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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I actually ran that way back when, was a Tib Sun themed game iirc (can't find the notes anywhere). Wasn't balanced well imo and the CABAL role was more of a mastermind/cult leader who had a Kane mafia/mastermind player keeping them in check. Biggest issue is that something like that starts to depend on the player for balance and not the role.
  2. I'm not Jeod, but I wouldn't early hammer out of principle as GM. I haven't read too much into it.
  3. I had missed the cop claim. Been reading through on mobile.
  4. If I were scum and knew I had an anonymous player who could help me, the last thing I would do is pull this gambit. If I were scum, used the item, and gotten the reports on who could be scum... I'd just keep my mouth shut about it. Now, I'm not able to read through as thoroughly as I usually do. But the impression I'm getting is that you're trying to "scum hunt" so that you can move the lynch off of Mojo.
  5. I just skimmed, seemed like TP that was in anonymous communication with mafia. Either way, dangerous to town.
  6. Alright, I have three possible scum members from that action. At least one of them is scum. By the wording it's possible more than one is scum, however unlikely that is. So, as someone who has won multiple games as TP here's my position on TP as town. LYNCH ALL TP. ##vote Mojoman Either Mojoman is telling us the truth and he is TP who is not aligned with town. Or he's lying and he's actually scum. If he's telling the truth, then we could potentially have Orange or FRAYDO as scum depending on your interpretation of what I received (i.e. TP not being counted as scum). By his own admission, he's already killed town. Case closed.
  7. Been pretty busy today, skimming through posts. But I'm gonna block the TP claim.
  8. I received no such items. Thought we should be able to verify that claim if Cat5 and someone else can confirm receiving the item and the ability.
  9. That's a good idea. @Mojoman @FRAYDO @OrangeP47 Need some night reports.
  10. I just had an action to eat it, so I decided to go for it. Exactly what I just posted is what happened afterwards.
  11. I got the spaghetti and meatballs last night. I used it and dreamt of Mojoman, FRAYDO, and OrangeP47. At least one of them is mafia.
  12. I don't have anything solid enough to justify an actual lynch target. I'll provide a nolynch buffer. ##vote nolynch
  13. That seems like an awful lot of fishing... Why do you want to know these things?
  14. With what it does I'm not too worried. Though you never know...
  15. Day 1 is the most productive day of mafia around here!
  16. Alright, let's try this gambit. Who is mafia?
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