Fair enough. Although I won't lie, I miss the old system where they just chunked their depth charges from the same launcher as the missiles.
To be fair, though, at least part of that comes from most of my game experience so far being in games with less than 10 people, where getting any kind of escort (besides the voices in my head ) was a fantasy, and I can understand how putting it back that way would be likely to make destroyers *too* powerful
On a semi-related note, can we get the ability to sell subs? Even with the fact that selling a sub would just mean a quick death, there's been plenty of times I'd rather lost the infantry (who I was expecting to lose anyway from the moment I bought the sub) and gotten the sale money back, than literally have no option but to jump out and lose the sub and my infantry anyway for fear of leaving a sub lying 'round for the Allies to steal.
EDIT: also it's a huge bummer about being unable to change vehicle handling on the fly - that's one thing I woulda suggested as a possible way to make depth charges less useless.