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TK-421 last won the day on February 19 2018

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About TK-421

  • Birthday 01/14/1993

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  1. Eh, I did a uninstall and reinstall of both the launcher and Renegade and stuff with me doing that later first with the problem solved.
  2. Whenever I get the maps that are original to exodus co-op server, I get failed to download required packages. Any advice?
  3. What was the easter egg on Seamist?
  4. For some reason, whenever I try APB it automatically exits before I get to the loading screen. I've repaired, done a complete uninstall (thanks revo!) and nothing works.
  5. Wish I could play APB but it automatically exits on me.
  6. Great, now if only the game would stop autoexiting on me!
  7. I so wish I could kick players who are AFK *looks at [BF2] Lightning when on the Exodus co-op server*
  8. Is there someway for you erase achievements because I have no recollection of doing the following: For King and Country Knight in Foreign Armor Mobile SAM Elite Soviet Defender Let's Make A Steal Dominatrix
  9. Radar has picked up a helicopter going soi soi soi
  10. Homing LAW and RPG-7? Mind as well give them BGM-71 TOW and 9K11 Fagot instead. (No I'm not serious)
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