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Posts posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Just now, TheIrishman said:

    Well if I miss I can roleclaim, if I kill scum then point proven we can carry on. If I kill another Town then whatever I say won't matter, you guys can lynch me. If I hit another and they're dug-in we'll know they're Town, so there's that. Wish me luck.

    ##shoot  Louis

    really tempted to shoot shade though


  2. Just now, ChopBam said:

    If Irish claims cop or medic, with no counterclaims, it would be better to change our votes and have an attempted NK on him (which can be stopped) than to mislynch a PR.

    How long until it's "too last minute" for everyone to change their votes though?

    I'm here until hammer now. If Irish is really going to claim a power role he should just do it right now.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    By saying there are 4 scum, you are saying that by lynches and NKs alone, the game could be over during Day 3. That's before considering Daykills, which by nature would be more likely to be used on town targets than mafia targets, though you could also argue that the potential for failed NKs or successful hits on Mafia might balance that out. Still, the natural progression says the game would end at Day 3. That's not a good balance point for a game this large. That's the big reason why I don't think it could be 4 scum.

    That maximum number should be read that there are not more than 2 Spies. Scum has either 1 or 2 power roles, and spies fill out the remainder.

    I'd actually misread that as 1/1/1 of each role... was wondering why others were talking about a 4 man scum team.

    I may have missed it, but do you have any reads on Irish or Louis?

  4. Just now, Shade939 said:

    Based on the information presented by the GM I know I'm right and this should be the optimal strategy to help GDI out. If GDI doesn't want to follow it, then the game should be over very shortly with a Nod victory, making my point for me.

    You know what Shade, let me explain it this way.

    Based on the information presented by the GM I know I'm right and this would be the optimal strategy to help Nod out. If GDI wants to follow it, then the game should be over very shortly with a Nod victory, making my point for me.

  5. Just now, Shade939 said:

    You're not even trying if that' the extent of your analysis...

    I would be so tempted to just shoot you if I still had a shot. If you're town this game, I don't even know what to do in future games. Just completely tune out all of your posts? Pretend you don't exist? Vote for you D1 no matter what?

    You're not even trying to discuss this.

  6. Just now, Shade939 said:

    @iLikeToSnipe, if you want to actually understand my argument, then think about how the day phase can play out tomorrow.

    By hunting scum and using day kills on reliably scummy reads before any scum could get their daykill off (which was one motivation for me shooting Mojo). The exact same thing we should be doing today. As I used math to show in the one post I made, your entire suggestion is flawed. You are more likely to hit town if you were to suspect a stuck shot of being from the spy. So, you still are making absolutely no sense to me.

  7. 1 minute ago, TheIrishman said:

    Do even read my posts? Or others who are able to understand them? The pro-scum and n00b-scum one completely summarized my meaning so I didn't explain it any further.

    Do you even read my posts? I explained why I didn't buy your post in the first place and why I haven't bought any of your reasoning since. I've at least directly addressed what you've posted. I don't see you doing the same, just making more "assumptions" and statements that appear to be an unexplained, sudden change of how you read people.

  8. Just now, Shade939 said:

    Because the only one who doesn't want to use the in game mechanics to find the Spy are Nod....

    Or.... what if somebody who is town believes your logic is flawed? This isn't just a zero sum game Shade. You are not all knowing town and just because somebody disagrees with you doesn't make them scum. I actually took the time to write out a post explaining some of the math (right or wrong) behind why I thought differently than you. You haven't even tried to put to paper why you think your plan will work or is a good idea. It's just constantly talking about how the spy has a 100% stuck chance and none of the other variables and factors in play.

    THAT is why I see you as scummy. You just decide on something you think is correct, don't listen to anyone who thinks otherwise, and keep on trucking along without providing any actual reasoning.

  9. Just now, Shade939 said:

    @iLikeToSnipe, I'm putting too much effort into trying to get everyone else to play smart to be Nod, and stopping pointless conjectures that are just going to throw everything off like there being two cops...

    Everyone is used to you being you. Doesn't mean I will ever let my guard down and trust you when you still push for stuff that doesn't help town. The whole angle on shots being stuck = being a spy is absolutely worthless without a lot more data. Even then, it still is worth less than a random lynch if EVERYONE had fired their shots. If everyone fires their shots, odds are a town member will be killed rather than a mafia member. Your entire line of reasoning here is much more likely to help mafia than town.

    You ignore anything that doesn't support it and keep on pushing for it. Why?

  10. I havent' been able to do an in-depth analysis of everyone this game and I'm particularly busy today. So here's what I've got.

    Seems to be making posts and reading when he can (and making jabs at Shade). I haven't paid enough attention to him to have any read at the moment.

    He's been making good posts and scum hunting like he's town. I'm getting a town read.

    Very little content form him, especially for D2. Not getting a town read, but not getting a strong scum vibe either. Neutral/scum read.

    He's had less activity and prodding other players than he usually does. Not seeing anything scummy about his posts, so neutral/town read from me.

    It has been a very long time since I've played with him and I'm try to rely less on meta than others do. He has contributed quality content to the game (ex. role chart anlaysis) and I haven't seen any obvious scum tells in his posts. Town read.

    He's making what mostly seem to be reactions, rather than doing scum hunting. The contributions he has made though don't seem scummy. Neutral read.

    I always scum read Shade with the way he plays. His argument over shooting people to check for the spy and then not being willing to do so himself strikes me as especially scummy. I'd be in support of a vote on him, but I believe there are other players who are more likely to be scum.

    I've already made my case, but I'll summarize it here. He's been taking potshots at other players and drastically changing his reads without any indication as to why. For example, first Jeod was a solid town read and then suddenly he's "suspecting Jeod less"? Where did that come from? Why? How? In what timespan did he believe Jeod was town, then believe he was scum, and then started suspecting him less? I get the feeling he has an agenda, which is a huge scum tell.

    Nowhere near enough activity to get a read. If we were in a position where we had to lynch and didn't have any strong candidates, I'd consider him just to remove him as an inactive variable.

    Seems to have a similar amount of content to when she was non-town (third party, mafia, etc). Also hasn't seemed to have been particularly helpful with her content. Scum read on her.


    I haven't had a chance to look through their interactions, but just going off of my D2 reads I'd have a scum team of Shade, Irish, and Louis. I'm most strongly suspicious of Irish right now, so I'm keeping my vote on him. Shade is always scummy to me, so it could very well be somebody else (i.e. FRAYDO).

  11. 1 hour ago, TheIrishman said:


    I said scum made a dumb therefore I suspect Jeod less as I consider him a competent scum player.

    Why are you so threatened? I never even hard called you out?

    Why do you think I feel threatened? I've specifically made it clear that my issue with you is the logic and reasoning you're giving, not explicitly with who you are "calling out". This is just misdirection from the original discussion.

    1 hour ago, TheIrishman said:

    Because he was already thinking like myself when I read his posts which made me think he was Town then adding a scum move that I wouldn't do, it pushed him further into Town territory. I'd probably add you and Orange to the list if Orange wasn't the one killed (but it was still a jumper who already shot), and if you were detectiving more.

    Let me get this straight. You thought Jeod was more likely to be town because he made a move that was scummy, but it was a move you wouldn't do as scum. Therefore he's town? How does that make any sense?

  12. On 12/15/2020 at 7:51 AM, TheIrishman said:

    I'm getting strong town reads on both iLTS and Jeod. Very unusual, mostly for iLTS.

    Mojo and Louis are a toss via attitude, but are most likely not partnered.

    Shade and Louis can't be partnered.

    Orange and iLTS can't be partnered to Mojo.


    22 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

    Well that's a shame. I went after Mojo since I was trying to quickly read the posts and pick out the most likely scum. Mojo didn't consider killing cat5 (who's joke I didn't pick up at the time as I was trying to read fast), he was the second to claim a custom role, started the Louis train which seemed like he was pushing an easy lynch, threatened iLTS who reads town for me, and was the scummiest read I had. That is all.


    15 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

    I think scum did a dumb move. Orange was Town, his power role was self preservation, and he already fired his shot. It would've been so much easier to kill someone else and then push Orange to be lynched to starting on Mojo.

    Honestly makes me suspect Jeod less. iLTS, I'm not as sure as I was before as he likes to gamble his plays.


    @TheIrishman What's suddenly changed for you? Did you kill Orange to try and frame multiple town members? D1 and N1 you believed I was town and never made any mention of Jeod after saying you thought he was town. Then suddenly D2 you're "suspecting Jeod less" and now I'm a suspect? I take one look at your posts for this game and every single one of your past five posts is a scum tell.

    ##vote TheIrishman

  13. Just now, Shade939 said:

    The Riot Trooper cancels themselves out, since they could have also saved their target from the NK.

    I was going to add that we've got up to two protective roles. One does prevent the target from doing anything at all, but it still gives them NK protection. So there is more BP going around than just the Dig In action.

  14. 9 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

    Neat, its only not a dumb move if you raise Orange's value as a scumhunter to supercede the value of a gun, plus potential medic, cop, RB, or tracker. Hopefully you're not offended by me calling scum dumb.

    The "threat" of a gun to scum depends on who has it. Even if somebody who's town is the gunman, that can still be a boon for them if it's somebody they believe they can manipulate. A power role is almost never something that can be manipulated to work out positively for scum.

    I'd say there are three categories of scum kills (assuming a competent scum team):

    1. Kill a confirmed or suspected power role to remove its utility from town
    2. Kill a player they know to be not-scum that has a reputation for quality scum hunting
    3. Make a kill that falls into a long-term scheme (this even includes picking a random player to cause confusion)

    Orange definitely falls into those first two, so I am not inclined to believe it's the third possibility. Maybe there's some grander scheme going on, but I just don't see it. As you yourself noted, "It would've been so much easier to kill someone else and then push Orange to be lynched to starting on Mojo". So you don't even think it's part of some scum gambit.

    You claim it's because "scum are dumb", but what would make you believe that? Even with what I've just typed, I can't say for certain why mafia killed Orange. But what's important is that I can see several good reasons why they'd kill him. Does that make it for sure the best move? Maybe not. Is there anything to indicate it's a dumb move? No.

    At best, this is a poorly founded theory from town that doesn't do anything to help. Because of the scum/suspect reads you just dropped into your post and haven't done anything to follow up on, that's not what I'm thinking it is.

  15. 1 minute ago, Shade939 said:

    Based on the information provided by the GM, it would be a better indicator of them being scum rather than them not, and it raise the possibility of any cop reports on them being wrong.

    Here's why you're wrong (and I wish Orange was here to tell me if I'm doing this right).

    Everyone on the chart has a chance to get a stuck result. The spy has the highest at 100%, officer has 50%, and everyone else is 25%. So let's say somebody gets a stuck result. If they were a spy they obviously knew that would happen. If they were an officer it's just a coin toss. Everyone else is basically just rolling a 1d4 and hoping they don't get a 1.

    Instead of looking at it as player -> result -> role, let's just look at role -> result.

    If all the light infantry (assuming 5) were to shoot, the odds that none of them would get stuck is 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 = ~23%. So, there's a slightly greater chance that one gets stuck than none. It's statistically likely that at least one of them would get a stuck result.

    Expanding on that, lets look at calculating the odds for each side.

    GDI: light infantry * officer * riot trooper * Umagon * medic -> 0.77 * 0.5 * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 = ~16%. A 16% chance that nobody in GDI ever gets a stuck result.

    We obviously know that one Nod member will get a stuck result. Calculating out the other two, it's about a 56% chance that neither of them get a stuck result.

    100% chance that Nod gets a stuck result if they all shoot. 84% chance that at least one GDI gets a stuck result if they all shoot. What does that tell us? There's only a 16% chance that the person who fired and got a stuck result was Nod. If we were to assign everyone a number and draw it out of a hat to pick a lynch (i.e. a random lynch) we'd have a 3 in 11 chance -> ~27% chance of getting Nod.

    In other words, your logic has a worse chance at picking out somebody who's Nod than just lynching someone completely at random. Please stop.

  16. 1 minute ago, Shade939 said:

    Are you people even trying to win the game as GDI?

    Shade, can you tell me what exactly you would think of somebody shooting at a target and getting a result of stuck? Do you think they are for sure scum? Do you think they are more or less likely to be scum? What do you think I should think about you if you tried to shoot somebody and got a stuck result?

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