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Everything posted by Shnappz

  1. http://dnbshare.com/download/DJ_Hyperactive_-_Roll_with_you.mp3.html Little deep house tune i knocked together
  2. Unless you're a music producer with a fair bit of outboard kit and sutdio monitors, hence why i bought a studio sound card
  3. Hey All, So does anyone have this? I'm currently using Photoshop CS2 and have been feeling like it's time to upgrade. I see that they dont sell the latest version as a stand alone application, you have to subscribe to the creative cloud. I quite like the idea of paying for a monthly subscription, kind of makes the price bareable but does it run the exact same way? Anyone use the latest version?
  4. Then i will continue with my insessecant questions Secondly, i've just realised i only have photoshop CS2 as it's free... and it's not compatible!
  5. I have to point out that if you have a computer with parts created in the past decade that UE4 on minimum is likely to run and look better than W3D because it actually takes advantage of modern hardware features. My was built in 2010 and can't run any UDK games well, not even with the lowest texture detail settings. TBH i did opt for buying a studio sound card and went for a cheap graphics card.
  6. Hey Einstein, When it comes to game development i'm a total n00b. I feel like i'm constantly asking questions and i know that can be draining.
  7. Thanks a lot... I've had a read through, and will have another look tomorrow. Can albedo maps look good in renegade? Once again I apologise for my n00b questions.
  8. I can't believe how cheap it is... 99 USD... It looks pretty awesome. Like anything I think the best way up learn something is to dive in. One thing, I'm assuming that any diffuse maps I make in quixel will be compatible with W3D right? Probably a n00b question but I just wanted to be sure. Thanks for your response!
  9. Hey all I've been reading up on how to improve my texturing and I've come across Quixel Suite. Does anyone have any experience with it. Is it worth buying? At the moment I'm just using photoshop.
  10. looks like i need to speed up on the process of buying a new PC.... 8-)
  11. Want to see APB in this engine!
  12. Nice, I'm probably going to order a NOD pendant... And maybe a GDI one, I assume they'll go on a key ring? Do you ship internationally? Secondly... Nice name, do you have Synaesthesia? I realised I had it when I started getting into DNB, the different synthesised noises were always accompanied with colours in my mind... Pretty awesome really . Only found out a couple of years ago that it was actually a thing... Heh this might mean nothing to you if you've just picked the name because it sounded cool.
  13. Normal mapping is supported in 3.4.4. How is it implemented? As per my screenshot?
  14. Hey All, So i've briefly discussed this in the tutorial announcement topic. I think it would be great to have a centralised thread that we can all ask W3D/Modelling/Texturing related questions. We have some real talent in this community and i personally want to extract as much valuable knowledge from them as i can without littering the forums too much. If the admins are cool with this, it would be good to have this made sticky. I'll get the ball rolling: Q1. Specular mapping - Can W3D handle it? I've seen somewhere that it can, and i've seen somewhere that it can't. If someone could answer this it would be very helpful? Q2. Normal/Bump Mapping - Can W3D handle it? Is it just a case of loading a normal map into the materials editor as shown in my screenshot: I will have more questions as time goes on Thanks in advance
  15. Thanks for the explanation Chop! Okay, i'll start an "Ask An Expert" Thread. Also, if you do something profesionally you must know your stuff. I am a professional freight forwarding guy and i consider myself an expert
  16. yeah... i've just never seen a forum change a shorthand of someones username into the full word?
  17. What a tune... Funnily enough I associate this with RA1.. Think they came out around the same time.
  18. Hey ACK, Is there anyway we could possibly start a "Ask ACK for advice" thread. There are things that come up all the time, little questions and quandries that i'm sure you'd be able to answer pretty swiftly. I'm not sure if i'm the only one that would find this helpful but maybe a "Ask the experts" thread would keep all the questions in one place, rather than starting new topics all the time. Just a thought EDIT: Testing writing the word "A-C-K" Yes... i was right... A-C-K changes to Aircraftkiller lol
  19. What is this? Like online Lego?? Awesome models mate!
  20. Hey Moonsense, Thanks for the tutorial. This is very interesting to what i'm working on at the moment. I have one question if you don't mind me asking: How is the reflection texture constructed? Is it basically the white lines are what the engine reads as the reflective parts? Thanks again!
  21. W3D Team, THANK YOU.... As moonsense knows, i've been desparately waiting for this!! I think it's great how you guys take time out of your busy schedules to help us n00bs... what a great community !! Really apprecaited!!
  22. Vulcano cannons - the latest in Magma based weaponry. Be Afraid.
  23. Wallywood - remind me to never piss you off!
  24. That intro video for C&C95... brings back so many memories "Are you picking this up?" Awesome find!
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