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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. Something I should probably do though is give the medic kit a charge-up time. Right now there's an unfortunate exploit that allows its gradual fire mode to be refired much faster than a flamethrower can reapply burns, and a chargeup would solve that without hurting the normal rate at which it can be refired. However, charge times prevent secondary fires from working for some reason - this is something new as Gamma's shock trooper had a charge time and 2 fire modes, and worked fine apart from the fact that the charge made it a shitty unit - so its emergency burst heal would have to be revoked or moved to its own weapon slot. Alternatively if we move it to its own weapon slot we could go ahead with @OWA's heal beacon idea. But given that it would then be usable in conjunction with the normal medic kit fire mode, it would need to be able to be disarmed like instantly by techs/engs, so that it becomes something that can only be reliably employed in outdoors areas that Allied infantry enjoy using (like the aforementioned Camos Canyon Soviet barracks hump) and would be hard for Soviet repairmen to reach, instead of being something that makes medic groups indoors even more unkillable. Also, if it uses actual beacon logic, it would have the unfortunate side effect of being barred by the same no-beacon-zones that prevent A-Bomb flares from being deployed in tunnels.
  2. So... make it completely useless in the field, and better when hunkering down in a building? When the issue is that they're already poor at the former and too good at the latter? Also you already know what this is from and why I'd prefer to keep it different How can it possibly be made any more gradual than it already is? If you mean getting rid of the heal-over-time effect, there's a reason it's there - so that the Flamethrower/Starshina can actually make some effort to mitigate the healing to force the Medic back into heal duty, and so that the Medic can actually contribute to a firefight if there aren't flame weapons floating around. If this weren't the case, the Medic would be forced to just bunnyhop around like a spaz holding LMB (which is something that can't be fixed because applying the new repair tool/wrench method would cause it to heal enemies as well) in all fights where he's not the last man standing, and the Flamethrower would be one of the worst anti-medic-squad units because without the ability to cancel heals, its DPS just can't stand up to direct hits from small arms.
  3. Ehhhhhhh nope. It was the FIM-92 Stinger, which wouldn't make much sense as a LAW replacement because it's known to be an anti-aircraft weapon, plus the Destroyer uses Stinger missiles and a rocket soldier with what is essentially a single-tube Destroyer weapon would be far too overpowered. Hence the old man-portable Stinger model is relegated to being a rare crate weapon on Hostile Waters and deathmatch maps.
  4. Another minipatch is on the way. General All small-arms damage to mines up (SMG/Rifles 0.375 -> 0.6, LMGs 0.75 -> 0.9, shotgun primary/HMGs 1 -> 1.2) Fixed infantry cash rewards that weren't updated to reflect new prices. Medic Health down (100 -> 75) Now recovers 3 HP per second even while in combat. This does not speed up when out of combat, however. Gradual healing duration up (5 -> 6 seconds) Now has a secondary fire mode for the Medic Kit, which provides an instant full heal to all teammates in normal healing range (except himself as usual). However, he only gets ONE shot of this (unless he refills at a PCT/supply truck), it doesn't trigger the gradual heal effect, and it causes a 5-second reload on his medic kit which he must wait out with it equipped before he's able to use his gradual heal again. Gradual healing no longer affects other Medics (don't mind the healing effect being visible on the character for a split second, it's not real). The only way Medics can heal each other now is through their one-shot burst heal, so having 2 medics is not COMPLETELY useless, but they still can't last forever like before. Officers Bullets no longer pierce a character once. Rifle Soldiers M16 trishot ROF up (1 -> 1.5) M16 trishot standing/jogging inaccuracy down (0.5 -> 0.25) AK-47 sprayshot inaccuracy up (2.75 -> 3.75) Tanya Damage down (30 -> 25) Artilleries Splash armour penetration down (50% -> 37.5%) Splash burn damage upgraded to flamethrower/nuke "slow burn" (7.5 damage over 10 seconds instead of 2.5 over 1) Gunboat Cannon no longer causes damage to submerged subs; use the depth charges for this. Depth charge now has an artificial range limit of about 150m before the charge explodes; this is about as far as it was able to go before the cannon was able to hit low-flying aircraft, but that change allowed its depth charges to travel as far as sniper bullets... Minelayer AP mine damage down (600 -> 160) AP mine splash radius down (8 -> 6.5) AP mine splash now has no distance dropoff just like AT mines, so there should be absolutely no more instances of things like Tanyas surviving mines on single-digit HP. Yak Range up (110 -> 120m)
  5. Good luck doing that at all the building doors + ladders on flare maps + other places you can expect Allied infantry to use to their advantage (for example, the bump on Camos Canyon that infantry can use to protect themselves from the Barracks flame tower) with a 60 mine limit. Thinking about it some more though, this feature is probably not the best idea as DOT effects can be easily cheesed by just hopping back into a vehicle if you just came out of one. Unless we make it like the aforementioned Reborn toxinades where the burn lasts forever until you get medic'd so you can't just wait it out in a vehicle.
  6. Thought of another thing involving burn damage, might detract from the Engineer too much though - partially converting the damage dealt by AP mines to a fast-acting high-damage burn, and adjusting how AP mines are absorbed by armour (right now it's not much). The end result will be that armoured infantry can survive walking on a single mine IF they are almost immediately healed by a medic (who is bound to always be very close by to a team of people trying to break into a building), but if they aren't medic'd and take the whole burn, or they trigger multiple mines at once and take too much instant damage, they end up being exactly as dead as anyone walking on an AP mine normally would be. And Tanyas or anyone else unarmoured will just outright die to AP mines as they used to, as an extra safety measure to cut down on what could happen if the AP mine burn gets overridden by a friendly flamethrower/shocky or something. Like... how much of a health ticker? With how armour reduces damage now the old 3/sec would be a bit ridiculous. Maybe 2? Either that or dropping his health back to 75. A slight problem with this would be that medics have no way of restoring other medics' armour. But as of recent changes, the only effective ways of whittling that down to empty are kapitans, flamethrowers and the rare tank shell direct hit anyway. So that may not actually be a problem and would help with encouraging using flamers against them. Another thing is, if it's not coupled with a max health reduction, it'd make him even better of a solo counter-infiltration commando, which I'd say he does a good enough job of already
  7. We're still stuck in the old "regenerating rifle soldier" circle except his combat isn't completely identical to that of another unit now (and actually helps fill the huge gap in power between captains and Tanyas) and the number of maps he can actually do his medic stuff on is only slightly larger than it was in Gamma. Looking for ways to further incentivise medicking on vehicle maps, which will then be countered by reduction of some of his recent changes so that he doesn't dominate infantry maps as hard as he currently does.
  8. And then they've spent money to counter your rush. This is especially important in the early stages of a game where you can't afford a captain and an MBT at the same time. Beforehand, they could more easily get away with countering with rifles only and then they'd be able to get more tanks than you. which is why I said I'd also be nerfing the AK-47's full auto. Infantry rushes don't always involve going into buildings though - trishot's purpose is sniping grenadiers/kapitans/flamethrowers or even other rifles that are trying to poke your defenses/SD from afar. (And the only one of those that doesn't die to a trishot headshot is the kapitan.) Which yes, it really doesn't need to be this bad at it when the AK's full auto is so good at its niche in addition to said niche being more relevant, so the ROF and accuracy are going up a little.
  9. Which is precisely how it's been for the past forever. I've never seen a reason to spend valuable armor.ini space on a special warhead to give the trishot equal DPS to the primary vs buildings/vehicles, because in the past I have never seen people attempt to use the trishot against them - I suppose this is because the lower ROF tells people enough. Compare with the AK-47 where back before Delta, I always saw newbies try to use its rapid secondary fire against buildings and vehicles, even though it did absolutely no damage to hard targets back then (or close enough - it took like a whole magazine to do 1 HP of damage which you could have done with a single primary bullet) and that was pretty clear after firing a whole magazine and yet these people just kept on doing it, so it needed the equalising warhead more. That's the Soviet rifleman's forte. With 90m range compared to the slug's 60? Equal. And has 2 more uses per magazine and reloads faster. But then you have to deal with the higher inaccuracy. Crouch + trishot = zero inaccuracy. Crouch + primary = you might still miss at long range. ...that cost money. Really the whole point is that the trishot is intentionally not that great because part of the point of the overhaul was to make infantry more expensive to counter. The rifle soldiers were just too good before and that is part of why infantry rushing didn't work that well: enemies instantly respawn as a surprisingly powerful class. Hence their general accuracy got hurt, forcing them to crouch if they want reliable headshots, and the trishot is an extremely niche mode. Want better sniping tools? Go spend $200 on a sergeant if you're fine with being constrained to pistol range, $300 on a captain if you can be sure you won't get multi-headshotted when you try to use the machinegun's crouch-snipe functionality, or $650 on a sniper, but then be prepared to spend longer waiting for the vehicle/high-end infantry that you want. What I should have done too is make the AK's secondary more inaccurate so it's also not as good. But yeah you're right, I hit the trishot too hard. Because Allies have an easy enough time getting inside as it is and the Soviet team's brains just seem to completely shut down whenever a single member of the Allies makes it inside? And also because if the Airfield ever makes it onto other maps, particularly TL5 maps, Tanyas could just gg ez the Airfield by losing/ejecting a longbow over the tower and completely avoiding mines if the roof door was unlocked? This was an issue with the Refinery back in 2015 testing when it had a rooftop<->interior access, because it didn't have a door at all (or room for one), and while that also had the additional concern of thieves using that access route for the same thing, the Airfield roof is a much easier target to land on and its entrances are easier for a Tanya to camp than the Refinery stairs. Granted, spies can circumvent the lock for her, but that's using extra manpower that lets the Soviets rush better, and also gives spies something semi-useful to do.
  10. The problem with adding considerable burn damage to the arty weapons (there's a reason it's only the 2.5-damage quick burn currently) is that you can be on the very edge of the splash radius, take 0.01 splash damage and still receive the full effect of the burn, for what would probably be upwards of 15 damage over 15 seconds if you wanted it to be strong enough for using a medic to matter. Which is absurd if there isn't a medic around and also means the V2 doesn't have to be as precise as it should. You're basically calling for the V2 to become a more aimable, sniper-range, infinite ammo version of the toxin grenades from Reborn.
  11. Made him too good at sniping infantry from high range, and if we're talking the Pyryle and Delta-initial-release versions of the medic who had a "nerfed ROF" M16, also made him too poor at contributing to building destruction and vehicles - as in, even worse than he is now.
  12. Perhaps a partial solution is to have V2s be less overkill against infantry - no point trying to medic your teammates against V2s if they can just one-shot people from full health without even directly hitting them. I'm considering reverting the radius change and just making arty-class splash damage penetrate armour slightly less so a V2 cannot kill any armoured infantry from full health in one splash blast, which would also extend to the Allied Artillery (direct hits would be overkill-death as usual though).
  13. It's a bit hard to justify his dinky MP5 being decent against tanks, especially moreso than heavier rifles/machineguns, but that could be an option if we're desperate, it certainly doesn't buff his OP inf map self. It did have good MCT damage in its first inception, but that was quickly deemed overpowered, now it's about on par with the M16. And naturally since he's more likely to get into an MCT room on non-vehicle maps that'd be a bigger boon on those.
  14. I don't see how that helps it in vehicle maps. In fact it would make multi-medic groups even more ridiculous in inf mapsas it'd mean that having multiple medics results in healing that stacks so they wouldn't even need to contribute to combat themselves anymore, plus it'd be a big nerf to flamethrowers - who as we know find the most use in inf maps scenarios but also have some use in veh maps unlike the medic - as they wouldn't even be able to cancel the healing of a mechanic-esque medic kit. And they are kinda meant to be the primary counter to medic heals...
  15. is going up on the launcher soon, here's what's up. Shock Trooper Direct damage to infantry down (25/2sec -> 20/2sec) Shotgunners Dragonsbreath damage to mines up (0.75 -> 1) Volkov Is now properly protected against splash damage by the same amount that an armoured infantryman is (this was mistakenly missing before) Artilleries Artillery splash radius down (18 -> 16) V2 splash radius down (25 -> 22.5) Artillery/V2 splash damage multiplier to mines up (1 -> 1.125) so this doesn't hurt their minesweeping Technicals Inaccuracy up (0.25 -> 0.5) Tesla Tank Direct damage to infantry down (40/4sec -> 30/4sec) Airfield Added a ladder connecting the rooftop to the MCT room; however it is blocked by a Soviet-locked door. Rooftop is now lined by rails. Added damage/death effects. Applied a different brick texture to the base of the tower. Repairs Yaks twice as fast. RA_GuardDuty Removed long-route Pillbox and Flame Tower. Vehicles pouring into Soviet base ref side are now funneled by more barbed wire in front of the refinery and a rock behind it. Soviet north mountain pass is now blocked off. Moved Turret slightly further forward, giving it a little more coverage but making it harder to repair. Now has proper sunlight and shading. (This was previously prevented by the bridge, which is now part of the terrain since it can't be destroyed anyway.) RA_LunarParadox Fixed a bunch of unit behaviour inconsistencies compared to normal gameplay that were caused by recent patches (for example, infantry armour not working) Mine Bomber has larger projectile extensions. Airsub reload time down from 1.5 to 1 second. Wreckanic wrench now fires a shotgun blast of hitboxes instead of only one perfectly accurate one. Shock Prod and Wreckanic have much lower jumping penalties. LPD Sergeant model uses the updated hitboxes. Pimpin' Ranger now moves at a much greater speed (unquantifiable with a number since its desire to wheelie causes its speed to fluctuate a lot, but suffice to say it's a very noticeable increase) Pimpin' Ranger wheelieing reduced - it's still there but it should be harder to flip now Pimpin' Ranger HP up (300 -> 450), but armour removed Supply Tank also moves much faster (10.22 -> 14m/s), a ~37% increase Supply Tank actually has splash damage now! Not much though. Land LST's HP up (500 -> 675) Armoured Personnel Container's armour improved (heavy -> mammoth) Propmobile's HP up (250 -> 500) All in all, transport vehicles should be a much more credible threat now.
  16. So it seems the medic is still a problem, but outright nerfing him would just make him even more useless on vehicle maps and I really want to figure out a way to make him more useful for those. What if, in exchange for his medic kit equip time and healing to other medics being dialed back a bit again as a general nerf, he got given a secondary fire that instantly refilled a portion of teammates' HP (say 50 health plus also starting the gradual heal) but can only be used once and also starts a long reload on his medic kit which he must wait out (equipping the MP5 prolongs this as it would with any other reloading weapon) before he's able to use his normal healing mode again (say 5 seconds)? Due to how the aoe weapons work, this would still not heal the Medic himself nor would it be possible to do so without making it a separate weapon entirely. But naturally it can be made to heal other Medics less just like the gradual heal. The big thing about this is that Supply Trucks would be able to refill the ammo that the secondary fire uses as well as circumventing the reload, thus essentially giving him more charges of this ability on maps where STs spawn in the field or can be bought and kept behind front lines without too much trouble. Or if he can get home to refill on non-vehicle maps. I've already tested this out and it can be done without technical issues - though KOTG's one-shot medic kit crate will have to be upgraded to a one-shot insta-heal kit as adding the instant-but-limited-use secondary fire requires making the normal firing mode use no ammo, but given that that item almost never comes into play anyway, I guess there's no issue with that. The same limited-ammo thing could easily be done for Mechanics. Not considering doing it though, just pointing it out since I'm sure someone else would have raised the question given how similarly the weapons behave. If this is a little ridiculous, we can also use this thread to try to brainstorm ways to make the medic useful outside of infantry maps that don't also make the medic too ridiculous inside infantry maps, or act as a general nerf to infantry that aren't being medic'd or overhaul too much again (so ditching the regen system entirely is probably out of the question).
  17. I'm not even being sarcastic though. I would actually love to have a more accurate rendition of the thief who thinks Zorro is cool instead of the current one who thinks ninjas are cool. And then we can just reserve the old model for the partisans! I don't think AR will have problems with infantry resembling their RA2 selves though given it actually has character artists now instead of 12-14 years ago when all of APB's infantry were done.
  18. We also need a Zorro thief with a rapier. I know I usually rag on melee being bad on this engine but come on, it has to be done.
  19. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update [blurb]The infantry overhaul we tested before has been refined and introduced to the game for real - as well as a few map updates![/blurb]The infantry overhaul we tested before has been refined and introduced to the game for real - as well as a few map updates! As usual, in the changelog, look for bolded entries for the main gamechangers - but since this is a refinement of the previous temporary patch, if you've already read the experimental version's patch notes, just look for underlined entries and everything after Volkov, as those are the ones that have actually changed since the first iteration. General Changes to nuclear explosions (Demo Truck and A-Bomb Flare): Both now deal extra damage to infantry (0.13125 -> 0.225). This translates to 180 and 225 point-blank damage with demos/flares (was 105 and 131.25), but as noted the infantry section, is reduced to half through terrain, and degrades more sharply at range for demos. Demo Truck's anti-unit/aux structure explosion radius down (120 -> 100). It still damages main structures in its original 120 radius. Both deal reduced damage to Volkov compared to normal (0.225 -> 0.15). Both deal increased damage to mines (0.375 -> 0.625) to compensate the cover penetration since buildings count as cover. Infantry General Headshot/helmetshot damage multiplier increased from 3 to 5. Neckshot damage multiplier decreased from 3 to 1. Getting an actual "headshot" is therefore harder. Armour penetration of various weapons is altered. For the weapons that are penalised by this, bodyshots are therefore worse than they were before, except against "naked" infantry. Remaining machineguns, tank shells, rockets 75% -> 87.5% Assault rifles, MP5, Pillbox 62.5% -> 50% Pistols, snipers, KovShotty 50% -> 37.5% Armour shredding of various weapons is reduced: Machineguns 150% -> 100% Tank shells, rockets 200% -> 100% Flame weapons 150% -> 50% M16, AK, MP5, Pillbox 100% -> 25% Slug 150% -> 25% Cover penetration of various weapon explosions is reduced: Nuclear explosions 100% -> 50%. This does not affect their damage to main structures; just units and non-important structures. Flame weapons 50% -> 33% Artilleries 25% -> 20% Phase/Mammoth/Turret 25% -> 0% Infantry now regenerate 5 HP per second instead of 3. Tank shells/rockets damage multiplier to infantry down from 0.375 to 0.3 (0.625 -> 0.5 for Volkov). Infantry can now begin to see stealth units from 25m away (was 20). Headshots and helmetshots now use a distinct sound. Height differences between infantry have been narrowed. Infantry hitboxes have been overhauled; all infantry now have completely identical ones (this time for real), except for Flamethrower's backpack, and they are generally smaller than before (especially the head). Pistol users Accuracy penalty when jumping up (1.5 -> 3). AI pistol users (such as techie bots) now have a special variant of the pistol with the same inaccuracy as the M60/PKM. So now you shouldn't get your entire infantry squad wiped by an Ore Truck technician while trying to cripple the enemy's economy. Repairmen Engineer no longer has extra armour. Engineer is no longer fireproof. Engineers now have 5 Clearing Charges. Clearing Charge blast radius down (10 -> 7.5). Clearing Charge damage down (500 -> 250). This only really matters for hedgehogs as it has an overkill damage multiplier against mines. Repair Tool ROF down (10 -> 1). Repair Tool repair/disarm damage up (1 -> 10). Golden Wrench ROF down (13.33 -> 5). Golden Wrench repair damage up (3.33 -> 10). Golden Wrench ammo down (100 -> 50). So now it repairs 500 building health (as much as a normal building has) in 10 seconds, instead of 333 (two-thirds) in 7.5 seconds. Repair Tool and Golden Wrench abusability overhaul: They are no longer area of effect weapons; instead, they are invisible hitscan beams (like a pistol) with splash damage at the end. You will now need to point directly at an object to repair it. So no more repairing the Soviet Barracks MCT through the floor above. For disarming c4/flares, you just need to point in their general direction. The hitscan has 3m range and the splash has 3m range. (Previously it was an AOE around the user with 3.5m.) As long as you can use the full length of the hitscan beam (for example, you're out in the open trying to disarm a C4 on a silo/coil) then you essentially have a longer disarm radius of 6m, but if you're trying to disarm through a wall, you're slightly worse off than before - you can no longer disarm C4 on a Soviet Barracks MCT through the floor above. Disarming through walls is still totally possible (which it needs to be to allow disarming flares on auxiliary buildings), there's just less places that you can do it. Now has 180 degrees of inaccuracy while bunnyhopping. This has a severe effect on repair attempts and makes C4/flares take at least twice as long to disarm. Long story short, if a repairman is being shot at and needs to bunnyhop to survive, his repair capability is significantly worse than before, but if he's undisturbed it's business as usual, except that the Golden Wrench is a little better. Disarming a flare is now only worth 500 points (was 750). Disarming a C4 is now only worth 50 points (was 75). Officers Firing sound radius down (130 -> 120m). PKM rate of fire down (12.5 -> 12, a ~2.7% DPS decrease). Price up (250 -> 300). Rifle Soldiers Range down (100 -> 90m). M16 Trishot accuracy penalties are now only 0.25 lower than primary (was 0.75 lower). So now it only has perfect accuracy when crouched. M16 Trishot rate of fire down (2.25 -> 1). Firing sound radius down (120 -> 100m). No longer has a crabwalking accuracy penalty. Damage multiplier to MCTs up (0.175 -> 0.18); a ~2.9% DPS increase. Flamethrower Firing sound radius down (70 -> 30m). Fireball explosion sound radius down (250 -> 150m). Range up (90 -> 100m). Splash damage up (30 -> 35). Splash radius down (9.5 -> 8). Direct hit damage multiplier to infantry up (0.4 -> 0.5). Health is now completely immune to fire splash; however, armour depletes at the same high rate that it would against normal infantry. So you still don't want to splash yourself, but you can't kill yourself by doing so. Price up (300 -> 450). Still doubled on Fissure. Rocket Soldiers F1 Grenade direct damage up (15 -> 20). RPG-7/LAW accuracy penalty when jumping down (2 -> 1.5). AT launchers firing sound radius down (140 -> 100m). Mechanic Health up (50 -> 60). Wrench AOE radius increased (10 -> 12.5m). Medic No longer has extra armour. Health up (75 -> 100). Rate of fire up (13.33 -> 15), a ~6.2% DPS increase. Bullet velocity down (500 -> 250m/s). Accuracy penalties changed: 1.5 standing/jogging, 5 jumping (was 1.25 standing/jogging, 3.75 jumping) Firing sound radius down (120 -> 90m). Medic kit AOE range increased (10 -> 12.5m). Medic kit DOT effect heals at two-thirds the normal rate against other Medics. Medic kit equip time shortened to 0.5 seconds again. Price up (500 -> 800). No longer a viable insta-rush option for tiny maps... but it's better once you can afford it. When not in multi-medic groups at least. Shock Trooper Direct hit DOT effect now deals 12.5 DPS for 2 seconds, for a total of 25 damage (was 7.5 for 3 = 22.5 total). Accuracy penalties changed: 0.5 standing/jogging, 0 crouching, 0.25 crabwalking, 1.5 jumping (was 0.4 standing/jogging, 0.1 crouching/crabwalking, 1.75 jumping) Shotgunners Remington Slug damage to infantry down (40 -> 30). Primary damage spread out over 10 pellets (was 8). Remington reload time down (3.33 -> 3 seconds), a ~3% DPS increase. TOZ reload time up (3.33 -> 3.5 seconds), a ~1.5% DPS decrease. Firing sound radius down (100 -> 90m). Price up (150 -> 200). Sniper Damage up (55 -> 60). ROF down (0.75 -> 0.5). Firing sound radius up (275 -> 300m). Price up (500 -> 650). Spy/Thief Damage down (12.5 -> 10), same as a normal Beretta. You still kill most infantry in the same amount of headshots as you would with higher damage anyway. Thief's money stolen from Silo is down (33% -> 25%) Tanya No longer has a depletable armour bar; instead, she has 150 health, the same 50% explosive damage resistance that the Engineer has, and fast regen like Volkov/Medics. This renders her tougher against most field infantry/vehicles, improving her ability to help Allied tanks push against Soviet infantry, but renders her more of a glass cannon against most small arms which makes her a riskier infiltration unit. Firing sound radius down (150 -> 100m). Range up (60 -> 70m). Volkov No longer has a depletable armour bar; instead, his health always takes the same damage as an armoured person would, so he essentially has infinite armour - but only for splash damage and most small arms; direct hits from any large projectile and the APC's Browning act as though he's unarmoured. AP mode targeting range is now 100m to match the Kovnades (was matching the Kovshotty instead, but why are you even trying to hit things with the shotgun at that range?) KovNade now explodes on impact. (Multiple variations on Beta's "bouncy" and Delta's "sticky" have been tried and they all have horrible clipping issues that render them terribly unreliable.) KovNade direct damage down (70 -> 25). KovNade direct hit now uses the pistol warhead, so even with the new impact explosion it still can't hurt buildings. KovNade splash damage down (30 -> 15). KovNade splash radius down (12 -> 7). KovNade ammo usage down (4 -> 2), can now be fired 6 times before reload. Vehicles Light Tank Health up (250 -> 300) Armour class down to Light. Reload time down (1.225 -> 1.2), a ~2% DPS increase. Mammoth Tank Scaled up +15% to match the size of the MAD Tank. Tusk launchers now fire in the same order as the cannons. Mi-24 Hind Damage to infantry down (7.5 -> 6). Tesla Tank Direct hit DOT effect now deals 10 DPS for 4 seconds, for a total of 40 damage (was 7.5 for 5 = 37.5 total). Splash damage down (17.5 -> 15). Yakovlev Yak-9P "Gradual self-damage" threshold down from 30 to 27.5m/s, so it should no longer feather engines or whatever while banking hard. Base damage up (25 -> 30) - maximum damage to any vehicle's health in a single pass up from 250 to 300, damage to base defenses up from 75 to 90 Damage multiplier to all buildings except defenses down (0.3 -> 0.25) - so damage to them is unchanged from before Damage multiplier to non-Ranger light vehicle shields down (1 -> 0.9) - maximum damage to them in a single pass up from 250 to 270 Damage multiplier to heavy vehicle shields down (0.625 -> 0.4) - maximum damage to them in a single pass down from 156.25 to 120 Damage multiplier to mammoth vehicle shields down (0.5 -> 0.4) - maximum damage to them in a single pass down from 125 to 120 Buildings Radar Dome No longer causes Tanya/Volkov to become unavailable on death. (This was more a placeholder "feature" for until something useful came along, i.e. the backup War Factory thing.) Aesthetics Mammoth Tank's side stars are moved back slightly. Mammoth Tank's mantlets now tilt appropriately with the barrels. Repair Tool's sound now matches the first person animation. Kill strings from neutral entities (for example, Stormy Valley's partisans) now correctly show up in white instead of Allied blue. Grenadier now has a proper model for his 9K32 Strela-2 anti-air rocket launcher, made and textured by Furs with texturing refinements by Chaos_Knight! Maps RA_CamosCanyon_Bots Is now merged into the main Camos Canyon map to save size and reduce confusion with the server's set next map command. To enable bots on RA_CamosCanyon while playing in LAN mode, press F8 to open the console, and type botcount 30 (or whatever number of bots you want; 30 was the previous default). RA_Complex Tech Level up to 5. The Supply Truck tunnel's connection to the central tunnel is now blocked by tank wrecks, preventing other vehicles from interacting with it - no more dropping a demo/MAD down the side tunnels and cheapshotting the enemy base, or using Rangers/tanks to intercept infantry teams travelling down the side tunnel. This also prevents a team from taking the other team's truck and concealing it safely within their own base so that it can never respawn for the enemy - it can only be taken to the other end of the side tunnel. Removed floating crates by Allied WF. Spire by the Light Tank wreck is not so comically tall anymore. RA_Fissure Tech Level down to 1. Both teams now have an additional 2 credits per second income that cannot be prevented. RA_GuardDuty Expanded some of the map boundaries, particularly in areas ground vehicles can't easily access or have little reason to. Flight ceiling up from 80m to 125m; warning up from 67.5m to 105m. RA_Pipeline Repair Tool can now capture neutral structures; however, this takes about 12 seconds for a neutral one compared to 2 with the Wrench. (Capture logic is tied to ROF and not damage, hence why the ROF/damage per shot changes had to be made.) RA_RidgeRacer Added a vertical physical collision mesh around all the elements of the track border that aren't already completely vertical. So now you should never get stuck or flipped by track borders unless you charge into them at max speed. Fixed the seam on the final stretch. Added a bunch of new billboards by A4R91N. Hedgehogs are now rusted to make them stand out more, especially in areas where they're on roads. Allied and Soviet rangers now behave differently; Allied ones are "grip" rangers that have a weaker max speed/acceleration but stick to the road much better (good for newcomers or high pingers) and Soviet ones are "drift" rangers, which are difficult beasts similar to the rangers in previous versions of this map, and have a high speed/acceleration but need extra care when handling corners. They can potentially finish earlier than grips if you can control them. Reduced number of cars to 16. Spread out starting positions more so you can't get stuck behind unoccupied cars and are much less likely to accidentally hop into a car you don't want. Replaced music track with Motorized from RA2. Country Swing ramp is lower so it should be much harder to flip when landing. Final snow ramp is lower so it should be harder to crash/flip on the concrete wall ahead. Time limit set to 5 minutes. RA_Siege Moved coil outside the walls. Moved positions of all the AAs that aren't on the refill areas; they're now all outside the walls except 1 on the WF roof. Soviet SAMs now only really cover the rear/centre of base just like the Allied AA guns. Cannon damage up (200 -> 250). RA_StormyValley Partisan health/speed now reflects the stats of the units they're "copying" (rifle = 50 health/6.5 speed, shotgun = 60 health/7 speed, rocket = 50 health/6 speed), instead of being an all-powerful 75 health/7 speed for all of them.
  20. Best wait until the next patch that I will be putting out in an hour or so. Wouldn't want you to have to download even more standalone packages.
  21. You decided to jump off the roof at half health, which is death, which turns you Allied again.
  22. You've gotten a lot farther than you should have, but then you haven't met Frank Horrigan either.
  23. I'd still like to see footage of this happening. It's meant to be fixed and I just checked it myself by giving the thief pistol a v2 rocket explosion so he can suicide while trying to steal, and tried numerous times and failed to steal whether I suicided immediately or waited for most of the 3-second stealing delay to pass. Maybe it's something that can't be reproduced in LAN mode...
  24. When was it ever off the map? What form of mental gymnastics are you employing to remember a Delta iteration of Pacific Threat that had no thieves? It's Seamist that had thieves missing for a while. Why are we ignoring the fact that it only takes 33% of money from silos now instead of 50%? Why isn't it causing Allies to win more games on this map? (This is with 10+ players i.e. enough that player skill balance is less of a concern. Plus your match was apparently 13 players anyway.) Silo thiefing has been a thing on this map for the whole 1 and a half years that Delta's been out so it's not exactly a new phenomenon, except now it's harder than it was initially because only one silo is thievable, easier than it was a couple months ago when a flame tower existed (which could even fail to kill a thief by itself in time), and less rewarding/harmful than ever before because of the reduced stealing amount. And soon it's going to be harder again because of the headshot overhaul.
  25. The other thing with unit tutorial vids is that unit functionalities have changed a lot more across the 1.5 years of Delta than they have across the 4.5 years of Gamma. If a big change comes, I guess those things have to be updated again. After the next big update I don't expect much drastic change in the future though
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