I wouldn't say it has started quite yet. DA:I was fucking fantastic, and I don't even like Dragon Age games.
Also just going to point out that C&C games after EA took over got 80% more balanced than any of the previous titles. There were actual reasons to build something other than Mediums, Heavies, Grizzlies, Rhinos, Titans, and Ticks.
Case and point C&C 3 was probably one of the best titles in C&C history in terms of actual balance and it only had what 8 months dev time because blizz announced SC2: Wings of Liberty. Kane's Waffles made it even better. They just couldn't compete with Blizz and sales showed it. EA suits are dicks but they know what is and isn't working. (but yeah story went a little eh)
Sims 4 was shit and Sim City was getting even worse.
My money is on Visceral being next. DS3 was bad and Hardline was even worse. Then if Battlefield and Battlefront doesn't step up the game Dice might be next.
Balance is important but it doesn't make a game good... CNC3 sucked IMHO