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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. That's not a "typical" pass - it's the perfect pass. I tried to account for the fact that people besides just the pros are going to want to try and use this thing. If you are lined up for clear shots, are very low to the ground, and start firing the instant the target box appears, you can use 20 bullets in one pass. If you aren't perfect, you will likely end up using somewhere between 14-17 bullets. So the way it's done now, you will pretty much always make 2 passes regardless of if you're perfect or not - unless your approach and reflexes are really bad on both tries. The way you suggest, having something like 40 bullets, means that if you have a perfect approach, you only need to make 2 passes, but if your timing and approach are even slightly off, you need to make 3 (or just give up and go home with your 1-5 remaining bullets and the shame of only having inflicted 85-95% of your maximum damage potential). Now with the system I used there is still an advantage to being skilled of course; if you make a strong 20 bullet first pass, you don't need to expose yourself as much on the second pass due to only needing to stick around long enough to fire 10 bullets, allowing you to swerve away early. And against a heavily damaged vehicle you of course stand a much better shot at outright killing the vehicle in one pass. But at least someone less skilled isn't taking a huge penalty for firing slightly less bullets on the first pass than they could have. And there's even an alternative to all this. If you don't want to fly past your target because flying too far would lead you into redeyes or AA guns, you can always fire 10 bullets as early as possible, swerve away early so that you don't run into the aforementioned AA weapons, and make 3 passes - delivering damage more slowly, but more safely.
  2. The only thing I could possibly hope for out of airplane mechanics in this engine in future is having the plane's pitch and velocity adjust appropriately for climbing and diving. Probably not to the point of being able to do completely vertical dives since that would count it as a "tipped" vehicle and kill it, but whatever. It'd look a lot better than right now where it stays completely level at all times while in flight. As it stands though it's only able to pitch when being bought due to the power of cinematics and it's only able to pitch while taxiing on the runway at high speed due to the power of suspension (yeah aircraft actually have suspension in this engine! obviously it only matters when grounded though). At the very least though, it's only a visual issue and not a gameplay one. Damn, should have known I'd forget a map. I'll fix that later.
  3. In a game yesterday I saw a couple of people swerving directly into the SAM rock to the left of the airfield while trying to take off. However I am looking at it right now trying to get it to happen and the only times I have managed to get the Yak to veer off to one side on the runway is if I decide to press the same buttons that make any vehicle veer off to a side (A/D) while accelerating, when really you should be using the rotation while stationary to line up for a straight take-off and then flying straight. It feels like people are just going out of their way to try to find new ways to fail to take-off whenever old methods are squashed I believe this new method of failure is the result of two things: its traction, which was reduced in order to allow it to taxi along the runway at high enough speed to have no chance of dying on a clean take-off, and its "yaw controller gain" which was reduced to make its banking start out slow to really give it the appropriate "flying bathtub" feel of an old prop plane (compared to the previous Yak which pretty much instantly magnetized to whatever rotation you wanted it to when making slight adjustments, feeling more like a helicopter) and make it hard to change target on the fly to something that's not directly in front of you - trouble is, that force seems to also be applied on the ground. I should be able to fix the slipperiness on the runway somewhat through higher traction but the low yaw controller will likely stay. I already have; let me know if there's an object I missed. Reading this I thought I might have forgotten to hook up the help string for the Siege cannons, but that one is definitely there (though I didn't put much effort into that particular one and it shows).
  4. Yeah, it worked for me too in testing and after deleting the keys.cfg entry and reopening the public game. But I've had reports from six people so far that the key does not work. I'm surprised you have nothing to say about the bridges themselves. They're not an addition I really wanted to make since the concrete bridges contrast so starkly with the medieval castle, but the wooden bridges simply aren't long enough to span these huge gaps and would look ridiculous if enlarged, and I couldn't really find any other feasible way to make the map less of a meatgrinder. We'll have to see how it works out though.
  5. - Subs shouldn't spaz out at low framerates anymore (issue of recent patch) and they shouldn't get stuck when repairing (issue I tried to fix but it caused that other issue to pop up in its place). Only issue now is that you may have a 1-2 second delay on being able to enter your sub if you buy it right at the pen as it will take a bit of time to "settle" to the bottom of the dock when it's bought, but it seems we just can't have everything. Unit Hint key not working is a known issue, it's supposed to automatically bind but it doesn't seem to be doing that for anyone. Until we can figure out a way to fix it you will just have to bind the key manually (Esc -> Options -> Extended Options -> Logical Keys).
  6. - Volkov AT slightly nerfed; damage is down from 60 to 55 but reloads slightly faster at 7.5 seconds instead of 8. - Playing safe with the minelayer tweak; AP mines can now only be survived by Captains/Medics.
  7. Another part of it is to give another method for people to thumb their nose at some killwhoring jerk who's laying AP mines around Allied buildings instead of trying to win the game, especially if Allies can't get engys. A Captain can just walk out of a door, survive a mine, go back in, refill, and repeat until he either meets resistance or hits 2 mines at once, the latter of which would again be a risky strategy to employ in forward mining due to the lower limits. I made sure that this new system wouldn't directly affect any of the units who REALLY want to get around AP mines (engies, thieves, tanyas) for reasons that should be fairly obvious.
  8. Hopefully making the loaded APC rush a thing again for more than just Guard Duty. Remember that Rifle Soldiers, Starshinas, Grenadiers, V2 splash through walls, and Volkov (if you can land your slow-ROF shots at close range) annihilate unarmoured troops in buildings - and in turn, Sergeants and Captains get very little bonus damage against unarmoured troops so the high-health no-armour Grenadiers can be a surprisingly good counter here. So this shouldn't be a massive concern unless they're backed up by a medic's healing and anti-splash power, and if that happens then I guess I've finally succeeded at making the medic useful on vehicle maps and making the APC useful on non-air vehicle maps, and even if they both have to be combined to do something, that's still better than the previous state of "why do these units even exist". Mechanics aren't intended to benefit from this, they just do because they have more than 110 combined armour+health (140). Your concern is noted though, I may have overtuned it a bit, especially with the more stringent mine limits. If the sergeant flood does turn out to be a big concern I can dial the damage up enough for it to kill sergeants/mechanics (140) but not captains/medics (160), which should help a little without defeating the point as captains are a little harder to spam due to price and speed, don't do as much damage to buildings, and are prided mainly on their durability which is a moot point when mines make them naked.
  9. Driftstroyer is the final boss of APB. Trust me.
  10. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Can you tell I'm running out of things to say in these? There's still more coming up, like the Chronotank and RockTrap overhaul, but I didn't want to put this patch off any longer. Enjoy! (.1 and .2 are just to fix some post-release issues) General Bullet ricochet sound radius up (15 -> 20m) You can now learn some basic information about your unit by pressing H. Crosshair is now dynamic; the less accurate your weapon, the more its lines move away from the dot. Jumping/falling will produce a considerable effect here, and with some weapons, crouching. This should make it a lot more obvious that these accuracy penalties/bonuses are in play. Flashing effect for the out of bounds zone is now less harsh (opacity was previously 0.3 or 0.4 varying between maps; is now 0.2 for all) Your team's mine count is now displayed on the HUD. Mine limit now ranges from 20-60 depending on the map (lower tech level, size, number of buildings = lower mine limit) instead of being 60 for all maps. Here's a list of all the maps' new mine limits. Use !mlimit ingame if you forget. 20 mines: Seamist 30 mines: Canyon River, Metro, Pipeline, Under 40 mines: Bonsai, Camos Canyon, Coastal Influence, Complex, Keep off the Grass, North by Northwest, Zama 50 mines: Stormy Valley, Ridge War 60 mines: Siege, To the Core Infantry Human animations have partially been fixed. Right now only injury animations are back, but in future we may see the return of idle animations, and the taunts/emotes that existed in Beta. Grenadier Back to its old durability system of having 80 health with no armour. Now has a limited pistol so that it has some option for point-blank infantry engagements. Grenades are equal for both teams; Soviet now has the direct damage of the Allied one (50 -> 45), and Allied now has the splash damage of the Soviet one (30 -> 37.5) Splash radius up (7m -> 8m) Damage to buildings up (0.25 -> 0.3) Damage to vehicle shields up (0.9 -> 1 for light, 0.7 -> 0.8 for heavy, 0.5 -> 0.6 for mammoth) Grenades more affected by gravity. No longer explodes on death. Medic Medic Kit has returned to the old area-of-effect, over-time heal that can be interrupted by Flamethrowers and doesn't affect other Medics. Armour Cache has been nerfed for anti-infantry purposes but boosted for anti-vehicle; while it still prevents armour loss from non-fire weapons and thus prevents the possibility of your men becoming extra exposed to rifles/pistols, it doesn't have additional small arms damage reduction on top of that anymore. Instead, it's returned to its old system of only being effective against indirect explosive attacks - but it's now somewhat more effective against them; most forms of explosive splash damage are reduced by 80%. Fire, electric, nuclear, C4 and AP mine damage are still unaffected. Rifle Soldier Damage to base defenses down by 20%. Shock Trooper Splash damage to infantry down (7.5 -> 5) Direct hit damage to infantry up (20 -> 25); DOT duration down from 2 to 1 second (harder to interrupt) Speed up (6.5 -> 7m/s; now "average") Health down (70 -> 60) Tanya Points value down (100 -> 75) New gun sound. Volkov No longer has napalm or trishot attacks. AT cannon damage down (70 -> 60) AT cannon warhead changed (Sabot -> Shell) - this is the same warhead as the Light Tank, so it is less effective vs heavy/superheavy vehicle shields, but better against buildings (its anti-building DPS is now on par with an RPG). AT cannon range up (90 -> 100m) AT cannon ROF up (0.75/s -> 1) AT cannon now has no splash damage. Shotgun replaced with a slug rifle; range up (60 -> 100m), damage down (50 -> 22.5), ROF up (1.5 -> 2/sec), inaccuracy down (3 -> 0), velocity up (250 -> 1000m/s). Poor for close combat; keep your distance and snipe stuff. Now receives the same damage from anti-tank weapons that everyone else does. Can't be tracked by homing missiles anymore. Can now only receive a maximum of 25 damage from a single fall instead of 50. Speed up (7 -> 7.5m/s; now "fast") Price down (1750 -> 1500) New death sounds. A-Bomb Flare Damage down (1000 -> 800); now needs to be a little closer to buildings to one-shot them, so it'll be harder to take down an entire base in one go. Vehicles Neutral vehicles Can now be sold for money at the Service Depot; Supply Truck 75, Cargo Truck 350, Mobile AA Gun 300, Mobile Construction Vehicle 1000 Respawn times increased; Forklift/Supply Truck 30s -> 60s, Cargo Truck 30s -> 3m, Mobile AA Gun 2m -> 3m, Mobile Construction Vehicle 5m -> 10m Minelayer AP mines are no longer an instant kill to ALL infantry - they now deal 110 damage with 0% armour penetration, or instakill you if you don't have armour. This only makes a difference for Mechanics, Sergeants, Captains and Medics who are now able to survive a single mine from full health+armour, but will be left injured and completely unarmoured afterwards. The Medic's Armour Cache does not reduce health damage from mines or make armour immune to mine damage like it did in older versions, but it'll at least allow a group of infiltrators (if they only get hit by one mine) to regain enough armour to benefit from armour's damage reduction properties against other weapons. Mobile Artillery Fixed position of front lamps (they were slightly floating). Now comes in forest/desert/urban/snow camo variants. No longer benefits from the "base defenses take more damage with less players" system (as it allowed V2s to 2-shot pillboxes and they share the same damage type) Mobile Radar Jammer Cannot be deployed in mid-air or on the sides of cliffs anymore. Prints a chat message to your team when in range of the enemy Radar Dome. Ore Truck Value of higher-end resources is reduced; mixed ore/gems are worth 525 instead of 700, and pure gems are 1050 instead of 1400. This also means the Soviet default economy on KOTG/RidgeWar are weaker. Ranger Soviet Rangers no longer get targeted by defenses when stolen by a spy. Allied version now comes in forest/desert/urban/snow camo variants. V-2 Launcher No longer benefits from the "base defenses take more damage with less players" system (as it allowed V2s to 2-shot pillboxes) Submarines Much more resistant to tilting; they should now be completely level at all times, which should stop them from getting stuck when re-entering a Sub Pen for repairs. Having only the periscope above water no longer counts as surfaced; you have to go all the way up to the surface, which should stop torpedoes from "missing" boats by going under them. Climb/dive speed increased by about 35%. When diving, there is now a 2 second delay before you gain underwater damage resistance bonuses; this means bobbing up and down between shots for invincibility time is no longer a viable cheese tactic against boats (it's still possible but it would drastically slow down your damage output if you wanted to do it). Attack Sub price down (550 -> 450) Missile Sub price up (950 -> 1150) Missile Sub range up (160 -> 170m) Aircraft Now have Red Alert-esque "generic" names just like ground units do, instead of their "real" name (AH-64 Longbow -> Longbow Helicopter, Mi-24 Hind -> Hind Gunship, Yakovlev Yak-9P -> Yak Attack Plane) Yak Now flies forward automatically while airborne (cruise control). So you no longer need to keep a button held to avoid death, meaning you can chat freely and won't be screwed if your game window loses focus, and you can't "kill your engines" in flight to quickly deny the enemy a kill at any time. No longer able to gain altitude while on the airfield. So no more accidentally trying to treat it like a helicopter and instantly dying. Control scheme adjusts slightly depending on if you are taxiing (on the runway) or cruising (airborne). While taxiing, W accelerates (just like it does for everything else) and S descends and decelerates (but cannot reverse). While cruising, W ascends and S descends. Since you have to hold W to leave the runway properly, this will create a smooth transition into ascending while automatically cruising - and since you have to hold S to land, this will create a smooth transition into stopping on the runway. Just in case you're wondering why the controls aren't inverted. Is now much more stable when trying to turn around on the runway; you should never end up accidentally flipping over when doing so, even if you're not holding the descent key at the same time. Unfortunately the stability measures in the vehicle physics do slow down its rotation somewhat but it's better than worrying about flipping. No longer gets targeted by SAMs when stolen by a spy. Removed the enlarged in-flight hitbox. Max speed down (~44 -> 40m/s) Build limit down to 2. Can no longer fire while grounded. Now has limited ammo and must refill at the Airfield. Carries a total of 30 rounds. Damage output in a single pass is no longer limited by magazine capacity; your full ammo loadout is now all in one magazine, so if you are able to line up multiple targets, you can hit them all in one strafe with all of your ammo. However, against a single target like one building/arty that you want to focus on, you will still need to make multiple passes in order to use all your ammo. If there are no terrain obstacles or other Yaks hindering your approach and you get the timing down you should be able to use up to about 20 of your 30 rounds at a time against one stationary target. Gun vertical tilt restrictions loosened from -22.5/7.5 to -25/25 (so now it has an easier time of hitting longbows that decide to go above it) Role overhauled; it's now more of a base assault and anti-infantry unit than an arty hunter. One Yak can do about 45% damage to a main building (except CY) with all its ammo, only taking slightly more time to use all its ammo than a Longbow would - so it's basically the Soviet equivalent to the Longbow in this regard, except even with 2 they need some ground support to finish the job. Being able to fire as many bullets as possible before passing their target also greatly helps their damage output against infantry. However, they are somewhat weaker against vehicles than before, and can't kill a full-health artillery in one pass. The exception is against Rangers and Longbows, which they can easily decimate in one pass if they can hit them. Buildings AA Gun Damage down (60 -> 50 vs helis, 60 -> 37.5 vs planes) Rotation speed doubled. Airfield Maintenance for landed planes (repair/refill/sell) is no longer available when the Airfield is destroyed. Can no longer be used to sell helicopters. Repairs are no longer automatic and free; they work just like Service Depot repairs, but unlike an SD multiple planes are still allowed to repair at the same time. Allied planes can no longer use it to repair. However, they can use it to refill ammo, so a spy can still wreak a decent amount of havoc if he's allowed to. Barracks On infantry-only maps (currently only Wasteland but will apply to future inf maps too) it has 40% less health and grants twice as many points when destroyed compared to normal. Radar Dome Airdrop price reduced (150% of the vehicle's War Factory price instead of 200%) Can now call in Ore Truck airdrops. SAM Site Damage down (75 -> 65) Tesla Coil Range vs vehicles down (160 -> 150m) Bots Can now buy infantry that don't require a Barracks (Sergeant, Captain, Grenadier) if the Barracks is dead. Grenadier bots now hold their weapons properly. No longer get stuck shooting Construction Yard exteriors after they're destroyed. Group rushes start faster. Better at getting into vehicles. Maps Canyon River Reduced trees in lower route. Coastal Influence Remade the island to have a wider vehicle route and a much lower altitude; passing naval units can now fight vehicles on the island and vice versa. Added more defenses to island route, and in positions that are harder to abuse. Soviet base no longer has a height advantage. Allied land route has much fewer defenses. "External" SDs are closer to the base. Ore Silos are more sheltered. Added new piers. Guard Duty Allies now have a Construction Yard instead of a Radar Dome. (Radar Dome's "backup WF" nature basically never mattered due to the WF having a really sheltered position compared to the dome's. And just like the dome, an Allied CY was also in the mission this map's based on.) Allies now only have 1 AA Gun and it's on the War Factory roof, where it's harder to kill, but doesn't protect nearly as much of the base as the old layout did. Added an extra flame tower by the Soviet Refinery. The mountains around the south side of the Soviet Airfield are gone to make it easier for Yaks to take off and land from that direction, and for the new flame tower to do its job. Reopened the northern mountain infantry route into the Soviet base, since sneaks at the south aren't really possible anymore due to the new terrain layout. The ledge with the tree and the bush on the mountain between the Soviet Refinery and central river is no longer accessible. Both Soviet river banks have been narrowed a bit so Allied vehicles have to expose themselves and drive up onto land to attack flame towers. Fixed V2 rockets glitching through water. Keep off the Grass Moved frontal Flame Towers a bit further away from base. Allied WF turret has been moved up to the hill between the WF/barracks - so it's a bit more exposed because it's further from the base, but it should actually be able to hit enemy units now and not be a pain to repair because you don't have to jump to repair it. Lunar Paradox No longer has the restriction on donations that normal maps have. (Both because it's not a serious map and because the map constantly causes the server bot to die, which resets the timer for enabling donations when the bot comes back.) LST physics are unfucked, shouldn't get stuck on everything anymore. Pimpin Ranger is more lowridery; when idle its chassis is about as low as it can go without clipping through the tires, its suspension only becoming exposed when accelerating or decelerating - even a slight tap is enough to get a good bounce out of it. Pimpin Ranger has proper LeanK settings which should make it more resistant to self-tipping. Added a new vehicle to each team: Rangerhead for the Allies, and Flammoth Tank for the Soviets. As for what these units do, you'll have to find out yourself. They show up on the sidebar as the more expensive unit that's using the ranger/mammoth icon; the old Pimpin' Ranger/Micro Mammoth are the cheaper ones. Chrono Dust Blower's warping has been upgraded to a newer, more instant system. Metro Removed blocker around the "unfinished" building with the forklift (you still can't drive it) Rangers can't ramp over the hedgehogs anymore. North by Northwest Fixed spikiness of the central hill. Allies' frontal defenses are now 2 pillboxes/1 turret instead of 2 turrets/1 pillbox. Pipeline Oils are only worth 2 creds/second instead of 2.5. Adjusted position of Allied coastal pillbox and nearby cover so that heavy tanks can't hide from it and infantry are less protected. Seamist Cutscene Cruisers have been fixed, they actually attack the Soviet base now. Cutscene Cruisers now also deal damage to ground vehicles if any happen to be caught in the path of their shells; still completely harmless to infantry though. Cutscene Destroyers no longer snipe air units; they're just there for show. Added cutscene Gunboats too; also just for show. Spies can no longer crash the game by trying to infiltrate a Refinery that doesn't exist. Siege Added extra ground routes in the form of bridges going over the river, connecting the behind-castle route to each team's Radar Dome. The base walls close to these routes have been opened up and an additional base defense has been added to guard them (Flame Tower for Soviets, Pillbox for Allies) Tesla Coil is moved closer to the Conyard so that it doesn't cover the Soviet bridge. Stormy Valley Fixed infantry collision on the girder ramp in the Allied ore field. Fixed small portion of the out-of-bounds area that played the sound every frame. To the Core Church door now repels all heathen machines (except our lord and saviour Volkov). [blurb]Can you tell I'm running out of things to say in these? There's still more coming up, like the Chronotank and RockTrap overhaul, but I didn't want to put this patch off any longer. Enjoy![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.8.png[/thumb]
  11. Pushwall

    VIS issues

    Changed Status to Fixed
  12. When you try to fix the "Seamist's cruisers don't attack the Soviet base" bug but forget to turn off friendly fire. And forget to put the cruisers in a position that doesn't cause missed shots against the Soviet base to fly towards the Allied base instead.
  13. Are you sure it's not just always been that way? No change in that department has ever been consciously made on my end for those vehicles and the reverse steering of the supply truck is exactly the same now as it was in Gamma, Beta, etc. It's the gunboat/destroyer and forklift that steer differently since they use rear wheel steering. If the ST reverse steering ever became different then it must have been a scripts bug that occurred behind the scenes and then got fixed behind the scenes.
  14. I wasn't even aware that was possible, the fork isn't even supposed to have collision and the building's collision helper box should be preventing things from touching it anyway.
  15. Please keep your eyes peeled to see if he excessively teamhampers while muted, given this being noted in the OP already + his level of salt, I wouldn't be surprised.
  16. Since we covered this again a few weeks ago I might as well repost some stuff that came up. KillsPerGame isn't mentioned in this report but it definitely needs to go down, most people who aren't in the top 20 have trouble meeting 4 kills per match and it probably encourages killwhoring. So it could go down to 3 or maybe even 2.5. Another possibility is making it so that "kills" for rank-ups count kills against vehicles as well as kills against infantry; if that can be done, the kills per game count should go up to 5 since vehicles account for about half of units destroyed. Definitely agreed on reducing ScorePerGame and Games, though I have a different table for games which produces the early results a little earlier so that newbies notice ranks earlier: 0 15 35 60 90 125 165 210 260 320 390 475 575 700 850 1025 1250
  17. On players' individual stat pages, the unit stats page, and the unit ladder, all units except the Yak are missing their icons.
  18. Unit Stats tracks every single vehicle/building object in the game that can be destroyed/removed over the course of a match, instead of just the ones that are actual gameplay units that players can use. Looking at it right now at the very top I can see the AI repair targets, Lunar Paradox units, "null", mines (which don't actually make kills themselves), binocular markers, falling aircraft objects... the list goes on.
  19. Caught him again tonight being the endless whiner, told him to stop, and he only stopped for 1 game (in which his non-whining may have been motivated purely by the fact that his team was carrying the shit out of him) and then he returned to whining afterwards. Muted for 2 weeks.
  20. So I'm thinking of giving the Volkov overhaul another try, following similar philosophy to the "failed" one but with some important tweaks. A little history: At the outset of Delta, I kept Volkov as basically the same unit that he was in Gamma/Beta because I just had no clue how to fix him - even after Pyryle's unofficial patch removed his C4, he was still far superior to the Shock Trooper in almost every way. I then added some extra stuff to make him more counterable. Now fast forward to the more recent patches where I've been trying to employ the philosophies of "Shock Trooper has the damage, Volkov has the field longevity" and "Tanya is the urban commando, Volkov is the field commando". There are 2 problems with these philosophies: 1. Volkov takes more damage from anti-tank weapons than other infantry do A feature that's been inherent to Volkov for longer than I've even been playing APB, I don't have enough old versions lying around to have an accurate idea of when and why this became a thing, all I know is that it doesn't exist in .9935 but it does in Beta and stayed ever since. It may have been inspired by Tiberian Sun where cyborgs don't go prone when under fire (massively weakening them against AT units) because nobody bothered to install Fear Simulator or Self-Preservation Simulator on them. Or maybe it's a "Volkov's a walking tank, so use anti-tank" thing. Now due to tank cannons being affected by gravity in Delta, and Volkov being one of the many infantry benefiting from increased range, it's hard for many AT units to exploit this weakness without luckshots (let's be fair here: unless your enemy has no idea how to dodge, you're not getting direct LT/MT/LAW hits with any degree of reliability). This benefit is mostly enjoyed by Longbows, Phases and Destroyers - which brings us to point 2. But first, a sort of sidetrack Gamma rant for those who care. 2. Volkov can be locked onto by homing weapons, other infantry cannot A Delta addition (or subtraction); around 2015 a scripts addition made it so that devs could choose what units are vulnerable to lock-on, instead of the original engine default of all of them being vulnerable. So in APB it got removed from various immobile objects because nobody likes bringing a Longbow to a Tesla Coil and having the rockets home towards the very bottom of the coil and hit the ground as a result, and removed from infantry as part of the "Make Regular Infantry Great (but not Again because they never were in the first place)" agenda. Volkov, however, deliberately stayed lockable to make him less difficult to counter, and because he's part machine. Both of these features combine to make his field longevity (i.e. against tanks which are what he mainly faces out there), while better than the shock's, not nearly as superior as his health says - in fact it can even be worse if the Allies have massed Longbows/Phases. Whereas his urban longevity is always ahead of the rest of the Soviet flock due to a combination of having the highest health/armour pool, not having to worry about his lock-on/AT weakness inside buildings, and having probably the best CQC weapon in the game for handling a lone target or a tightly packed group: the napalm grenades. Even the trishot can be a surprising emergency melee weapon if your AP is empty because it's a shotgun spray of 3 projectiles, doing about 10 a piece each if they hit and 50 on a headshot. All of this undermines the whole "field commando" thing and is likely a big contributor to why he just ended up being preferred as an uber infiltrator. (Higher price + slight all-around nerfs have reduced that but he's still ultimately just a better shock trooper except in the fringe circumstances that exploit his few weaknesses.) So, maybe removing these aspects - meaning he'll take just as much damage from AT weapons as anyone else will (and survive better due to more health), and be much harder for longbows/phases/destroyers to randomly one-shot. So the field durability against vehicles will be real and Allies will want to bring their anti-infantry game. But his offensive capabilities will be somewhat toned down again, being reduced down to just 2 firing modes: AT with slightly better range and trishot-esque anti-building damage but reduced capabilities against heavy vehicles, and... not 100% sure what to do for an AP weapon. Perhaps a hitscan Tanya pistol esque cannon, giving him competent mid-range without being completely ridiculous at point-blank like the napalm grenades? Or replace the napalm grenades with something that he has an excuse to be weak against (god knows what though) so you can't spam it inside buildings? And of course removing his other fire modes (the trishot and whichever AP mode is furthest from the new one), raising his speed again and dropping the price. With real durability vs tanks combined with the speed and range, and not having the horrible damage of the "failed" attempt at new Volkov that wasn't even good against light vehicles, he should hopefully still have his place over the shock trooper when circumstances call for defense over offense or Allies are spamming lights/phases instead of meds/APCs.
  21. Great timing For the past couple days I've gotten another error trying to connect to the APB server box. Einstein believes this to be a CredSSP issue so I guess it's the same deal. Cheers for the heads up!
  22. Also the airfield tower extending halfway across one of the runway lanes... no thanks, Yak pilots seem to be having enough trouble as it is
  23. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilt_(poker) This applies to online gaming too, TL;DR more frustration = worse plays, and you did seem to be becoming worse at combat each time I killed you, and eventually making downright bad decisions like buying a sniper for close quarters combat when you know your enemy is a volkov. The quick answer to your gameplay problems and your moderation problems is try not to get frustrated so much, not sure how easy it is though. I can't really help you there. Another player who was teamhampering, don't worry about it.
  24. You're lucky you don't get a longer ban for being so disingenuous on the first point. This is not one isolated incident. Ever since your mute, every time we are ingame together on the same team, you constantly harass me, and only me, by following me around the base to non-stop fire bullets at me or constantly throw C4 on me when I am trying to think and when other members of the team are trying to not have a heart attack over potential enemy C4 threats (such as what happened today on pacific threat). You were similarly annoying last time you were muted too, and you don't do any of this when you aren't muted. It is clearly targeted and done for the express purpose of continuing to be an annoying shithead because being muted deprives you of your usual option of filling the chat feed with keyboard mashing. Nobody else shoots teammates nearly as much. Pretty sure nobody told you to jump up and down on thin ice and here you are complaining about what happens when you do. Funny part is your original post makes absolutely no mention of the mute that's been in place for almost a week, only the ban that you just got today, and yet the mute is in the thread title, as if it wasn't obvious enough to me already that you wouldn't have been doing this shit if you weren't muted. Also you have never complained about being C4ed, at least not when I'm around to hear it, here's the few times you've even mentioned C4 in the past 6 months (which is as far as I can be bothered to check): Jan 08 00:40:00 <Volkov> catting: also i c4s urkas flamer Feb 01 21:28:17 <Volkov> catting: hey i once c4d a submarine As for Justas, a whole one incident not being your fault does not vindicate you for everything else. The second half of that log isn't even relevant to this, it's about Mihai.
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