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Everything posted by Shnappz

  1. Lol nice jap-tank... was exactly how i imagined it actually
  2. What so you just take pizza orders while being at home, and pass them onto the pizzeria? And you got paid that much for it O_o WHERE DO I SIGN UP?
  3. Lol... you have serious tank knowledge... TBH i really didn't know what i was talking about and pretty much was going on information obtained through a few google searches... although i think i held my own... you win, i take my hat off to you Nodlied, you know a SHED load about tanks.
  4. while the golden three aren't the only things that make a tank effective, you've assigned and *equal* value to all of the other points you've listed, that isn't neccesarily accurate... 1 tiger Vs 1 Sherman = Sherman dies, that is undeniable. While reliability and life expectancy are Important, maybe they're not as important as, firepower, defence and mobility
  5. It's almost universally agreed that the tiger tank was superior to the Sherman and T34. The armour & 88MM gun was definitely superior. It was pretty unreliable and more difficult to produce than it's counterparts on the opposing side... but if you're talking about a straight up like for like comparison; the Tiger was superior. You can make more of the shermans quicker and cheaper than the tigers and therefore strategically, yes they could be considered more effective in a war enviroment, that does not mean that it was a better tank though.
  6. Their armour and range made them the superior tank of WW2, overengineered or not, they were damn effective
  7. Awesome.. the tiger tank was way ahead of it's time!!
  8. Never played that actually...
  9. Hey Guys, it's the asker of many questions. Just a quick overview would be nice in lieu of a potential tutorial. How does the scripting work exactly? I've noted that you can download the latest version of scripts.dll from Tiberian Technologies, but how is it implemented in game? Is it through level editor? Can you for example apply a script to a specific object through LE? May be well off the mark here so look forward to your advice
  10. That looks awesome... I feel like i've missed out!! (Also love how there are Nod buggies )
  11. Yeah Novalogic made some really decent games. Did anyone ever play Tachyon? I think it came as a demo with Delta Force when i bought it, and it then made me go and buy Tahcyon:
  12. Hey, Did anyone used to play this? I downloaded it today for nostalgia reasons, and it actually still plays pretty well. Considering it was made in 1998 the graphics aren't actually that bad!!
  13. This is awesome guys!! The mirage & stealth tanks look fantastic.. I personally like the idea of smaller updates... definitely a better way to engage the community. When may we see a beta release?
  14. Those texutres on the Titans... wow... just wow... i would actually pay for Aircraftkiller to tutor me on texturing!!! Looking really cool, can't wait to see all this implemented. Also Viceroids!!! That is awesome...
  15. I read through that yesterday, very interesting! I dont think CNC will ever die... the fanbase is pretty loyal. We've all been playing the various games since we were kids.. it hold a special place in all of our lives and i think that will continue on for a while yet
  16. That doesn't sound so bad... what are the negatives of it ?
  17. Yeah i think i know what you mean.. ours is actually an Aislemaster, kinda like a Bendi but more heavy duty! I think i've seen the ones you're talking about at one of our other warehouses :0 Look at us... talking logistics 8-)
  18. Hey Sarah, Is it a Bendi forklift? we have one of those!
  19. Hey Kai, Yep i'm from London. My mum is a care worker with the NHS... I have a lot of respect for people that do it. It's a huge shame that you got laid off. Without getting too much into Politics, our fantastic government has decided to spend over 3 Billion GBP on new warships. WARSHIPS.. while we're laying off people from our fragile national health service... PAH. Yeah, money isn't an issue for me in my current job. It pays very well. It's mainly the mental price i pay for having such a huge responsibility on my shoulders. It's scary as fuck to be honest... I have over 12,000 Square foot of warehousing and offices under my jurisdiction and i've only been in the industry for 6 years... I got promoted from "Operations Supervisor" a year ago and i've been in this position ever since. I'm still a teenager at heart and normally shy away from corporate bs & any kind of responsibility... When i put on my suit for work, i also put on a disguise, acting like i give a fuck about "margins" & EBIT /Rant over
  20. I've been thinking recently. I do enjoy my job to a certain extent, i've got to a pretty good position for my age. It's almost unheard of in the logistics industry to be a depot manager at the age of 25, so i have a certain sense of pride. I also enjoy succsess, our office hit budget last year and we've had a fantastic start to this year... The problem is, i constantly feel out of my depth. The responsibility and weight on my shoulders is mentally crippling. I am constantly worried about Profit/Loss. It keeps me awake at night with the constant worry and apprehension of what may go wrong... or what bullshit i might have to spout when i get asked why it has gone wrong. I know i'm good at what i do, but the stress levels don't feel worth it a lot of the time... Most people will just say "Do something else if you don't like it" but i have a mortage and dont have any parental backup whatsoever, i'm literally on my own. This means that a stable wage is vital... otherwise i get all kinds of different financial anxieties/worries, which equal the job worry. Catch 22... So, is there anyone else in a position similar to this?
  21. I must've missed this drama O_o And i thought I read every post on this forum
  22. Creating an forum browser app without using the chrome framework would be alot of work dude. You'd basically be creating your own HTTP Browser from scratch, which is very high level! I released my first iphone app about three years ago, but i don't have any experience programming for the android platform. I would assume that you can use the default chrome API but it'll be exactly the same as using the browser itself.
  23. Yeah, they're releasing the full source code. I can't wait to see it. I've always wanted to see what the innards of a professional 3D engine looked like...Once i've finished my W3D project, it would be a logical step to start looking at UE4. I remember when i was back at school i started making my own engine in Visual Basic 6.0... i gave up pretty quickly and made a text based RPG
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