a point there mate. The guy who used to live at my house thought it'd be cool to download some software, but instead of discriminating between what the actual download link was, he clicked the big flashing "DOWNLOAD" button. Bam ended up with more spyware than you can shake a stick at
  19. Yeah I encountered this when I was researching (asking lots of questions) about making a generals mod. I guess the allies & soviets could just promise not to shoot each other Kinda reminds me of skirmishes on ra1, if ever you allied with one of the AI's they'd take the odd pot shot at troops.
  20. That right there OWA, is a work of genius. Please tell me who did that?
  21. *sigh* Yes, Ok Syn, I'll go ask Zunnie or something. If you read my original post, I asked one simple question, if anyone knew anything about it. It's a w3d mod, this is w3d hub... I'll go ask on another w3d based forum...
  22. Love the idea of Co-op maps as well.. An "Unholy Alliance"!
  23. because i'm not interested in debating why you think APB sucks... i've heard it all before..I'm really not interested in furthering a conversation on it. Start a topic on it if you want? Or maybe you can continue the discussion i started on BHP titled APB VS TSR? What i am interested in; is furthering a conversation about the motivations behind RA: FPS. Yes APB is clearly going to be mentioned in this discussion, but that does not mean it has to end up in a discussion about what's wrong or right with APB. Unless it turns out that in fact the motivation behind RA:FPS what that zunnie thought APB sucked and that he could do a better job...
  24. i personally haven't used an antivirus in years... if you're careful you wont catch anything nasty
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