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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update When the idea of tweaking rooftop access routes came to mind, I figured I might as well get a hell of a lot more map/building-related stuff done too so that it doesn't have to be done later and make you guys redownload all the maps even more times. So apologies for the long wait, but it should be worth it! [blurb]When the idea of tweaking rooftop access routes came to mind, I figured I might as well get a hell of a lot more map/building-related stuff done too so that it doesn't have to be done later and make you guys redownload all the maps even more times. So apologies for the long wait, but it should be worth it![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.5.png[/thumb] General You no longer get a "sticky" hitmarker if you directly hit someone with a weapon that inflicts afterburn damage (fire/shock) Shrunk bullet tracers 30%. Made the radar marker for A-Bomb flares larger. Infantry The limitation against combat refilling has been expanded to prevent purchase of ALL infantry during infantry combat, not just free ones. Hiding on radar now takes 5 seconds instead of 3. Jogging speeds have been increased by 0.5m/s (so all infantry are now one "tier" faster than before when jogging, e.g. rocket soldiers jog as fast as rifles used to, rifles as fast as sergeants used to, and sergeants a little faster). Sprinting speeds are the same as before. Fast Regen Bois (and girls) These infantry now have to wait 30 seconds to start regeneration just like everyone else, but they now heal 10 HP/sec instead of their old settings (5 for Tanya/Volkov, and the "staggered" heal of the Medic) Repairmen Repair tool takes 50% more time to capture capturable buildings. Golden Wrench takes 25% less time to capture. (Don't mind its 100 ammo, this is just to aid its capture rate due to the way the capture script works; it still has 10 seconds of charge and repairs/disarms things at the same rate it did before.) Flamethrower Range down (100 -> 80m) Health down (60 -> 50) Splash radius reduced (8.5 -> 7m) Splash damage reduced (30 -> 25) Burn-over-time effect now has better DPS (1 instead of 0.75) but a shorter duration (10 -> 5 seconds). So it's a little more impactful for direct combat and flushing people out of cover, but worse at slowing down enemy regen and preventing infantry purchases. Projectile gravity effect doubled (0.25 -> 0.5) Projectile damage multiplier to infantry drastically reduced (0.5 -> 0.2). Projectile damage multiplier to base defenses and MCTless structures down (0.3 -> 0.25); is now identical to damage dealt to building exteriors. Projectile damage multiplier to MCTs up (0.35 -> 0.375), a 7.1% improvement; damage to MCTs is now on par with that of a Sergeant/Starshina. Accuracy penalties for jumping increased, now sprays even more wildly than a jumping Sniper. No longer takes reduced damage from direct flamethrower hits. Infantry armour shredding capability up (75% -> 100%). But be careful not to destroy your own armour too. Reduced strength of particle effects. Grenadier Now has armour, but health is down (80 -> 50). This improves their survivability against most things - especially the explosive splash of tanks and themselves - but weakens them against heavy machineguns and non-bullet/non-explosive based weaponry. Grenade range down (80 -> 70m) Grenade projectile velocity down (75 -> 50m/s) Price up (150 -> 200). Mechanic Move speed down to average, same as a rifle/tech (was fast, same as medic/tanya) Medic Medic Kit now acts like the Repair Tool/Golden Wrench in that you have to hold LMB or RMB constantly to heal someone, and you have to be directly targeting them. This means that it no longer applies a "fire and forget" effect that allows you to gun people down while teammates continue healing in the background (you'll still see the red crosses effect against someone you're focusing healing on though), it now only affects one person at a time, and its effectiveness is drastically reduced while bunnyhopping. Medic Kit healing rate increased; now heals 20HP/sec instead of 10. (Still, bear in mind it can only target one person and you can't heal and shoot at the same time.) Medic Kit now affects other Medics again. However, its healing rate against them is only 20% of normal (4HP/sec). Medic Kit no longer cancels burning/shocking (since it doesn't apply an afterburn-type heal effect). However in turn it is also no longer cancelled by them. Health down (90 -> 80). Armour Cache smoke is thinner and slightly more blue, so it should be harder to mistake for an A-Bomb flare and less obstructive indoors. Armour Cache, in addition to its previous explosive splash resistance, gives all friendly armoured infantry (including the medic of course) a flat 20% reduction against ALL other damage types, except AP mines/fire/electric/environment damage. This is on top of what normal armour already gives you - and like before, doesn't affect anyone who doesn't use armour (sniper/tanya/thief). Armour Cache effect radius down (30 -> 25m) Shock Trooper Health up (70 -> 80) Sniper Price down (650 -> 600) Health down (90 -> 80) ROF up (0.5 -> 0.75) Enfield now has a bolt action sound. Standing/jogging inaccuracy reduced (0.1 -> 0.05) No longer has a severe inaccuracy (0.33) if you walk while scoping (this was a bug, this inaccuracy was only supposed to be added to crouchwalking where it would become a mere 0.03 due to the crouch bonus) Crouchwalking inaccuracy removed (0.03 -> 0) Range down (300 -> 250m) Firing sound radius down (300 -> 225m) Spy Backup relay from infiltrating Radar Dome now lasts 6 minutes (was 5). Infiltrating the Refinery no longer tells you how much money the Soviet team has (that isn't very helpful anyway). Instead, the spy sabotages the refining process - the next load of resources dumped at the Refinery (whether it's from a player or AI ore truck) will be ruined, giving the enemy no credits. Like the Radar Dome ability, this has a cooldown period of 6 minutes. Unlike the other infiltration abilities, this one has a chargeup time - the spy must stick close to the refinery's MCT for 10 seconds in order to sabotage it. Can no longer "infiltrate" Ore Silos. Infiltrating the Barracks/War Factory no longer floods the chat with notifications of what vehicles/infantry the Soviet team has (as that doesn't tell the Allies much anyway). Instead, the unit report causes all of the appropriate Soviet units to become visible on global radar, marked by blue magnifying glasses (I wanted to do red chevrons or something red but that's kinda difficult since then it'd make the markers visible to the Soviets). These markers remain visible for 15 seconds. Infiltrating the Barracks will reveal all Soviet infantry who are not in a vehicle (even if they are sneaking), and infiltrating the War Factory will reveal all Soviet ground vehicles (including cloaked ones if Soviets happen to get a hold of an MGG/Phase). Aircraft cannot be marked in this way, and watercraft are marked elsewhere. Be sure to infiltrate the Soviet radar beforehand if your own radar is down! Can now infiltrate Submarine Pens. Doing so provides a similar effect to the new Barracks/War Factory infiltration, except it reveals Soviet watercraft (LSTs, submarines and stolen boats) and the markers stay visible for 1 minute. Infiltrating a Missile Silo gives a less ambiguous message for the spy: "Soviet A-Bomb preparations reset", matching up with the "A-Bomb preparations reset" the Soviets get, instead of the previous "Launch Sabotaged" (I have no idea what the Gamma APB team were thinking there since he only resets the terminal countdown and not any actual launches...) All infiltration abilities now have a small trigger zone like the War Factory one; they now require the spy to get close to the MCT, instead of just being anywhere in the building that's on the same level as the MCT. (Excluding the Missile silo which, like it did previously, still requires the spy to press E on the A-Bomb purchase terminal.) All spies now have 70 health. (Was 60 for armoured spies, 80 for unarmoured) Rifle/Shock spy now have "fake armour" - a whole 0.7 points (1% of their health) which will immediately dissipate when shot by pretty much anything (though it does protect these two spies from basic splash damage as long as it remains unbroken). This is there so that they still have an armour bar so that they look "legit" when an enemy targets them, but they still have practically the same level of durability as the techie/sniper spy, and still communicates to the spy himself that he should not be relying on his armour (which wouldn't work if he had 70 armour that just didn't protect against anything). Shock spy is no longer immune to electric splash damage. Thief Fixed bug where the 3-second stealing countdown would keep going if you left the stealing zone, which allowed you to get a quick steal as long as you managed to make it back into the stealing zone before the countdown hit 0. Now you have to stay in the stealing zone for the whole 3 seconds. Now has to be close to the Refinery MCT to steal, not anywhere on the second floor. Vehicles Ranger Is now much, MUCH harder to flip over (still possible though so don't go out of your way to do stupid stuff). Small rocks in the field are no longer its bane. Is no longer a god at climbing near-vertical cliffs. Suspension no longer stretches in stupid ways when steering. (However, now it just doesn't move at all. For those who weren't on Discord when it came up, fixing the suspension to move properly without stretching caused the Ranger to drive insanely fast in reverse.) Minelayer Overhauled pretty much all the warhead resistances for landmines. TL;DR they're more vulnerable to bullet-slinging infantry, a little less vulnerable to splash damage, and resistance to bullet-slinging vehicles and direct hits from anti-tank weapons is barely changed. Light Tank Price up (700 -> 800) Tesla Tank Can now aim 135 degrees to either side (was 90). So its blind spot is narrower, allowing it to better counter the flanky things it's intended to counter (such as phases and longbows) Its "barrel" now starts at the edge of the dome instead of the middle. This gives it one whole extra metre of range! Yay! Gunboat Depth charges now damage surfaced subs and other boats, and no longer damage any ground units. Depth charge ROF increased (1 per 2 seconds instead of per 2.5 seconds) Depth charge damage decreased (140 -> 100). Their DPS is now identical to the main gun so against a surfaced sub you don't have to worry about favouring one weapon over the other, just don't use the main gun on deep subs. Depth charge range decreased (150m -> 110m, about the same as the main gun horizontally but can get more reach against things that are underwater) Cannon damage decreased (70 -> 62.5) Cannon ROF increased (1 per 1.333 seconds -> 1 per 1.25, DPS -5% due to lower damage) Gun elevation restrictions are tighter; can only fire 10 degrees up and 20 degrees down (was 22.5 up 37.5 down) Destroyer Depth charges now damage surfaced subs and other boats. Depth charge damage decreased (140 -> 100). Depth charges ROF greatly decreased (1 per 6 seconds instead of per 2.5 seconds) Attack Sub Torpedo velocity increased (62.5 -> 75m/s) Yak Now uses normal Splash warhead instead of SplashFire; base damage is adjusted (10 -> 20) so that its base damage output against armoured infantry is unchanged. So it no longer has the extremely lenient afterburn effect for so much as a single splash hit, and the Medic's Armour Cache can make an impact against its damage output. Now has a larger hitbox while in flight. Damage to Wood destructibles (like Siege's scaffolding) halved. Just like the Longbow/Hind it no longer deals extra damage to base defenses at low player counts. Damage to all buildings up (0.25 -> 0.28), a 12% increase. Damage to heavy vehicle armour up (0.4 -> 0.5), a 20% increase. Range up (110 -> 120m). Buildings Insignias on team-locked doors no longer have physical collision (this was causing the doors to be jammable, particularly with the new roof doors) Advanced Sub Pen Raised the "gate" at the front slightly. Reshaped the submarine blockers to fix the following issues: Moving a sub out of the dock no longer forces it to dive to a depth where it can't hit boats from; this made it hard for newly bought subs to fight against gunboats. If someone parks and ejects a sub in the spawn point, it will now only take about 5-10 seconds instead of a whole minute or so to "settle" into a position where it can be re-entered safely. Airfield Moved one of the rooftop antennae to block infantry from being able to run a circle around the roof door, so Allies hiding up there can't just juke hinds etc forever. Added a small length of chainlink fence around the depot. Added Raap's exterior texture overhaul. Upgraded the comms dish on the rooftop to the same one from the Radar Dome/Advanced Naval Yard, but scaled up 50%. Barracks For Allied barracks, added wooden supports to the interior so that the tarps aren't "floating". Fixed black void around Allied Armoured Corps poster. Fixed vehicle blockers at the entrances floating slightly (which may have contributed to vehicles getting stuck there) Added filler inside the walls to make it harder to see things on the other side by camera clipping. Construction Yard Added extra access routes to the different rooftop areas: a team-locked elevator in the side area that leads to the roof, and some ramps connecting the roof of the side area to the roof of the main door. Texturing on the roof of the side area is slightly less ass. Missile Silo EVA now prints notifications in chat for ready flares, taken flares and spy sabotage in addition to the voices that were there before. Added a PCT in the basement by the elevator (no spawn point down there though). Power Plant Added extra access routes to the rooftop: a pair of team-locked elevators that go up to team-locked doors connected to the middle of the roof. Added PCTs up on the catwalks between the elevator and roof door (no spawn points up there though). Radar Dome Added some additional vehicle blockers around the entrance and ramps, hopefully this should be the end of tanks getting stuck on absolutely nothing there. Sadly you can't drive rangers up the ramps anymore but sacrifices have to be made. Added filler inside the walls to prevent seeing things on the other side by camera clipping. Refinery Added an extra access route to the rooftop: a team-locked door above the MCT. Added filler inside the walls to prevent seeing things on the other side by camera clipping. Repair buildings Ground/air vehicle repair costs 50% of the vehicle's price just like naval vehicles (was 25%) Vehicles are repaired at 7.5% health/armour per second (was 10% for both SD and naval buildings) Naval repair zones now disappear when the building is destroyed. Sub Pen Added grating between the two solid walkways so it's much easier to walk in. Added an arrangement of props between the stairwell and the bridge. With this and the easier time walking into the pen, it should not be so easy for Allies to turn the stairwell into the ultimate defensive position when invading the sub pen. Relaxed the vehicle blockers a bit; vehicles can now drive into the Sub Pen, though not down the piers and obviously not down the stairs. Most importantly this allows Soviet Minelayers to cover the MCT room, but it can have its defensive downsides as well. Removed the fences on the ends of the piers to allow more room for LSTs to land, since now Allied landers actually have something to worry about on CI/Under. Tesla Coil Anti-vehicle range up (150 -> 160m) Reload time up (4.5 -> 6 seconds) Splash and direct hit logic reversed (splash damage hurts vehicles and inflicts shock effect on infantry, direct hit does instant damage to infantry). Splash radius is very small so it will be very unlikely for multiple vehicles to get hit at once; it's mostly just a nerf against massed infantry that get kicked out of a supply truck/APC and all spawn in the same spot (only one infantry dies, the rest just take the relatively weak shock effect and get brought to half health at best, giving them a chance to spread out for the next attacks), and a buff against vehicles (APC/Med can no longer take reduced damage from it by making it hit their strongpoint). War Factory Added extra access routes to the rooftop: team-locked doors on either side of the upper floor, which lead to small balconies with ladders leading to the roof. (Except Soviets on Siege, they don't get these doors.) Moved the rear ladder to the front so it's not too close to a new ladder. (Except Soviets on Siege, their WF has both the old rear ladder and the new front one.) Added catwalks around the left/right side of the upper floor. Moved the interior pipe slightly further away from the centre so it doesn't poke through the window. Moved upper floor PCTs 1 metre closer to the MCTs so it's harder to accidentally trigger the new doors. Updated exterior appearance to fit slightly more with the RA sprite; brown brick, frames for the windows, and a slightly extruded roof. Transplanted pipes and fuel tanks from the unfinished War Factory of former staff member Cuddling (getting his whole WF to work would just be pain because it doesn't fit the shape of the current WF and exterior props like the pipes/fuel tanks are really the only parts of it that were actually finished!) Due to the larger size of the new pipes, you can no longer jump over the rooftop pipes from the lower side of the roof, only the upper side. Added filler inside the walls to prevent seeing things on the other side by camera clipping. Maps Reverted the "permeable" status of water on naval maps (so you will be able to get target boxes again), as it was causing too many problems (bots/base defenses not being able to see anything through water including infantry standing in ankle-deep water, imperfect reticle targeting around water, splash damage being blocked by water, and destroyers sometimes failing to fire when aiming skyward). Water on naval maps is now as opaque as it was before last patch, since the reduced opacity was a balancing factor against the INTENDED effect of permeable water: not being able to see target boxes through water. VIS occlusion has been redone to account for all the new props that have been added since the initial release of Delta, as well as the fact that a lot of VIS setups for building interiors were broken in previous versions due to certain wall meshes being treated as see-through when they actually aren't. Performance should be a little better on most maps, but unfortunately there may be some new VIS errors (meshes that should be visible from a certain position but aren't) as I probably didn't find them all. Forest of Illusion, Fissure and RockTrap have been axed from the game for the time being, pending redesigns. Ridge Racer is also out as it's pretty much run its course for the time that it was played, but it may come back as a filler event map if I can refine the driving mechanics. RA_Bonsai Closed off the northwesternmost part of the map (the part with the campfire and the lone house atop a ledge). The nearby farm/Soviet waterfall route is still open. Returned weather to its Beta style (morning lighting, no thunder/rain). This also means most of the drips and the ankle-deep water in the wine cellar are gone. Added Raap's new bridge. RA_CanyonRiver Removed some trees. Added Raap's new bridge. RA_CoastalInfluence The "long upper" path has been mostly cleared of trees so it is much easier for vehicles to traverse. Most of the trees now sit near the edge of the ridge so it is harder for vehicles on one path to interact with the other path, or the edge of the border mountain so that they continue to shelter infantry without making vehicle access too difficult. Made a little extra room for vehicles on the island. Added a fence along the shoreline near the dead Heavy Tank on the lower land route, to make it harder for vehicles to fall in water. (Projectiles can go through this on purpose because otherwise it would impede the Barracks turret.) Fixed missing spy zone for Soviet Barracks. RA_Complex Added vehicle blockers in between the bridge supports, so that vehicles passing under the bridge don't have to worry about lagging into the inside of the supports instead of coming out of the other side of the bridge. Added Radar Domes for all your "backup for your easily destroyed WF" needs. Enabled MRJs. Time to roll out that snow MRJ camo for the first time since Beta? Added Raap's new bridge. RA_GuardDuty Removed the Allied inf-only cliff extension. Moved Soviet Ref-side Flame Tower closer to the Service Depot. Tweaked shape of the back of the Allied river hill a bit to make it even harder for artillery find spots on the hilltop where they can shoot stuff while "in cover". RA_HostileWaters Naval structures back up to 750 health (dropping them to 500 turned out to be not the best idea with the faster pace of the game compared to old HW) RA_KeepOffTheGrass Added vehicle blockers to the Allied PP route and Soviet Ref route. Both teams still have one vehicle-accessible backdoor (Soviet PP and Allied WF), the other one is just restricted to infantry. Hill route going behind the Allied WF has been sectioned off a bit; the wider path has been removed entirely, leaving just the narrow path that Mammoths/TTs cannot cross, but all other Soviet vehicles can. Soviet PP flame tower has slightly worse coverage. Replaced both the previously existing Coils with Flame Towers and added a new Coil in the middle of the base. This still doesn't have the coverage to prevent PP attacks unless vehicles get VERY close to the PP. Removed the rear Gap Generator; the front Gap has been moved about 25m closer to the WF. Gap coverage still covers almost as much of the base as it previously did; the only thing it covered previously which it doesn't anymore is the ore field. Made the Soviet PP hill less slippery on the PP end. Removed a Service Depot from each base. Halved chance of crate giving a class change (which resets your equipment). RA_PacificThreat Allied boats are now spawned facing forwards instead of left. Removed the little island near the Soviet Helipad as it was causing more grief for defending Soviet subs than for attacking Allied boats. Instead, added a pier near the house which boats have to go around before they can start hitting buildings. Removed a bunch of out-of-bounds trees. Made piers look a little less ancient by repurposing parts of Raap's new bridge for them. Fixed missing spy zone for Soviet Barracks. (Gee, can't imagine why THIS went unnoticed for so long.) RA_Pipeline Removed starting ore silo since a non-capturable source of income isn't really needed now that technicians can capture and the economy was too strong previously anyway. Oil pumps now give 2.5 credits per second (was 2). So credit income still peaks at 10 (unless you can somehow steal and hold the oil in the enemy base for 12.5... don't count on that), but now bottoms out at 2.5 if you have no field control instead of the previous 4 (oil+silo). Income across the whole map totals at 12.5 (5 oils) instead of the previous 14 (5 oils + 2 silos). So keeping control of the oil is more important. Removed some of the jersey barriers around the central oils as they were easy to get stuck on. Moved each team's initial oil pump back to the safe position that the ore silo used to be. RA_Siege Fixed lumpy terrain near the new bridge. Added Raap's new bridge. Fixed destructible scaffolding not transitioning to its "settled" state (which reduces draw calls and stops smoking) at the end of its death animation. Fixed some oddly shaped blockers around the recently-cleared Soviet-side rock pile. Removed wall between Allied WF and landing pads (what is this even doing here) Transparent water edges are less gradual. RA_ToTheCore Removed bridges. (Raap's new bridges are too large for this map's rivers) Removed some trees. RA_Under Removed a bunch of out-of-bounds trees. Pier update. Expanded the ejection zone for LSTs/subs. Subs should be able to eject at the Allied shoreline now.
  2. I wonder how high up the piers (particularly the ones on Pacific Threat) are on your list of dated assets that need replacing? Well since I was doing some updates to that map I decided to strip down some parts of the new wood bridge to make a slightly less awful substitute for the old piers, so you can probably put them a little lower on the list And no, having the supports stick out like that shouldn't intervene in any LSTs deciding to land there for whatever reason; the supports that aren't in the shallows don't have collision over the water, but they do have collision intersecting with the piers themselves, preventing infantry from accidentally walking through them and subs from ploughing through them, while at the same time not preventing LSTs from getting as close as possible to the piers.
  3. There's quite a bit more than that which gave me that impression. Anyway, after looking a bit further into this it seems I was wrong, so you're clear to go. Please let me know if the ban hasn't been removed, as the server has been acting up a bit lately when it comes to removing bans.
  4. Changed Status to Closed (Other)
  5. Changed Status to Closed (Other) Changed Assigned to to EVA
  6. You probably would've confused Chop/Ice less about the gaps in the bridge if the ground in your test map wasn't using the same texture as the bridge's gravel filler. The gaps look fine ingame! Though the bridge seems like it was designed for rivers whose beds are much further below ground level than Bonsai's ones. I had to make the riverbeds around the bridges about a metre deeper and raise the ground around some of the bridges in order for infantry to be able to walk under them at all. Also, kicked it down from its original mesh count of 12 to 10 by just expanding the collision mesh around the whole thing instead of having separate "dark wood that collides", "dark wood that doesn't collide" etc. TTC and Canyon River are using the Bonsai bridge too, and Complex also has some similarly old and bad bridges, so they'll all get this new bridge as well as Bonsai. Might stick one on Coastal Influence's river too since the upper land route should actually be worth using for units other than phase tanks now. And it'd be more aesthetically appropriate for the Siege back route than the concrete bridge but I have yet to check if it's the right size. e: wow, it's exactly the right length to replace Siege's concrete bridge (I just need to make the base a little taller). I think I've figured out Raap's original intent for this. I doubt any of these maps will get destructible versions of this bridge. On all but Siege, they go over shallow rivers where if the bridges were destroyed, people who wanted to take those routes would only be delayed like 2 seconds in driving around the bridge, so destructible bridges' impact on gameplay on the non-Siege maps would be negligible and therefore not worth the performance drop, and on Siege it'd knock out half of the land routes on an incredibly stalematey map - not a good idea. Not having destructible ones means I can merge them all together on maps that have multiple bridges and cut down on draw calls even further.
  7. Stop putting VAlpha on things with no vertex colours whatsoever And stop putting noise passes on props that are too small to warrant a noise pass. I don't know about the unnecessary VAlpha, but extra material passes = extra draw calls.
  8. Trouble is the destructible bridge has been tried on Coastal Influence, Complex and Guard Duty. It really wasn't a good gameplay element on any of them.
  9. Got around to doing something for the Construction Yard going off of @Killing_You's suggestion. The old elevator up to this floor has been axed in favour of clones of the new PP elevator with rails, which should be more lag-friendly. And of course there's a second one that leads to the roof. In addition, these ramps have been added to the rooftop to allow better access to the top of the main door, which was previously one of the most campable areas since the only way up there was one ladder (and the alternative method of jumping from the lower part of the roof onto said ladder is difficult to pull off with lag and still leaves you having to climb the same ladder) and its shape made it very easy to stay covered from defenders unless they outnumbered and surrounded you and could get up to your height without dying. The elevators are team-locked, and that goes for both of them, not just the one connecting to the rooftop, so in addition to preventing enemies from using the rooftop hatch to get inside by themselves, it also allows the previously useless section of the CY to serve as a hideout for people who want to avoid being killwhored, as there's not much that can hit them up there.
  10. Anyway, closed the poll as it's pretty cut and dry that we shouldn't remove rooftop access and the general consensus in the discussion is a call for better rooftop access for defenders - which I've been working on Seems to be a fair bit of support for just outright removing rooftop flares too, how does everyone feel about that again? Preventing them may not be "required" anymore with all the extra roof access, but then again, this extra roof access is all available to spies too since currently the new doors use the same lock as the basement ones. Setting up a new series of locks is a pain (but doable) and barring spies from these doors would also prevent them from teamworking with a Tanya/Thief to let them break into a building from above, which is just more opportunities for the spy to do something in a non-nuke map being taken away from him.
  11. And here it is. I may add rails to most of the new catwalk as it just looks odd being completely unguarded, maybe some props too. And here's the external balconies for the ladders, which are barely big enough to accommodate the door, ladder and player. These things already jut out quite a bit, and a fire escape would have to be twice as big at a minimum, and even bigger if it were to be lag-friendly! Since this is using the same door zone as the Airfield roof, you can actually stand pretty close to the door and not trigger it. I may reduce the possibility of accidental triggering even further though by moving the upper floor PCTs/spawn points one metre closer to the MCT.
  12. Say no more. And with these walkways, I can have team-locked doors up against these side walls that lead to a very small balcony with a ladder leading to the roof. Since people would only have to climb about 5 metres from there instead of 12, they'd have more leeway for not eating headshots while climbing. For the sake of aesthetics I'd only have the doors at the front or back and not both though. Having the doors at the back has the advantage of being far away from the existing ladders, as well as less distance between the two doors and a pipe getting in the way of the guy on the roof, so a roof camper can't switch between covering the two doors so easily, but the disadvantage that the door may be easily triggered on accident (though not nearly as easily as elevators). Having the doors at the front has the advantage that nobody will open them on accident, but the disadvantage of taking time to reach and being very close to the existing front ladder, so it'll be easier for multiple spots to get camped at once. I may also have to keep the original WF for Siege (remember that the Soviet WF is half buried).
  13. Actually looking at the cuddling WF it has some rooftop hatches with stairways leading up to them. That'd be the best of both worlds really, a rooftop access that doesn't stick out of the top of the building but doesn't suffer the problems of ELEVATORS. I'll see if I can convert them.
  14. I second that. I still have cuddling's old war factory hanging around but not only is it hella unfinished and with a basement that's far too complex, but the foundation footprint is waaaay different to the current one, it's like 70m wide whereas the current one is 40m. e: actually there's another version hanging around by him that has a smaller foundation than the current one if you can imagine that, around 35/35. Like the current one isn't cramped enough already. At that point we might as well just do the Airfield thing and have a door on the roof, an elevator with a canopy would stick out just as much.
  15. If you want to revive Battlelaf from the dead so he can record that...
  16. The problem with the WF though, is these access elevators can't be anywhere near routes people have to take while doing normal routines around the building or we get issues. If there's just a fenced-in hole in the roof like in KY's examples, all a Tanya needs to do to circumvent the locked gate is to eject a longbow over that hole and fall into the building (remember that landing on an elevator negates fall damage because renegade). So that's a no. If there's a locked trapdoor instead, if someone takes the elevator up to the roof and then leaves it as is, a Tanya who falls onto a roof can just squat on the raised elevator until someone indoors inadvertently triggers it to descend. Which may be fine if the elevator's in a place where Soviets have to go out of their way to trigger it, so it'll usually only happen when they're prepared to deal with a rooftop threat - not when it's taking up half of the upper WF walkway, which in addition to funneling traffic will also always be triggered by everyone who walks past to try to repair the MCT or even happens to spawn at the left PCT, even if they don't want to trigger it. Compare with the new Ref/PP doors - the building's own team will never be in range to trigger those doors, which a Tanya may be hiding on the other side of, unless they are trying to reach the roof. There's not really anywhere in the WF that's out of the way, except places in the back of the ground floor that would look silly with elevators going straight to the roof (plus they'd mean I'd have to mess with the variable prop files too). So for the WF I may just add a third ladder instead.
  17. Power Plant now has elevators to the roof, one on each end for extra camping difficulty. And no you can't jump out of the elevator midway down to go plant a flare on top of those electronics WF will be the next target, that's more of a priority since the CY appears on less maps and zero nuke maps.
  18. Yes. Frankly I think it helped warn campers that infantry were on their way up more than it made it harder for campers to pelt them with bullets/napalm. Which would be a bigger concern in Delta where the hatch would circumvent the radar stealth of the person coming up. But obviously a hatch can't be avoided for a rooftop access elevator...
  19. The layout of the Silo/Airfield elevator - particularly the walls as mentioned - makes it pretty much impossible to jam them by getting your skull stuck against the ceiling of the room and whatnot. You can still do it with the CY elevator sadly but at least that has a ramp down to the basement now, plus the shape of the area means that someone who jams the elevator doesn't also get permanently stuck - a prominent problem with the old Naval Yard/Sub Pen elevators. I'm a bit anxious about elevator roof access because a pretty big problem with the old Refinery elevator was that it was pretty easy to fill the elevator shaft with flamethrower/kov napalm or headshot people who are on the way up, killing them before they can even get off. Not as easy as headshotting someone climbing up a 15 metre ladder, but still. For the Power Plant it'd be relatively easy to have the elevator take someone up to an internal walkway which then leads to a locked door which solves that kind of camping, but for the CY/WF it's a bit different.
  20. Actually, just had a better idea. One that puts the door in a more precarious position for the roof camper (risk of falling off) and doesn't force rooftop combatants to constantly walk past the door zone which'd make it too easy for Soviets on the roof to unwittingly let enemies in. All that really needs changing as a result is the snow roof mesh.
  21. So, going for the easiest one first. The Refinery. Anyone who was around for the Delta prerelease in 2015 back when the refinery did have an internal rooftop access, may remember the ladder being propped up against the wall instead. Couldn't really do that here because back then, that route also had no door - a big part of why this route got taken out was because the lack of a door meant that any old Tanya/Thief pleb could let their longbow get shot down by SAMs while hovering over the Refinery and get in without worrying about mines, and meant Soviets had to mine the ladder too (extra time wasted + less freedom to employ forward mines under the mine limit). LB entry was especially overpowered with thieves since unlike Tanya they don't have to wait 30 seconds to get results. Now anyone wishing to employ those same tactics will need the assistance of a spy to open the way for them - hey look, some more potential useful stuff for spies to do! Anyway, adding the door here means that if the ladder was in its original position, people wouldn't have anywhere to stand when they get off the ladder and so would get stuck in the door. Hence the extra walkway. Couldn't have the usual "double door" either otherwise then the walkway would cut into the nearby pipe. The room will be textured a bit later
  22. As far as I know the only other things that use the WF brick texture are random background buildings on Metro, but I could be wrong. In any case I could always just set the WF to use a different texture without affecting anything else that uses it, that is if one is provided. I would not mind the WF having a more RAlistic browner brick at all.
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