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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I figured Shade was the obvious mafia kill. Who did you think it was going to be last night?
  2. Typing this up real quick cause I'm heading out to work soon. The only item that anybody has claimed they started with that wasn't their own has been the Garlic. Nodlied's victory condition required him to have that item, so that would make sense that it would start with a random player. Nowhere else have we seen a random item start with a random player. So, we can cross this alibi off the list for ChopBam. That leaves getting the item randomly because Vertigo died. However, out of all the other players that have died I would think at least one of them would have an item. Has anyone gotten an item randomly after a player died? I haven't and I haven't seen anybody claiming this either. So that's another alibi off the list. At this point the only other alibi I can think of for ChopBam is that mafia passed the 1-UP to him in order to frame him. That's semi-plausible, but I don't think they would have done that. I'm assuming it's worthwhile item to have and also that scum wouldn't know that Vertigo had been blocked at the time. So they could have juts claimed that Vertigo gave it to them. In other words, I don't see any plausible way that ChopBam could have gotten the 1-UP as town. On top of that, I'm not getting a town read off of him. He seems pretty scummy to me. So with all this in mind, why some of you being wishy-washy on him? He's already a player who's had a few suspicious reads and has been caught with some hard evidence that he killed Verti or he's affiliated with somebody who did. That being said, here's what I'm thinking for who could be scum. FRAYDO: To start, I'm pretty sure FRAYDO is town. He's been very helpful, talking with him in his masonry I don't get any scum/suspicious reads off of him, and his offer of sacrifice seemed legit. He's solid town to me. Killing_You: I've had a town read on him the past two days and FRAYDO vouches for him. I don't think he's done anything suspicious and his abilities are verified by FRAYDO. Another solid town read. That leaves Cat5, Louis, Mojoman, and ChopBam as scum. And with that, I've got to run and don't have time to finish this list. To quickly summarize the rest of my thoughts, I don't think Mojo and ChopBam can both be scum. Having two roles that can avoid a lynch on scum team? That's pretty OP. So it comes down to Cat5 and Louis for me. I don't think ChopBam would "verify" a scum mate unless he thought they wouldn't be lynched and they could win the next night/day. I'll need to read through some more, but Cat5 is irking me with his behavior.
  3. Still reading through, but wasn't to clarify one thing. Inhale is a day action that I believe Chop would always have access to, even if he copied another ability. Maybe it's GM error... But I was not notified of any changes to the abilities I'm copying off of Chop. Either he didn't copy Louis or I just don't get his copied ability.
  4. It's a mafia conspiracy to make you stay away from the gym, slowly get out of shape, and die a few years earlier from heart disease!
  5. If you really are town, then it really is a difficult situation for you. But whenever I'm scum and caught in any kind of compromising situation I still, against all odds and evidence, fight like I'm town. Claiming innocence is not proof of innocence. Outside of some kind of weird, inconsistent mechanic of items randomly being distributed on death or Nodlied outright lying about blocking Vertigo there is no way you could be town. Those are the only two explanations for innocence that I can think of. With that being said, I doubt the random distribution mechanic is a thing. Especially when it's mafia doing the kill. I also doubt Nodlied lied. He fully admitted that he was third party when he had no reason not to. He could have pretended to be town and coasted by. I don't see any reasonable explanation for you being town given the physical evidence.
  6. I forced ChopBam to pass it to himself. My plan was to steal the 1-UP from him so we could lynch him today (assuming it acts as an extra life). Looks like he had more than that up his sleeve.
  7. Then how in the world did you end up with Vertigo's item?
  8. I have neither a town or scum read on FRAYDO, but I do trust KY and he's got a town read on FRAYDO. I'm pretty sure Nodlied is town, he's been pretty helpful and did his best to get us out of this mess. I don't have as much of a town read on Cat5, but I don't think he's scum. @Nodlied @Category 5 Hurricane @FRAYDO Since you're the ones on the chopping block, what do you think about this idea? Looking at your roles, I think Nodlied's is the most useful to town out of the three of you right now. I'm fairly certain that ChopBam is scum, so Nodlied can cancel his vote and/or block him at night. At the very least, I think we should have ChopBam unvote so that he isn't one of the possible lynch options. What do you guys think about this?
  9. Bummer. I've got town reads on Cat5 and Nodlied.
  10. @Killing_You You've been spending some time with FRAYDO in a masonry. What read do you have on his alignment right now?
  11. So, is this whole DK thing just completely random and player independent? It's really confusing... like why did Nodlied's ability do that? It just doesn't make sense or seem like something we could have figured out.
  12. Or Nodlied is lying, but that'd be a pretty bad move for scum. I could maybe see them going for some kind of blitz win if they still had a full team and had figured out a gamey ability combo, but I don't see that happening.
  13. So looks like checking for dead player's items is not a means of indicating innocence. As best I can tell reading through ChopBam can't give us a good reason for him having that 1-UP. I know with my mask at least that passing it can be blocked. So I would assume that Nodlied blocking Vertigo would block any actions that would create a 1-UP (i.e. role action creates one in another player's inventory) as well as an actual item pass. I don't see any other explanation for ChopBam getting that mushroom outside of being scum or Vertigo having a silent day action. But we've seen no evidence of any silent day action so far.
  14. Your character has been the most useful one though
  15. Has there anybody who claims they didn't start with an item at all? Either related to their role or not at all. I at least started with my mask.
  16. My mind is not yet awake and cannot comprehend English...
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