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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. Just doesn't look right with them firing long range high velocity AA rockets from the M72 LAW tube though. But whatever. And infinite ammo longbows would still be ridiculous
  2. Now that the ever-irritating online bug with bot vehicle turrets is fixed, and a change to Metro has meant that its bots are sadly left without vehicles, I'm going to work on adding the option of botmatches to some more maps soon. Which ones should I try first? If it looks like there aren't many maps in this poll, it's because there are a lot of maps where bots would still be problematic. Bear in mind that bots wouldn't know how to use naval units (especially subs due to the specific circumstances needed for subs to attack) and that while they can use normal VTOL aircraft, they won't know how to refill their ammo. So the only option there would be giving them unlimited ammo which would be quite overpowered, especially since infantry bots being limited to 1 weapon prevents rocket soldier bots from having a Redeye/Strela on hand. So air/naval maps are out. Since pathfinding sectors can't be added or removed midgame, any map that heavily relies on destructible blockades (Metro/Coastal Influence's wall of hedgehogs) or anti-blockades that turn into blockades when destroyed (Under's archway) is also out of the question. CI could be made like Metro where bots only use infantry but it wouldn't be very interesting, it works better with Metro due to the small size, no defenses, and no navy. And while Under could be made to have bots ignore that rear route, they'd be completely blind to players that are using that route. Complex is also an odd duck; it heavily relies on an infantry-only lane (the side tunnel) and we don't yet have a way of telling the bots that there are some avenues of attack that only infantry should try to access. Under has the same issue with all of its infantry tunnels and the rear entrance. On top of that, a common Allied route involves driving tanks off the "upper" road onto the lower road, something that bots won't do because they can't see a drop as a valid route (at least not willingly, and when they do it accidentally it'll likely be sideways, resulting in a flipped vehicle).
  3. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Hello everyone - apologies for being almost completely absent the past few months save for answering one or two forum/IRC queries, but I kind of needed a break. Have a Christmas present for your patience! General Wrecked Medium Tank prop has been redone completely by @Ice using the Delta Medium Tank as a base. Fixed some unwrapping issues with the wrecked Light Tank prop. (again by Ice) Some minor improvements to the Wrecked Heavy Tank prop and texture. (again by Ice) Updated to a much newer scripts build; now we can debug crashdumps again. Bots driving vehicles on the server now actually show their turret rotation properly to clients, so they will no longer appear to fire a projectile in a completely different direction from you and still hit you. I only just learned about this script-fix less than a day before the patch was meant to go live so I haven't been able to do anything with it yet; for the time being it'll make Camos Canyon bot matches less awkward, but you can expect to see bot functionality added to a few more of the less-complicated maps in future. Infantry Grenadier Projectile velocity up (50 -> 60m/s) Medic Self-healing now starts after 5 seconds instead of 1. Health down (100 -> 90) MP5 ROF down (12.5 -> 11.25) Captain/Kapitan M60/PKM damage to MCTless buildings down by 6.25% (0.2 -> 0.1875) M60/PKM damage to base defenses down by 16.67% (0.15 -> 0.125) Portable Stinger (misc. event weapon) Range down (180 -> 135m) Reload time down (2.5 -> 2s) Projectile damage down (120 -> 70) Splash damage down (30 -> 25) Splash radius down (14 -> 12m) Projectile velocity down (200 -> 50m/s) Rifle Soldier M16/AK-47 damage to MCTless buildings down by 6.25% (0.16 -> 0.15) M16/AK-47 damage to base defenses down by 7.4% (0.135 -> 0.125) Spy Fixed oversight where he could establish radar relays while his own Radar Dome was still up, which caused his dome to stop working after the relay's timer expired. Sniper Fixed rendering issue with Allied Sniper where his bandolier glowed in the dark, so he should be harder to spot now. Added snow camo variant for both teams courtesy of Ice; click the gold arrow on the purchase icon to switch what camo you're buying. Volkov Anti-tank cannon range down (90 -> 85m) Vehicles Ranger Damage to MCTless buildings and base defenses down by 6.25% (0.2 -> 0.1875) Tesla Tank Fixed alt camera being too high - it was sharing the Mammoth Tank's alt camera which got moved up when the Mammoth was resized. Buildings Refinery Improved collision on the rails in the stairwell. War Factory Construction magnet doesn't block camera movement anymore. Missile Silo Launch animation is slightly redone to be less silly from the basement view; the missile smoke doesn't clip through the wall of the basement quite so much, and a new missile will not materialise right in front of onlookers' eyes. Maps RA_NorthByNorthwest Brought back from the dead! Map has been shrunk slightly. Bases are now backed up against the map borders. The spring on the central hill is now a much more defensible position to infantry, surrounded by rocks/vehicle wrecks/bunkers that prevent vehicle access. To compensate, the hill is not quite as heavily forested as before, so compared to Gamma it shouldn't be as painful to move vehicles around the edges if you control the area. The corner hills are now much steeper than before, and are only accessible from certain ramps. Added 3 neutral Supply Truck spawn points. Tech Level set to 2. New Delta jukebox: Depth Charge (initial track just like in Gamma), Creeping Upon, Re-Con, We Will Stop Them Added a Missile Silo, an Ore Silo (as usual), and an extra Service Depot. Less defenses in total, but since the bases are assailable from less angles than before and the walls are a little more helpful than before, bases are still pretty well defended. Somewhere there is a fidget spinner new neutral building to explore, courtesy of @CMDBob, with a randomly spawning crate that can be of great use to you. Whereas KOTG's crate focuses primarily on weapons, NBNW's crate focuses primarily on defense and reclassing - it's not recommended to pick one up if you're comfortable with your current class. It can even give you some infantry units from higher tech levels or from the other team, or maybe even something beyond all that! RA_KeepOffTheGrass Crate now spawns every 90-150 seconds (like the new NBNW crate) instead of a fixed 120. Crate can no longer give radar invisibility or medic kits. Crate can now give limited M16s, AK-47s, Shock Rifles and Colt .45s. Crate now has a 1/4 chance of changing you to a Captain or Rocket Soldier (or the Soviet equivalent). This will reset your inventory, making it much less likely for crate abuse to turn a character into a walking arsenal, but at least you still have a useful field class. RA_Metro More destructible hedgehogs have been added, this time to the bridges. Now you need to clear them if you want vehicles to attack at all. Added concrete walls to the east of the north Soviet silo to make assaulting it from the bridge more difficult initially. Soviet WF construction death zone no longer pokes slightly out of one of the sides of the construction pad. Bots can't buy vehicles anymore - they wouldn't know how to handle the hedgehog blockades anyway. Bots can't buy Tanya or Volkov anymore - they shouldn't be available to them due to tech level. Moved the silos around: Soviet north silo is now moved outside the map border fence. You can still repair it from this position, but it's harder to do so while under attack as the area from which your tool can reach it is fairly limited. Most importantly it is now much more protected from almost-b2b arty fire. Soviet south silo is now slightly further from the WF, on the other side of the drainage grate. Some cones have been removed to make it still feasible to mine. Allied south silo is moved all the way back to the war factory, so it can't be attacked from behind the bridge anymore. Allied north silo is moved back slightly, giving attackers from the hospital/restaurant side a better angle of attack against it. RA_Pipeline Removed a barrel that was clipping through a concrete wall. Sandstorm particles no longer move in the opposite direction of the Barracks flags. RA_RiverRaid Added a vehicle blocker to the upper tunnel so Rangers can't get in. RA_Siege Fixed a bit of the castle wall filler mesh that was poking out into the real world. RA_Zama The lower-elevated parts of the map have been heavily deforested; the large forest between the Allied base and the river has been turned into more water (bringing it a bit closer to the actual Red Alert version of Zama), and the large forest between the Soviet base and the village has been turned into a rocky valley.
  4. What's bugged about the artillery medal? Fissure and the other infantry maps are disabled because everyone always wanted to skip them, and for some of those maps it's not too hard to see why. Fissure in particular suffers from it being really easy to refill abuse against the enemy due to the almost nonexistent distance between bases, and from being extremely cramped - not much room to dodge so flamethrowers just win everything. RockTrap and Forest of Illusion's forest area are cramped too, and with a size increase RockTrap could easily have room for a barracks and become a proper inf map. So they'll see a redesign eventually, and even then, Fissure and BarracksTrap probably won't make it back in until we have a solution for refilling in combat.
  5. Unfortunately crashdumps from the old scripts build aren't debuggable anymore. I should have a new patch for APB out in less than a week; when that happens, update your game, try again, and submit the new crashdump (assuming it still crashes).
  6. @danpaul88 Windows 7, trying to open the launcher gives a "W3D Hub Launcher has stopped working". errors.log
  7. Phase physics have been adjusted, I'll look at this hill some other time but for now Phases should be able to back up it slightly and Mammoths should just not go down there
  8. Phase has low torque due to early test builds where, with phases using the same "high torque, but high drag to keep it slow" physics trend as other tanks, they were able to bump heavy tanks all over the place like they were made of styrofoam. This should not be much of an issue now that phases are on radar so I'll amend that.
  9. I already posted it in the changelog thread, but I might as well here too. Volkov could bombard the WF/bar with kovtillery while sitting in the divots on top of the cliff and being unsnipable. So the only way to counter him would have been one-in-a-million arty blindfire, or knowing how to get up there and bringing a Tanya or Medic at which point he can just camp that ramp with the shotgun anyway.
  10. How would making it a wrench communicate any better to new players that it's used for buildings and not vehicles? If anything that seems like it'd make it more likely that people would try repairing vehicles with it. I suppose I could update the HUD icon to say "Structural Repair Tool" instead of just "Repair Tool". Longbows also don't fit in the '50s and let's not get into the equipment that still doesn't exist in 2017. And to be quite honest, yes, I am pretty nostalgic for the repair tool and 56K sound effects.
  11. RA_Pipeline Fixed an exploitable climbable cliff near Allied WF from which Volkov could bombard the Allied base while being unsnipable.
  12. It's actually worse than that. Or it was, it's fixed now.
  13. Just took a look at this and there's actually plenty of tactical abusage here. Access to this area is unintended, so will fix.
  14. Minipatch notes for Rocket Soldiers Redeye/Strela velocity down (500 -> 375m/s) Redeye/Strela range down (175 -> 170m) Flamethrower Fuel tank hitbox is less fragile (1.5x damage -> 1.25x) Snipers Enfield/Dragunov damage up (60 -> 67.5). Kinda forgot to do this along with the health updates for everything. Most importantly this is just enough to two-shot rocket soldiers on centre mass shots, there's not much else that this really affects. Added binoculars, to let them more easily warn the team about things they can't handle. Pistol removed. It's not like they need it when their rifle is good enough for CQC. Move speed down (6.5 -> 6). Speed just helps them killwhore and avoid death anyway and doesn't help much with defense. Medic MP5 ROF down (12.5 -> 12); overall DPS down 2.22% MP5 inaccuracy up (1.25 -> 1.5); forgot to actually include this previously Auto-regen is staggered; instead of being a constant 2.5HP/sec, it starts at 1HP/sec after 1 second, becomes 3HP/sec after 8 seconds, then 5HP/sec after 15 seconds - at which point he's regenerating as fast as a Tanya/Volkov. This is both a nerf in that it severely slows his ability to heal when in the middle of (or near) a fight, but also a buff in that he doesn't have to spend as long hiding when he's trying to fully recover from heavy damage. Armour cache now increases armour's damage reduction for direct hits from all "heavy" projectiles (12.5% damage reduction -> 25%). Does not affect bullet/flame/tesla weapons. Not significant but it can make a difference... except against V2s which do overkill direct damage anyway. Armour cache no longer stops flame weapons (Flamethrower, Flame Tower, Yak splash) from breaking armour. Armour cache now only restores 1 armour point per 5 seconds (was 999 armour). Of course, 1 point is still enough for all of armour's damage reduction abilities to kick in, so this mostly just prevents the cache from being used as an emergency full armour refill, makes disarming it more immediately beneficial since most weapons will break that small amount of armour almost instantly afterwards, and further incentivises flamethrowers since they can now armour-break even through the cache. Yak Range up (120 -> 140m) Damage to light vehicle armour up (0.9 -> 1); can now cleanly take out an Artillery in one strafe if all rounds hit. Splash damage up (7.5 -> 9) Overhauled physics and speed thresholds; speed loss while not holding W is reduced, ascent/descent speed increased, and the speed thresholds for damage/death are 2.5m/s less strict. Now you should never fall below the damage threshold unless you're not accelerating. "Reversing" outside the Airfield now causes gradual damage for as long as you hold the S key (10 times as much damage as slow movement) instead of instant death. This feature was originally intended to prevent backwards flying, but it also caused Yaks to die instantly if you happened to tap the S key while flying forward, even at high speeds. So now it still fills its intended purpose without causing that issue. You still shouldn't press S if you want to slow down - just let off the throttle. Fixed missing glass impact/bullet hole effects for the canopy. Refill Pad Simplified collision meshes, Minelayers shouldn't get stuck on them anymore. RA_CanyonRiver The large plateau behind the Allied silos/bar is no longer accessible.
  15. If it were possible I'd totally make it so that an upside down MGG rotates around the fork that's planted into the ground. Because screw common sense
  16. To enable bots on CamosCanyon/Metro/Wasteland while playing in LAN/skirmish mode, press F8 to open the console, and type botcount 30 (or whatever number of bots you want; 30 was the previous default)..
  17. Is that minelayer freakout after the recent patch that changed its suspension, or before?
  18. To be fair, I didn't have much of an idea how to define them when I originally added them - but defensive seems a good fit with their unparalleled scouting ability (compensated by in-flight communication with the team being difficult), their weapon primarily being a counter to arties/LTs/infantry, and inability to deliver an infantryman of their own to the front lines. Speaking of which maybe I should move back the Guard Duty AAs. In their current position it's pretty hard for Yaks to deal with enemies on the Allied hill (particularly arties hitting Soviet defenders). They'd be harder to kill as a result but Yaks rarely fly straight over the enemy base anyway, right?
  19. I actually gave Yaks on Pipeline a try earlier today. It'd need some terrain work to even be presentable as the out of bounds above the mountain are very bare and on the lower sides of the map they don't go out very far so planes would easily see the edge of the world, but it's surprisingly not that difficult to maneuver. You can even fly under the pipes in some places as @Mojoman suggested. I still wouldn't do it without lowering some of the cliffs and palm trees though and, well, it seems to be a fairly Soviet-sided map already - what would Allies get to even this out? I think first we need to figure out how to make it a more viable unit period (without it displacing the Hind too much). It's really not as useful on GuardDuty as I'd hoped. Maybe enough damage to take out arties in one strafe again? More range so there's more leeway between lining up and being able to fire? Extra HP since pretty much any strafing run involves going into the danger zone of 3+ redeyes anyway? Or maybe just a special armour type that takes less damage from redeyes but not other weapons, so it's not completely unstoppable if the field isn't full of redeyes and insta-dead if the opposite is true? Maybe another physics overhaul so that they have a more lenient tolerance for what speed counts as instant death, so hopefully people screw up with them less? Obviously can't do all of this though, don't want the pendulum to swing the other way.
  20. Hey this seems like a familiar thing!
  21. It's not a low-blow??? I'm simply pointing out that you know full well how taxing commitments like these can be, not urging you to speed yours up. ChopBam's addition was completely unwarranted though.
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