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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. The healing is stopped by afterburn damage, yes. But on the contrary, the afterburn is also stopped when a medic reapplies healing - which is not something we can change. The latter is not that relevant though as the DPS of flamers' afterburn is negligible in a close-quarters fight; its primary use is to stall regens, cancel medic heals, and flush enemies out of cover as the flamethrower is one of a very small number of weapons whose splash damage is not completely blocked by terrain - and afterburn effects still apply at full effectiveness if the source of them causes any damage no matter if it's 0.0001 HP or the full 20+ HP. Nah, medics still have armour, they just don't have any way to refill it anymore (either for themselves or teammates). Well, a proper way at least. The armour cache flare just puts your armour in stasis and provides a token amount to people who've lost all of it, and only temporarily and while camping inside a small area. Don't forget kapitans who break infantry armour much faster than any other infantryman does, even the flamer - pretty important in softening up infantry to make it easier for the low-penetration rifles/shotties/snipers to outdamage the heal if the medic's expended his armour cache or had it disarmed.
  2. A little adjustment to the fortification flare: instead of completely refilling armour, it refills a negligible amount - sitting in the beacon for a whole minute will refill enough of your armour to take the bite out of maybe a single AK-47 headshot - but instead, your armour bar cannot be depleted while you're in the flare's range. Having even one point of armour is enough for its damage reduction to kick in as long as attacks don't also deplete said armour - which of course they can't - so this means that the beacon will merely prop up an attack team's armour, and allow it to exist for a short time on units that have lost it, instead of completely renewing it like I claimed before. So once the beacon's done for, an attack team will fall into its more vulnerable unarmoured state pretty quickly. Armour refilling is the domain of the ST/APC/LST, so this will make the beacon have less of an impact on inf maps (even Pacific Threat where LSTs don't see much play and are pretty fragile anyway).
  3. Just checked this and this is completely untrue, the shock's afterburn effect totally works against medics. The medic's 3 healing per second just makes the shock's direct 10 damage per second seem less than it really is. But that will cease to be an issue entirely when I do this.
  4. Are technicians ever going to be in a situation where an enemy building and a friendly building are so close together that their aim may slip and heal the wrong one? Fixing his switch time is not pointless. The way he stands now, he's meant to be able to fire his medic kit every 2 seconds but due to his switch time he can do it as quickly as every 0.5 seconds instead. Pretty hard for flamethrowers to interrupt the heal when it's being reactivated up to 6 times as fast as the flamethrower can refire, wouldn't you say? Anyway here's the full list of things I was going to do to the medic. His auto-heal only kicks in after 1 second of not taking damage - so concentrated fire will put him down, Starshina/V2 burn will delay the regen by an extra 2 seconds and flamer burn will nullify it for a good 10 seconds. Health back up to 100, since his auto-heal will be significantly weaker. Medic kit can only be fired every 2.5 seconds; has a 2-second charge time and an 0.5-second cooldown (same as his switch time) so it is impossible to fire the medic kit faster than this. The slower fire rate also makes it easier for flamethrowers to interrupt. Medic kit does not heal infantry's armour. Has a "fortification flare" which creates a safe zone in which friendly infantry become uncrushable and have their armour refilled and temporarily upgraded to a version that reduces tank/artillery splash by 87.5% instead of 62.5%.
  5. Without making it also possible to heal enemies at the same time or requiring a ton of extra armour types?
  6. There's a thread for this already and I already plan to fix things. Also you seem to be missing a very crucial point which is that it is overpowered on Pacific Threat and Fissure and nearly useless everywhere else. (e: okay this was covered in the poll but not at all in the post.) Why make it even more useless on other maps instead of finding ways to shift the balance to nerf it on those 2 maps while making it more relevant on vehicle maps, i.e. what I was going through in the other thread?
  7. If only hard respawn timers could be a thing. That would also fix the annoying "random" element of the death timer where sometimes your death animation plays too slowly and thus delays your respawning. They wouldn't have to be particularly long either (we don't want to make people sit around doing nothing waiting to respawn) - even 5-7 seconds would be a modest improvement over what we have now. It'd help stem the tide of reinforcements which would especially help the kinds of attackers who tend to be within metres of enemy spawn points, i.e. infantry. Tanya and signal flares might need a bit of a nerf if this happens though.
  8. The RPG/LAW did have a special warhead at one point and then it got removed, as the few differences it had from the normal rocket warhead were barely relevant. It was replaced with something else which did need a unique warhead (I think it might have been the Yak). As I mentioned elsewhere, there's not much room for new warheads without breaking the spacing in the ini file that lets me flip between armour entries seamlessly to make sure nothing's wrong with them, so things are only getting new warheads if they're absolutely needed and then we might end up having to cannibalise some warheads that are too similar to others.
  9. Because it's easier to disarm something inside a building than it is to disarm something on top of a building or on some overhang near the base. Where do people usually place their a-bomb flares?
  10. You say all this like I'm nerfing the RPG specifically. It's a casualty of using the same warhead as many other anti-tank weapons. Buff the RPG's direct damage to infantry, and you buff the Medium/Mammoth/Phase/Turret's direct damage to infantry, and is that honestly needed? And for the nth time, we have far too many distinct warheads already to make one just for the RPG/LAW to let them and only them hurt infantry more. Also they are kinda meant to be the worst anti-infantry infantry (besides maybe techies) because they can do anti-tank/air/ship work and are so cheap. If you want to kill infantry while still killing tanks, pony up the cash for a shock or volkov. This thing isn't an a-bomb flare, its effects are hardly enough that Soviets will be desperately scrambling to disarm it instead of just killing the medic(s) inside it since its effects aren't that significant if the people inside it aren't being constantly healed. Its disarmability is more to discourage Allies from deploying it inside buildings - if this thing becomes a reality I will also make the medic kit either stop healing armour entirely or return it to its early Delta super-slow armour repair, so its full armour heal will be pretty relevant in that situation. And the disarmability is also for consistency with other flares.
  11. I typically only go for splash if the enemy is armour-broken (splash gets a lot stronger in this case), almost dead, or too good and too far away for much chance of a direct hit. Or when using the phase tank which has a lot of splash damage. MBT splash was deliberately made almost worthless against armoured infantry as part of Delta's package of letting infantry actually be worth something. Tank shells being unable to one-shot people on direct hits unless they get a headshot was also part of that, but that just feels weird.
  12. An attempt to add bots to Wasteland hits a snag in how long the bots take to form attack teams. This is sped up 5x (so it takes 2 mins 30 secs for them to move out) and uses 40 bots just so that the attack team being formed can live long enough to move out. Which means I can't use the source audio because it's just a buzzsaw of nonstop M16/AK sounds.
  13. Well I didn't just up the headshot multiplier and do nothing else. There was plenty done to even this out: most of the small arms got made less accurate when standing free rifles got made less accurate in general infantry hitboxes got made smaller (especially the head) regen got sped up cover penetration of all explosions was reduced (don't forget that cover is actually a thing here! ) AP mines became easier to kill and got a smaller blast radius snipers/arty/v2 got nerfed into the ground armour penetration of most weapons was lowered, thus making their bodyshot damage weaker than before (ask Voe about the mighty Makarov and its 2 HP of damage). repair tools and golden wrench become almost useless when bunnyhopping The idea is that headshots are actually worth going for now, but to achieve them at long range you generally have to expose yourself to them in the process by crouching - and with these other changes, infantry are in most cases not any easier to deal with than they were before, and if they're inside your buildings you pretty much have to deal with them before you can begin repairing. This was done to turn infantry more into high-risk high-reward units. Another thing is that, as a consequence of all this, refilling in combat is more difficult than before because it makes you stand still which makes you an easy headshot target. So it's not all defender advantage. Hopefully tri's anti-refill plugin is done soon, so defenders using refill2win will stop being a problem entirely and offensive infantry will truly cement their intended position of high-risk high-reward. I will say though, there's always more that could be done to help infantry out without "giving in" by turning them into walking tanks, and feedback is certainly appreciated. One of the things I was considering doing during the overhaul was making it so that tank shells and rockets simply cannot score direct hits on non-Volkov infantry at all - shells would fly harmlessly through them if you tried - getting rid of the option of tanks being able to randomly oneshot them and forcing them to rely on their splash damage. That would definitely bolster infantry survivability and further encourage infantry vs infantry combat. But I felt that was going a little too far, so I decided not to. If it was done, of course, tank splash damage would be made less pathetic but given a smaller radius, so they're not completely inept against infantry and ensuring that there's still some aim required in tank vs inf combat. Kind of a step in the RTS direction, and besides, how many tank gunners have successfully scored a direct hit on an enemy infantryman IRL? It replaces the "balance" oddity of people surviving tank shells to the chest, with the idea that you just cannot directly hit them in the first place because it's too difficult - an idea that is already in place with the Redeye/Strela whose rockets always fly past infantry even if you should directly hit them. (Before Delta they did negligible damage but clearly exploded on them to no effect anyway which just looks silly.) What are people's thoughts on this?
  14. Don't worry, your opinion is important. But if you can't upgrade your hardware maybe some hints might help. Not every unit is super-reliant on headshots. Sergeants and the Kovshotty with their inaccuracy, and Snipers with their bullet drop, have a lot of trouble getting headshots anyway and this was true even before the hitbox overhaul - but due to their high damage they tend to do well enough just bodyshotting people, and aiming at the chest you're bound to get a few pellets flying faceward too, so perhaps there's a niche for you. That and Flamethrowers who don't even need to hit (but benefit a lot from doing so). For other units, crouching is more important than ever before for long distance combat, particularly with the rifle soldier/medic/captain (and the sniper but that was already true for him anyway). Those guys are going to have trouble hitting anything at their max range if they're not crouching, and even when crouching, they still have a small degree of inaccuracy (except the sniper and the M16 trishot) that stops them from being guaranteed to land consecutive headshots and may turn slightly off-aimed shots into headshots. Tanya, Volkov and Sergeants don't get any accuracy benefit out of crouching though - not that Tanya needs it with her laser accuracy. You could always try practicing offline against bots; load up RA_CamosCanyon, press F8 and type botcount 12 or something to give you a small number of moving targets to work with (most of these 12 just sit in their base and only attack people that enter the base, you'll only get 1 or 2 offensive enemies). If the war factories and base defenses are a problem you could enable friendly fire and destroy them before enabling bots - but for next patch I might as well add bot logic to Wasteland since it's such a simple map and that'd remove the most annoying steps to setting up an infantry practice game
  15. Because when you crash/lag out, it takes a while for the server to realise this - it still thinks you're ingame and doesn't want 2 people with the same name ingame so it rejects you until your previous session has "timed out". Just be patient when this happens. What file is it banning kicking you for? If it's a map (.mix) file then this is known to happen if you join at the end of a game when the server is trying to load the next map, which gets resolved when the map is fully loaded. Again, be patient.
  16. ...that flare doesn't even look like it was in a position to kill anything but the pillbox.
  17. Rather not spend aeons making such zones in the incredibly long list of such areas. A C4 on the refinery smoke stacks (or any exterior part of any building that has an MCT) does less damage than a single arty shell anyway.
  18. Something I might do that would help C4 use in the field though, is to remove/shorten the charge time. That charge time was put into place as a safety measure to prevent C4 abuse with yaks (kamikaze into something with a C4 equipped and you get to throw your C4 before you die - the charge time prevents this) and also prevent C4 abuse with another feature that may make it in soon - but there are different safety measures I can employ for both of those that don't hurt C4 itself. For Yaks, the main concern with C4 "parabombing" is the Ore Silo where it can be undisarmable and still do a lot of damage, and I can just put a no-C4 zone on top of that.
  19. Nope, no penalty. But since the splash radius is a little smaller than the previous AOE, it's a little harder to disarm through walls than before. Plus hitscan being for repair and splash being for disarm completely solves the previous issue where you could repair MCTs through walls, most famously repairing the Soviet barracks MCT through the floor outside. The splash radius is just small enough that you can no longer disarm C4s on MCTs through that particular bit of terrain either.
  20. That's the point of the "mundane splash" protection. It would protect them against indirect fire from heavy tanks, mammoth tanks (including tusks), V2s, rpgs and grenades - but wouldn't protect against direct hits from these weapons (which are difficult except for the grenade and I guess the RPG if you're asking @NoSpoons), and would provide no protection at all against fire, tesla, environmental damage and small arms. And the only Soviet vehicles using small arms are the Hind, Yak and Ranger, all limited in availability, 2 being pretty easy for RS to shoot down under protection of a medic and the other only excelling if it can maintain its maximum range and not get hit. We could always make the armour buff give a slight resistance to direct tank shots a bit as well to further drive home the point that you have to use infantry/aircraft to counter this.
  21. The repair tool/golden wrench are now a hitscan ray with an explosion that has no damage dropoff. The hitscan does repairs/captures and the explosion does disarming.
  22. Yeah - which effectively gives it a longer disarm range than it had before as long as you're not pressing right up against your target.
  23. It was possible to throw it too high for it to be disarmed before - now it's not (as far as I know). Let's not reintroduce that, shall we?
  24. Another possibility is that this beacon could act as more of a general support for field infantry that works well with in conjunction with the medic kit instead of just being a better but stationary medic kit - for example, it could do these things: renders all nearby friendly infantry (20 metres?) immune to squishing. renders all nearby friendly infantry immune to mundane splash damage (so splash from tank shells, V2s and possibly even AP mines, but not flamethrowers/Yaks/tesla/nukes or direct hit damage). The easiest way to script this would most likely involve messing with the infantry's armour type - which means Tanyas would not benefit from this, so if it's made to null AP mines it still can't let Tanyas enter buildings. Both of these buffs ultimately force Soviets to go on foot to deal with a medic squad even when it's outdoors, unless they have the option of employing Hinds, Yaks or Rangers. automatically refill the armour of nearby friendly infantry (which, unlike the medic kit, would work on medics too) upgrade the medic kit of all nearby Medics to a different version that has increased range (20m instead of 12.5m?) Maybe do the same for mechanics' wrenches too to promote combined arms. anything that leaves the radius of the beacon, or enters a vehicle, loses these effects. And the beacon itself vanishes after a minute or so, so people don't just go littering their base and the field with dozens of them to have permanent safe zones everywhere. So it would be a much bigger help to infantry outdoors on vehicle maps than it would be indoors or on infantry maps, given that there are very few ways to get crushed on those maps (or none on Fissure) and the only infantry weapon with mundane splash that's actually worth using for its splash instead of anything else is Grenadier's grenades. So in those situations all it really does is make the medic kit work over a longer range, which doesn't matter too much when indoors either. So these beacons wouldn't need to be super-easy to disarm either, and using a supply truck to plant a ton of them in quick succession wouldn't be abusable because none of the effects they provide are able to stack (for example, you can't become more immune to crushing/splash) - all it does is make them harder to get rid of.
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