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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I have time for this. Sign me up!
  2. I'm just gonna say... He really needed to take more time to make sure he understood the PMs. Not sure how there was any confusion.
  3. One scenario I was actually hoping for was to have two active mafia not linked up together and two town; where the mafia weren't 100% certain who their remaining teammate was. Would have been interesting to see how that would play out. Would town have tried fake claiming mafia?
  4. Completely forgot this part... Mafia MechanicsThere were three mafia in this game, but they could not fulfill the "tie town numbers" victory condition without being linked up in the mafia doc. Also, until there were two mafia in the mafia doc, the night kill would have gone to a random member of the mafia.
  5. End of GameMojoman was the Mafia roleblocker (a rather useless role now). Honestly, the only reason to keep the game going was if a replacement came in for Mojo and didn't think Jeod was his teammate. At this point, nothing could stop a mafia night kill, and I think Jeod has earned a victory for his team. So I'm giving this game to the Mafia. Dead Doc Mafia Doc Game Info So, the whole idea behind this was to increase activity. This was supposed to give mafia a necessity to post and be active so that they could link up with each other. It was also supposed to move the investigation of alignment entirely from roles (cop, tracker, etc) to post analysis. However, that doesn't seem to work out with a smaller player count. On paper it might be balanced, but there just weren't enough players to make this work. I'm sorry that this didn't work out at all, but not much I can do for game balance when 25% of the players don't show up.
  6. Was hoping to get someone to fill in for Mojo, but there's really no point now. After seeing the way the votes are going I will be ending the game. Standby for end of game post.
  7. Day 3This time, ChopBam is nowhere to be found! A quick investigation of the town finds his body and evidence that he was Town vanilla. Day ends in 24 hours at 6:00 PM EST 01/09/2020. Players Left (4): OrangeP47 Jeod Killing_You Mojoman
  8. Sorry for the slightly late hammer, got home pretty late tonight. Shade939 (4 votes): Jeod OrangeP47 ChopBam Killing_You Killing_You (1 vote): Shade939 Well, the results are pretty clear Shade will be lynched! You march him up to the gallows and make swift work of him. A quick search of his belongings why don't we do this before killing a person? shows that he had ties to the mafia! Shade, the vanilla Mafia has been lynched! Night phase ends in 24 hours at 6:00 PM EST 01/08/2020. Please get your night actions in before then. Following day phases will only last 24 hours. Players Left (5): OrangeP47 Jeod Killing_You ChopBam Mojoman
  9. Just to be clear, I would still keep day start at the time it's at. That's about the only time that works for me.
  10. That sounds good. Hammer will be at normal time today, in about 9 hours. After that, we'll do the shorter day phases.
  11. Hammertime can always be tomorrow morning.
  12. If everyone thinks they have things figured out, we can start speeding up the game. It's possible one side might have the advantage over the other, but nobody has actually locked down victory. I could end this day early and have a shorter night phase. Would you guys want that? @Jeod @OrangeP47 @Killing_You @ChopBam @Shade939
  13. CVCShade939 (4 votes): Jeod OrangeP47 ChopBam Killing_You Killing_You (1 vote): Shade939 Day ends in approximately 24 hours.
  14. Also, official replacement announcement. Since there are two inactive players, I've randomly selected @NodFan. Killing_You will be replacing NodFan since he has not been spoiled beyond what was revealed in his role flip. @Killing_You you may now take over for NodFan.
  15. Let's say you have a theoretical situation. There's four players left, two are mafia and two are town. Normally, that's a victory for mafia. But in this scenario, the mafia were unlucky enough to not get in official contact with each other. If they can't know for certain that they're teammates then it's not a victory. I won't spell out why, but there are plenty of ways for mafia to screw it up in that situation. The game is not over right now.
  16. Day 2 Uh-oh, looks like one of you didn't show up this morning. You rush to investigate Killing_You's quarters to find him dead! Inside you find a bunch of medical supplies. Killing_You the Town Doctor is dead! Day 2 ends in 48 hours at 6:00 PM EST 01/07/2020. Player Signups (6): OrangeP47 Jeod Shade939 Mojoman NodFan ChopBam
  17. Yep... Looking for two replacements this game. Anybody interested? (and if you know anyone who would be willing to play, spam them as well) @VERTi60 @Category 5 Hurricane @FRAYDO @Sunflower @Louis @TheIrishman
  18. Day 1 Vote Count OrangeP47 (2 votes): ChopBam Shade939 Mojoman (1 vote): OrangeP47 No Lynch (2 votes): Jeod Killing_You Looks like it's a toss up between Orange and no lynch! A coin toss will solve this easily... With a result of Tails No Lynch is chosen. Orange escapes the noose today. Please get your night actions in, if any, by the beginning of the next day phase. The night phase ends in 24 hours at 6:00 PM EST 01/05/20. Only two night posts per player. Players Left (7): OrangeP47 Jeod Shade939 Killing_You Mojoman NodFan ChopBam
  19. CVC OrangeP47 (2 votes): ChopBam Shade939 Mojoman (1 vote): OrangeP47 No Lynch (2 votes): Jeod Killing_You 2 hours until hammer and it's a tie between Orange nobody!
  20. CVCOrangeP47 (3 votes): ChopBam Killing_You Shade939 Approximately 21 hours until hammer!
  21. Retaliation the Town vanilla has been killed! Sorry, I'd have more flavor but I'm on mobile.
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