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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. Fair enough. Though price is a factor here. Old Grenadier was 300 and then ramped up to 500 because it's such a good role. Artykov would be somewhere between 1200-1800 (1800 only being likely if he becomes considerably better in this role). With these prices, you can spam V2s, and you could spam old grenadiers, but you can't spam Volkov - though currently it doesn't matter that you can't "spam" Volkov because he's so easy to keep alive. This is not just because he's a walking tank, but also because of his speed that lets him pick and choose engagements and retreat with ease. Perhaps if he was a little slower than the other slow infantry, instead of being tied for fastest, that would be less of a concern - he'd have to commit to any fight he gets into, kind of like the Reborn cyborgs. If you put them into a situation where tib healing doesn't exist, they certainly wouldn't have an easy time surviving despite having so much more health than the rest of the Reborn infantry. Regen exists but if the plan for the "armour shredder" Allied shotgunner goes through (Voe also suggested letting the APC shred armour better as well), regen can only get him so far. If he was worse at handling units close-up (restricted to using kovtillery vs vehicles, not having his current kovnades or even the Nerf Blaster shotgun for CQC) on top of being slow, I feel that tankiness would mainly serve to make him harder for snipers/arties to pick off - he'd still fold up close against the likes of sergeant/Medic/Tanya/APC/phase tank. In those 10+ years, I believe the only time Volkov was balanced was in Beta when everything else was unbalanced. When reload-on-exit and instant mech repair meant med mechs could laugh at him and almost everything else in close quarters combat. When hitscan snipers could one-shot him from across the map without even revealing their position to counter-snipers. When he didn't have C4 combined with a building-damaging weapon which basically made him a Tanya who doesn't have to worry about AP mines or suicidal flamethrowers. If he continues to be a super-generalist I don't think he can be much weaker at his many roles than he currently is without suddenly tipping over the line into complete uselessness. I've been tweaking his power down many times throughout Delta and Volkov clones still comprise at least 80% of the Soviet team on tech level 5 maps, and then when you dip to lower tech levels suddenly every Soviet infantry sees a good amount of use and Soviets somehow still manage to have a good win rate on most T1-4 maps without needing to rely on a team comprised almost entirely of god-soldiers.
  2. Or maybe instead of extra-splashifying the artillery mode, we could look back to very old versions of volkov and give him a Makarov pistol as his backup against infantry. Except limited ammo this time around.
  3. I wouldn't even say current Volkov is moderate anti-vehicle; definitely dedicated. He has just enough firepower to take out a Medium Tank in one magazine and then spend his 8 second reload laughing it up. On top of his pre-reload DPS making even the shock trooper shit himself, he is harder for vehicles to escape from due to moving faster and having more range. All the shock really has over him in this department is hindering mechanics that are trying to repair mid-combat. RPG Trooper is more of the moderate anti-vehicle here I'd say since his slow projectile makes it hard to hit a good portion of the Allied vehicle roster from long range and he dies very easily in close range - his dedication really is anti-air/anti-boat which the other units can't really do. Flamer and Shock Trooper aren't quite supposed to be "moderate" anti-structure either. I certainly wouldn't call the flamer that, but the Shock Trooper is a bit more questionable here - if he manages to infiltrate he can take out buildings at the MCT almost as fast as a tesla tank can from outside; the problem is infiltrating with that speed and not being overrun by defending infantry. Current Volkov just manages to perform comparably enough in infiltrations to count as "moderate" because while his MCT damage is mediocre he laughs so hard at most defending infantry due to his durability + kiting ability + better flamethrower that it doesn't matter. Perhaps Flamer/Shock need a bit of a look - flamer works fine on lower tech levels and his previous OP nature was more annihilating infantry than taking out buildings, and on higher levels both really only work for anti-building during chinook rushes (or earlygame supply truck for flamer since he can be afforded at that point). They'd still be different enough from siegekov since they need to infiltrate to work, which is more high risk high reward. With regard to his remaining focus - considering that kovtillery is already anti-vehicle to a degree (but definitely not to the shocky's degree), perhaps he can just have the one firing mode, but with some more splash damage and/or radius so he can still be somewhere between a minor/moderate anti-inf, but at a greater danger to himself in close quarters than the kovnades, so he stops being an infiltration god. Possibly given a special warhead that does extra damage to himself. I had considered removing his armour entirely (instead of baking it into his health like before) in exchange for more health, so he fears splash damage in general which would also discourage that, but that is certainly not fitting for a cyborg and would mean he can't be whittled down to a weaker state and thus survives in enemy bases too well if he can pick his engagements, so it'll probably just have to be special splash warhead that hurts himself more. Basically, making him the mid-Delta artynader, but better at persisting when detected and applying pressure in exchange for not being near impossible to detect.
  4. I'm not too sure on that. V2 already isn't devalued by Kovtillery - likely because it kills buildings twice as fast, can reliably snipe vehicles and base defenses from afar due to its accuracy, can also one-shot arties (so a mech arty that laughs at ranged Kovtillery attack gets hard countered by this), has much more range (225m vs Kovtillery's 170m which also isn't reflected by the target box), and also puts pressure on infantry from that range. I see a lot of V2 use on Camos Canyon, Coastal Influence, KOTG, Pipeline, Siege, Stormy Valley and Zama despite the dominance of Volkov on those maps. Bear in mind Kovtillery itself wouldn't gain that much out of this specialisation change under my current plan for him - like 5-10% more DPS (I mentioned before that this is a problem but really it's the combination of his original siege prowess combined with annihilating any unit that gets within his range), being a bit more accurate and thus not so unreliable at sniping unmeched vehicles (but definitely not V2 tier), and his target box actually properly reflecting his range, in exchange for firing one shot at a time with 3x the ROF (both a blessing and a curse, misses are less punishing but he has less time to hide behind cover against arties/snipers) and possibly a little less range (150m or so) to compensate for his target box not being a lie anymore - I was surprised when I did a test just now and found out how insanely long Kovtillery range is. It probably would devalue V2 somewhat if the target box revealed how far it could actually shoot while retaining its current range. It would probably be more likely to make Volkov+V2 a more common combo than what you suggested because it means that when someone shows up to kill your V2 when you're one shot away from killing a building, you now know how close you really need to get for Volkov to finish it off, or at least keep applying pressure if it does get repaired. Grenadier "wasn't as good"? Huh? He was actually better in the siege role than current Volkov is (but obviously worse at everything else). All he suffered in was durability, but he had more anti-building damage (in fact more than the RPG), was harder to detect due to his trailless projectile, had a laser-accurate projectile, had a usable target box, and cost less than the V2. And V2s were still viable with him around.
  5. Perhaps an alternate option (something close to Raap's) could be to take a bit of a different direction from my original plan, and make him specialise in siege just like the "mid-Delta" bionic arm grenadier - make Kovtillery his defining feature and more suited to vehicle-sniping, but make him worse at close-range AT somehow. Like axe the AT primary entirely (so there are hardly any vehicles he can take out in one magazine due to kovtillery's lower damage per projectile) and tanking down his speed so he can't so easily get away from engagements he doesn't like. Want to take down a vehicle that's already at your base ASAP? Well that sidebar option right above the volkov one isn't just there for show. (Shocks can probably get a slight speed up to further emphasise this, and Volkov go down to $1200 since an infantry unit that can't do everything doesn't really deserve to be as expensive as the current one, and if he's not a generalist Soviets are going to end up switching infantry more frequently anyway) Thinking over my original plans, I realise there's a specific set of things infantry can do to be useful on the front lines: fight infantry effectively in CQC (Volkov, Flamethrower, Tanya, Medic, and the no-barracks small-arms dream team) fight heavy vehicles effectively (Rocket/RPG, Shocky, Volkov, Grenadier. Handling light vehicles effectively is nothing special as literally everyone who isn't stuck with a pistol/sniper rifle can do that.) kill buildings at a reasonable speed (anyone with C4, or Kovtillery+ exterior damage, or captain+ MCT damage, or just capable of outranging base defenses. This is probably the most important one since you normally have a vehicle to fill role 1 or 2 on your way to the enemy base.) repair units (Mechanic, and Medic on maps with a heavy infantry focus) special scripted stuff (like engineer mine detection and spy infiltration) If Volkov lost kovtillery/kovnades, he would be reduced from points 1/2/3 (no other infantry unit can claim to fill 3 of these points - some come close but no cigar, and they have poor survivability compared to Volkov. He's so good not only because he can do so much but also because he's hard to kill while he does it) to just point 2 (let's be real here: his shotgun isn't that great outside of ladder-camping, his real CQC powerhouse nature mostly comes from the nades) which means he'd just be a shock trooper that is tankier but worse at handling mechanics and ceases to contribute much once the Allies are pushed back into their base. Worth $1500? Ehhh no. And pretty boring because oh hey how many anti-tank infantry do the Soviets have now? RPG Trooper, Shock Trooper, Volkov, Grenadier for no-barracks situations, and then there's the Flamethrower who does it the best of all units that aren't designed for it but it's not what you buy him for... And those first 3, the actual anti-tank units, not having much to distinguish them from one another. So if he retains kovtillery, becoming a siege specialist, Volkov would definitely continue to fill point 3 by outranging all base defenses, sniping main buildings from a safe distance, and still having his current "modest" exterior DPS rating (or possibly even very slightly more). He may be easier to outrepair than an RPG/grenadier/flamer/shock hitting a building from outside but also much harder to deal with because he's hitting from a safer distance and is much more durable - you don't want him to keep hitting your buildings because then you keep hemorrhaging points, and he has an easier time switching targets than Allied repairmen or shorter-ranged Soviet infantry do. On top of this he'd need to be able to deal with some kinds of units that come after him though. Thing is, if he can deal with anti-infantry vehicles up close, then he mostly obsoletes the shock trooper. If he can deal with anti-infantry infantry close-up instead, then he might just remain the competent infiltrator that he currently is instead of being a siege specialist. Then again, if he's slower than the other slow infantry, that may not be a big issue. If he can't kite the Allies around their own base, he shouldn't be that great of an infiltrator even if he keeps his current AP weapons, right? Another issue I foresee with siege-specialist Volkov however, with a more accurate long-range weapon, is that he'd be more capable of countering Allied Artillery - thus weakening a unit that is already pretty weak in tech level 5 (but certainly not on lower ends). I guess people will just have to go arty-mech more in this case (as mentioned before, kovtillery is poor in the anti-vehicle DPS department).
  6. There's a reason we don't use this engine's bouncing logic. It is broken to hell and back. When the napalm grenades had it, they were incredibly luck-based weapons that more often than not would either fall through the terrain if it was 100% flat (like a building interior), or jump 50 feet into the air upon hitting the terrain if it wasn't 100% flat. Either way, it then exploded uselessly far away from any unit (I guess the quirk of hitting non-flat terrain could be useful if Reborn jumpjets ever invaded APB...) I'll do some tests with the slug and see how it plays out.
  7. Soviet rifle soldier already has that model. "Next to nothing" is bad as mentioned above. A rapid fire weapon is too good for CQC. One assault rifle melting tanks in 10 seconds is too dumb even for the bullet mechanics of this game. Keep that to the game with the cheesy tone it was made for.
  8. A big part of his intended role is his ability to keep surviving. While less speed would definitely discourage him from being a base-invading rambo, it'd also make it harder for him to pick his battles in the field. That might be a bit much in combination with no kovtillery, though a 5-10m range increase and a more viable ranged anti-infantry option could help with that. Also, every other expensive Soviet infantry is slow, Volkov is the only fast one besides Starshina and Grenadier. Maybe if his speed goes down, the Shock could go up to help him in his intended role - but how to justify that given how bulky his equipment looks? (Besides renaming him to "Shocky Gonzales")
  9. Interesting thought, though we'd have to be careful about range. If he can still safely snipe base defenses for noticeably more than a CY repairs and safely snipe buildings for enough damage that even two of them can come close to the damage output of a V2, then that's a problem. But then there's another problem if his damage to buildings is too little and then he pretty much just becomes a killwhore, or a counter unit that you buy to defend against tanks/infantry approaching your base, or sprinkle around the field to prevent Allies from having any hope of making any forwards, especially if his range gets bumped up to the point that doing either of those things is even easier than it already is. I think the AT primary's current building damage is the sweet spot for that, but even that level of damage would become too good when given say 30-50% more range than it currently has.
  10. I don't see how that AT secondary would solve the "can siege base defenses/buildings" problem. Unless it does no damage to buildings despite being a rocket-propelled explosive, but then that falls back into the "not well communicated" problem, especially since the secondary fire travels beyond the primary's targeting range so people wouldn't be able to see that they're not damaging the buildings that they're trying to snipe. Oh, and of course, if it's a tracking rocket-propelled explosive, you get the same drunk-fire problem that every single AA weapon in Reborn has making it completely useless for engaging units at the range it's meant for. And making the AP secondary act like that would basically just mean taking the kovnades and removing the burn damage. Don't see how that would make it any easier to use. Can't do the "explosion is actually a 180 degree spray of bullets" thing in this engine either. As for the AT/AP primary comments, if I went through with the changes to the $200 shotgunners, I agree that moving dragonsbreath to Volkov could be a good move - we might as well continue to make use of that asset somewhere, and it's exotic enough to fit a cyborg commando project. Plus the burn would help its mid-range viability, making him better in the field even if its raw stopping power goes down (which would nerf him in CQC).
  11. Okay, that is something I legitimately hadn't considered. Then again, kovtillery vs boats is nowhere near as prominent as it used to be, likely on account of it being heavily nerfed against vehicles and also the fact that Volkovs are very vulnerable to eating direct Destroyer rocket hits whereas RPG troopers are a little less so. And possibly also the fact that it's a scenario constricted to one map (Coastal Influence). It's another thing that has very little presence (though it's certainly not as uncommon as this odd scenario of trying to snipe artillery). V2s are the premier land-based method of dealing with boats, and if you can't get subs, then destroyers are sticking around to hit non-Sub Pen buildings, forcing them to get close enough to shore that Kov AT, shock troopers, HTs and the like can also pitch in against them. Destroyer/missub range has been gradually tweaked down and down over the patches making rocket/RPG less of a requirement for dealing with ones that have to close in. I guess an alternate option is making kovtillery not hurt buildings at all so it can still be a viable boat-sniper, but, well, I've already pointed out how well people adapt to arbitrary damage differences between fire modes on the same weapon... Not to mention the fact that it makes a lot less sense than, say, his flak spray not hurting buildings.
  12. It probably bears repeating that 3.2 gave the Yak an enlarged in-flight hitbox. Combined with the fact that the cannon still has a 1m projectile extension. It may sound like excuses but if you look closely or view frame by frame, the first landed shot explodes before it even hits the wing, and the second landed shot explodes pretty far below the tail - the first one would have probably hit normally anyway, but the last one definitely wouldn't have flown in previous versions. This feature of the Yak arose from it being pretty damn hard to hit with most weapons including its intended counters. Regardless, good job!
  13. In Delta I have almost never seen kovtillery used to fight artillery, or vehicles in general. The few times I see it used against vehicles, it's usually out of desperation to try to finish an apc/light/phase tank in red health that has escaped out of AT range, weak enough that you only need to land 1 or 2 kovtillery shells to finish the job. It simply doesn't have the damage to reliably snipe fresh artillery - each shell does half the damage of a primary shell so you would need 9 hits out of 12 ammo to kill an arty, good luck doing that with kovtillery's accuracy that was designed for mainly hitting buildings and not one of the smallest vehicles in the game. Oh and that's against a non-mech arty. A mech arty is going to laugh all over the slow anti-vehicle DPS of the kovtillery whether it magically lands all of its inaccurate shots from 150m away or not. Now if you're talking Gamma/Beta where the kovtillery had insane damage against vehicles too and not just buildings, then yes. Hitting artillery behind cover? I highly doubt that given that kovtillery is much, much less affected by gravity than the arty/V2 projectile is. Unless you mean an arty barrel poking out from behind cover, a scenario that's pretty common and in that scenario I find the primary to be a much more reliable option because it hits exactly where you aim it - which is exactly what you need against a target that is barely much wider than an infantry unit. Good point about the kiting though. Maybe if kovtillery goes the AT shot could probably get like 5m more range and solve that problem somewhat, without again opening it up to the point of outranging pillboxes.
  14. The plan I initially put forward for them, where Allied shotgun is an armour-grinder and the Soviet shotgun is a meat-grinder, should differentiate them a fair bit in combat - more than their current identical dragonsbreaths do at least. They'll just look pretty similar. Not to mention model issues (in more than one sense). Who's going to make us a double-barreled shotgun? Do any Russian or eastern European double-barreled shotguns even exist? Even if there is an answer to both of these, it is not worth the time investment of any of our modelers unless it is absolutely necessary for us to follow through on this particular design choice. Volkov actually doesn't tread that much on the toes of the other Soviet ranged fighters IMO, and there aren't that many of them anyway: Sniper fills a role Volkov obviously will never be able to fill and shouldn't Kapitan is primarily an earlygame/no-barracks dude just like the Captain. RPG Trooper... well Volkov completely knocks him out of the park at handling ground vehicles, but he's still not heavily overshadowed by Volkov on air maps at least because he can snipe longbows and is harder for said longbows to get direct hits on. Whatever improvements occur to Volkov's intended role, it's pretty unlikely he'll completely replace the RPG. In fact, if Volkov loses his Kovtillery, the RPG will become more relevant on all non-infantry maps due to their ability to outrange pillboxes and having the safest and strongest external building damage of any Soviet infantry (a spot formerly taken by Kovtillery which was very safe and not that much worse than the RPG). So for base assault, the tradeoff between RPG's power/safety and Volkov's survivability should be a bit less of a no-brainer in that case. No Kovtillery means the RPG will always have a purpose even if Volkov gets improvements somewhere compensate for no Kovtillery. Where does this leave the mid/short-range Shock Troopers, though? Perhaps their Mechanic-countering gimmick isn't strong enough?
  15. It deals identical damage to the dragonsbreath against everything but infantry (where its total stopping power is worse to compensate for ranged headshot potential), so it is preferred for fighting against vehicles yes. In prior versions it had different vehicle health/shield behaviour to the dragonsbreath (a little better against shield and a little worse against health) but it's been simplified to just equal dragonsbreath now. Bear in mind that Starshina's overall role may not even need to be changed if Volkov becomes worse at CQC. If Allied shotgun will only have one fire mode, it stands to reason that the Soviet one should too. There is sadly not much room for thought in coming up with shotgun rounds that have some grounding in reality that don't also step on the toes of other units or cover too many roles; in the Delta prerelease, one of the considered replacements for the Remington's slug shot was a fragmentation round - which basically turned the sergeant into a combined grenadier and shotgunner. Needless to say this was shut down pretty quickly.
  16. I really want to avoid different fire modes that are simply "different damage vs X target compared to the other mode despite using identical or similar projectiles that don't communicate the difference at all" wherever I can as players have historically been very confused by them. Gamma and Reborn have shown such fire modes to be a mistake: when the phase tank's rockets were split into AT and AP, some would continue to use the AT against infantry. Which is part of why it now only fires a combined AT/AP rocket. Bear in mind this was when we had a manual that pointed out there was a difference between the fire modes too. when the AK-47 secondary fire had a pistol-esque warhead that didn't damage buildings, some would keep using it against buildings because it's faster so it must be better right?... even though they can clearly see it not budging the building's health bar at all. Which is why the secondary now deals roughly equal DPS to buildings compared to the primary fire. when the Remington slug and TOZ buckshot didn't have specialised warheads, the same thing happened. Some would use the slug against MCTs because they don't want to miss and some would use the buckshot because it does more damage to infantry right so it must do more to MCTs! Except the slug was noticeably weaker against MCTs and the buckshot did nothing like the AK secondary. Which is why they now have warheads set to make sure all shotgun fire modes kill buildings at the same speed. when the Strela didn't exist (or even the Redeye placeholder for it), the RPG-7 had an AA rocket as a secondary fire. Guess how many people didn't even know it existed since it wasn't on a separate weapon like the Redeye was? Reborn's disc thrower has separate AT and AP fire modes, like the old phase tank. I am still confused on which is supposed to be which as they look identical - again, like the old phase tank. the same issue with the RPG-7 happens with Reborn's Nod rocket soldier who also has his AT/AA on the same weapon, when the officer has AP/AA on separate weapons. Even now, some people unfamiliar with Volkov strictly use the AT primary against buildings when the trishot does more damage, and stuff like this is also why the depth charges got changed to deal just as much damage to surfaced subs as they do to submerged ones.
  17. So there's a bit of a thing involving shotgun units right now. First off, the $200 shotgunners in general. They are far better at mid-range than intended due to the strong afterburn damage that was meant to make it so they don't have to rely on headshots at close range so much. Sergeant's slug barely even matters anymore since you can easily whittle someone down at max range with burn damage if you hit at least one pellet per shot. But even then the slug is boring anyway because it's just M16 trishot++. Second, Starshina's secondary being in a weird place. In buildings it is pretty much just the dragonsbreath but better, and completely unnecessary because Soviets have so many other ways to kill someone in CQC already - the AK-47 sprayshot, the PKM's sheer dakka, the flamethrower's flamethrowerness, Volkov with his shotgun AND his nades, AP mines that prevent Soviets from having to deal with CQC situations in the first place, and even the PRIMARY fire of the starshina. And if I ever see a need to add attack dogs to the game, well, that'll be ANOTHER thing for the Soviet CQC pile. The TOZ secondary has been nerfed many many times, down from its original Beta/Gamma-era state of doing more than twice as much damage as the dragonsbreath, down to now where it only does about 20% more (when you factor in the dragonsbreath's burn), and it's STILL ridiculous. And lastly, Volkov's role just rendering so much of the rest of the Soviet infantry roster obsolete. He's not meant to be an anti-building unit, more of a "field commando" whereas Tanya is the "urban commando" - but his Kovtillery firing mode that has been hanging around since I think Beta, combined with his sheer longevity from 100 health and CQC dominance from having a shotgun and a flamethrower, is likely why he's still considered a superior choice for base assault and base invasion even when compared to the Shock Trooper and Flamethrower who have the highest MCT destruction speed of any non-C4 infantry in the game (Shock Trooper being stronger than Flamethrower but less capable of defending himself in CQC). This is all on top of the intended field dominance from his improved regeneration, having a strong alpha strike against any vehicle that he can ambush, and being able to take full advantage of cover during his 8 second reload. I'm considering tweaking the $200 shotgunners by combining the Starshina's dragonsbreath/buckshot into one "not-buckshot" firing mode that behaves identically to the dragonsbreath but without the burn, and replacing the Sergeant's firing modes with something new that Allies sorely need: a strong armour-stripper, who whether he's defending a building or getting the drop on an annoying field shocky/volkov, will be able to rapidly shred the enemy's armour to nothing - meaning even if he fails to finish the job by himself, his allies can easily pick up the pieces against enemy soldiers who've been rendered much more vulnerable to M16s, pistols, snipers and splash. And of course, like the Starshina, losing the mid-range presence that was afforded by the ability to apply burn damage. However, I am very unsure on how to make Volkov more unique, balanced and fit for purpose without taking too much from him, stepping too much on the toes of other Soviet units, or deviating even further from his intended field control role. The first step in my opinion is getting rid of Kovtillery entirely, and tweaking his AP weapons to be more fit for long-range combat than short-range (like making the AP primary more of a rifle than a shotgun) - but what else? If this much is taken away from him will he even be worth his $1500 price tag? His AT primary clearly doesn't need to be any stronger as there is already no vehicle that can stand up to him except a Phase Tank that gets lucky with tracking (or a Longbow but that's not always available), but I certainly can't make it any weaker if he's going to be losing things elsewhere. Is there anything Soviets lack he'd be able to pick up the slack in to maintain some uniqueness and even out the loss of Kovtillery - obviously excluding a C4-bot who would be OP against Allies' lack of AP mines (as he was in Gamma)? I'd rather not go the Reborn routes of making him one-per-team or unable to use vehicles; the former leads to fighting over it, and the latter is something not communicated very well in the engine (I've lost count of the amount of "why can't I use the vehicle i bought?" "because you bought a cyborg/jumpjet/commando afterwards..." chat from Reborn). Maybe Tesla Tank's phase tank detection could be moved over to him with the reasoning being AUGMENTED *snort snort*, but then he just becomes even more of a vehicle hound and one that phase tanks have a harder time of noticing and avoiding, and kinda kills phase tanks being an intended counter to him. A hard shift to pure anti-tank combat with very poor anti-personnel ability doesn't seem that befitting of a commando.
  18. Since the reserve ammo is also 0 and not just the magazine ammo, I think this may be related to another bug we thought was squashed regarding vehicle weapons not equipping properly. Try pressing 1 in the vehicle and see if you get your "ammo" back. In any case I've passed this along to moonsense, the resident AI guy.
  19. Released patch General Fixed a bunch of memory leaks. Fixed a leak involving Gap fields which was causing empty vehicles in them and anything that was in the process of stealthing/unstealthing in them to gradually hinder performance more and more throughout the course of a match. Infantry Removed accuracy penalties for the initial shots fired after exiting sprint mode. You now only get penalties from jumping/falling (including exiting a vehicle). Removed the server's "built-in" rebuy timer (the one that produced "Barracks in use" messages) as that main purpose of that is now covered by the new "no buying in combat" script. So now you should be able to buy new infantry immediately after respawning just fine (unless someone shoots you of course). Lowered the server's "built-in" refill timer (the one that only prevented you from getting multiple refills in succession) down from 15 to 5 seconds, as the main purpose of that is now covered by the new 5-second "no refilling in combat" script. Fixed assorted infantry weapons that had worse accuracy when crouchwalking/scoping than they did when standing. Medic MP5 no longer has a damage penalty against hard targets. MP5 ROF up slightly (11.25 -> 12) Medic Kit now has projectile extensions so it should be easier to hit moving teammates with. Kapitan PKM ROF up slightly (12 -> 12.5) Vehicles Ranger Some further physics tweaks, should be again less flippable. Suspension now moves again, this time without the stretching when steering, as the crippling issue mentioned in the original changelog has been fixed. Soviet Ranger ROF up slightly (12 -> 12.5) No longer has a unique armour class; takes damage exactly like a normal light vehicle instead of having a bonus vs AT mines, penalty vs Hinds, and faster meching. Demolition Truck No longer has a unique armour class; takes damage exactly like a normal light vehicle instead of dying instantly to MAD shockwaves. Minelayer AT Mine damage up from 200 to 225 (as previously 2 mines were dropping HTs to 1 health) Fixed AP mines spawning with too low health, which would cause them to take time to become hidden. Tesla Tank Reverted the change to their turret restrictions. Instead, their health has been increased slightly (200 -> 225). No longer has a unique armour class; takes damage exactly like a normal light vehicle instead of having a bonus vs tesla damage. Bots Ants Fixed AI issue where they would freeze up and fail to attack infantry that were too close to them; they will now attempt to back up if enemies are too close, and can attack infantry that are standing in or on them anyway. Can no longer be shoved by infantry. They no longer produce constant "anti-cheesing" explosions in a small radius around them as they are not needed anymore. Scout/Warrior ants will now start attacking before they have gotten in range to hit their enemy, as this reduces their stutter-stepping issue. Fire Ants will no longer launch fireballs into the sky if they decide to attack while moving backwards. Other bots Infantry bots' muzzle direction now behaves like a player's, so they will now continue to fire at their intended target instead of random directions if they aren't using the standard firing animation (like when infantry bots are set on fire/shocked, or when a Fire Ant is moving backwards) Flamethrower bot no longer has a nerfed ROF (doesn't need it since it can't cheese other bots' aiming anymore) Grenadier, Rocket Soldier, Flamethrower and Fire Ant bots will now try to aim at enemy infantry's feet for splash damage instead of trying for direct hits. Sniper and Flamethrower bots now attempt to initiate combat at the correct ranges of 250m (sniper) and 80m (flamethrower). Buildings Helipad Fixed glass somehow becoming much more opaque than it was previously (even though I hadn't touched it before) Maps Seamist Fixed placement of Soviet War Factory spy zone. Metro Fixed VIS in War Factory basements.
  20. Someone on the Allies is wishing for pre-delta unit stats that allowed spy pistols and snipers to do like 0.1 damage to vehicles
  21. Guard Duty prior to this was one of the most Allied biased maps. I'm sure they'll find a way. Fair enough. Or maybe I can stick an "Oil Pipeline Control Terminal" inside one of the Soviet buildings or near the Soviet base oil, which looks like an ore silo terminal and is just there for thieves to interact with.
  22. The extra price is mostly there so that in the super-common instant LT rush you don't get to put even more power into it by buying better infantry. Maybe on maps with slow dumps you can get a sergeant/grenadier but you'd have to rack up a lot of combat credits or have people donate credits around to be able to get a LT+cap or LT+RS on first dump. And on maps where income is decided by trickle instead of ore dumps, means Allies don't have such a big advantage in getting early tanks out. Later in the game Allies typically have money to burn so this shouldn't do much at that time except make the Medium a little more alluring, and I've seen a surprisingly small amount of Medium use...
  23. Wow I'm an idiot, I completely forgot that the original CF Complex had radar domes. When adding them in I noticed the map already had a radar spy zone set up hidden underground, so I figured that maybe I tried adding domes at some point in the past, declared effort and stopped but left the zone there, and then just forgot about it all
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