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Everything posted by WNxHeadShot

  1. I just want to get this cleared out, is nuking/ioning this part of the map allowed or no. Not for destroying the wall but the buildings. There's a group of people including ElySpain, limado and wheresmymedal that keep doing stuff like this or glitching beacons in certain spots where you can't disarm them to kill the buildings. Threve warned them that glitching will be punished by a 24hours ban and they didn't seem to understand this.
  2. I wasn't able to to get any footage since I wasn't near the PP when they happened. Didn't even know this was what they were doing until rohirrim told us on TS.
  3. So today GDI won a game on Vile by simply breaking the rules and killing Powerplant TWO times in a row by glitching beacons in the spotlights. You can walk into them since there's no clipping but you CAN'T disarm the beacons. As you can see below: And as rohirrim said at the time it was happening, you can do it on the refinery as well: Can you please ban for a day these morons that did it? They were ElySpain and WhereIsMyMedal.
  4. So I tested it out in the server thanks to kaskins and threve. There are a few places where the buildings won't take damage apparently like the right side of the hand on the hon and the area between the door and the helipad on top. Also the red part of the powerplant(the roof or whatever) that goes around wasn't taking damage but the rest of the building was.
  5. Nah that can't be. I was out in the open lobbing discs at 3 different buildings(hon, comm and PP) and neither were taking any damage. It's not hard to throw them lol, they got a big ass range. The spots I tried to hit when this occured was the hand part of HON + where the helipad usually would be. The top of the comm centre(not doors or anything since I was above the buildings) and the powerplant all over the place.
  6. I was up on the cliff just above the comm centre. That's weird. I did get the discs from the !weap command though. Did you do it in the server though? I started a SP game on infinite isle and this time I was able to damage the buildings.
  7. Also enjoy watching this video. It's lots of fun.
  8. So today on Infinite Isle I was unable to do any kind of damage to Nod buildings with the explosive discs. Is this a bug or was it intended? I remember doing it on certain other maps where I killed airstrip all by myself because they do quite a lot of damage.
  9. Could you guys add the C&C 3 Mammoth Tank and probably the Predator as well? They'd serve well as more mobile and powerful versions of the normal tanks we already got. Could make the Predator cost about 2000-2200 range(mind you the Pred has a 150mm cannon and it should do quite a bit of damage) and the Mammoth looks just badass. It would cost about 3500 so it's on par with the titan and it could probably be upgraded with railguns. The mobility would be much better compared to the normal mammy ingame.
  10. Ugh I'm not banned so your point is? Streaming your game doesn't prove you don't cheat since you can't 'see' triggerbot. It's the reaction time he's got that's bullshit. We've done that with ehh on RC about a year ago since he took about half a frame between putting the crosshair on someone and firing. That's pretty insane huh, pretty sure not even pro FPS players have that kind of reaction time. But I guess you're right. It's not like half the server starts to complain when the guy joins the server. The map I played on wasn't Blazing Sands, it was another snowy one and he was in the powerplant tunnel as a PIC going 40-1 with some MG killing actual characters like SBHs, BH Chaingunners, Tesla Troopers and the such, mostly headshots as well so stop taking the dude's side. He's obiously cheating his balls off and he's doing the 'oh look I'm streaming so I can't actually be cheating' thing. Mind you I've had games with 300+ kills and I highly doubt you've ever done that. I'm a quite good sniper in both normal Ren if the shit doesn't lag and in Apex but this honestly is just a big load of bs.
  11. Damn lol 52 and 1. Don't get me wrong there were really good snipers out there that could achieve that, mostly old timers. Almost all of them quit playing Renegade a long time ago and they were playing normal Ren where a headshot from a 500 was insta kill not like apex where most characters take even 3 to 4 headshots, this is pretty BS. Honestly just ban the guy like half of the server is complaining about him, even moderators.
  12. So this dude is on Apex right now wrecking shit. He's 30-1 and counting, the dude gets almost only headshots. Can you guys do something about it. You also can't watch his stream. Tried on a couple of browsers.
  13. So today on Industrial Warfare I got banned by Gavin Chater because he's a little whining bitch that enjoys to abuse his power. I got a 36 inch from a crate and locked it in the middle of the base with no way for Nod to get to it, he kicks me 'for leaving vehicles empty to be stolen by Nod' even though it's literally IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BASE. Then I join back and called him an autistic fuck, he stole my 36 and then he muted me. I join again with his real name and bans me for 24 hours yeah buddy ok 'using name' I wouldn't mind if anyone joined with mine, I don't care at all, there's nothing they can use it for. Now unban me, this guy does this crap on purpose on me and a couple of other guys just because he doesn't like us, and frankly we don't like him either. There shouldn't be any personal feelings when it comes to moderating, there's people talking racist crap ingame all the time and no one does anything but God forbid someone respond to this guy, he'll mute and ban you. A while ago he was talking trash to me so I literally said 'What did you say Gavin' then he muted me straight off. Seriously guys you should consider a bit more when picking mods and admins. If not then It'll be my pleasure to take this as a more personal matter since a couple of my friends know their way around a PC and I already know everything about this guy.
  14. Yeah he was totally 'fucking up gdi' by DEFENDING the fucking base with a shield generator so Nod couldn't kill the buildings, the only thing exposed was the refinery and silo because they're so much off to the side(it was the weird looking map made out of huge walls and a crapton of catwalks). Why don't you also post the logs of when you killed his tib truck in the beginning: [04:02:16] RandyMarsh: !showmods [04:02:16] Host: [BR] InGame Moderators: @JO_MOMMA_USA [04:02:17] SilverSmurfer: kuckhold's THing Your response to that was: [04:02:22] KholdX: finger must have slipped looks like you have one already Yeah 'finger must have slipped a couple of times' while you were killing the guy's truck, then he got a shield gen to defend the base and you tried to push it aside so it wouldn't cover the base anymore.
  15. So for the entirety of the game, this guy called KholdX has been team hampering our team by blowing up the Tiberium Trucks, pushing teammates, trying to move a Shield Generator away so the base would get shot and other hampering stuff. The only mod ingame was JO_MOMMA_USA and a couple of people, including me, told him about what this guy was doing for roughly half an hour without getting any response yet he was playing the game(saw him use a SSM) and he was quite high up the leaderboard. At one point I honestly got so mad I just raged at him in the PM telling him to lay down the f*cking game for a second and deal with him since he was doing it constantly for HALF AN HOUR. You wonder what his response to that might be, well this happened: [04:16:05] Host: SilverSmurfer has been killed by JO_MOMMA_USA. Apparently I was bothering this guy with the fact that someone was breaking the rules for an entire freaking game that he literally killed me with the command and proceeded to play the game again. That was the only 'response' I got from him about this situation, getting !killed. I've been a mod before and honestly I never did crap like this, I always dropped the game to check on people I was getting complains about. This guy doesn't belong to staff, it's not the first time he was the only mod ingame and he wasn't doing anything because he didn't know what to do(warning people about stuff, balancing the teams(he told me, and I'm not even joking) 'how do I do that)).
  16. Ofcourse stuff is going to be overpowered, it's still in alpha stages, give it some time. And I agree on the part with the high tech stuff, I mentioned it on their ModDB page ages ago. They shouldn't have super high tech stuff but a more GLA like faction where they have shitty low quality and weak tanks, which you could upgrade to be stronger. The Superweapon becomes available to fire as soon as you build it because it's bugged, if you fire it it's going to start the timer. But I like them nonetheless.
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