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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. That brings the exact same problems with it; 95 damage and lower ROF leaves the LAW killing things the exact same number of shots as an RPG, but the RPG ends up doing it comparatively faster as a result of the ROF difference. 100 damage and lower ROF suddenly turns the rocket soldier into a god because it means the LAW kills V2s in 3 hits and TTs in 4, instead of 4 and 5 respectively. Unless his ROF gets bogged down to the point that he'd be firing 3 rockets in the time it normally takes to fire 4... and then that also means his effectiveness against buildings falls into the toilet and that's bad because he's the only Allied infantry who can actually hurt buildings decently from outside. The only time the 100 damage/lower ROF would actually be a bad thing against Soviet vehicles is Soviet rangers (also dies in 3 shots instead of 4 but you get less chances to hit him). And apparently the RS is OP enough already.
  2. Because giving him a close-quarters grenade brings him back to square one where he is basically the same thing as the flamethrower? The Reborn approach of "hurr let's make this weapon's secondary fire arbitrarily good against different units than the primary fire is, surely people will just KNOW that when there's no indication of it" is bad. C4 weapons can't have secondary fires anyway. That's just how the engine works. The much more reasonable alternative to 2 is splitting it onto a different weapon. Got a different model of a Russian grenade that actually fits? If by "it worked" you mean "nobody ever used him outside of fissure" then sure. You could also say the Beta-era setup for the Medic "worked" because that suffered the exact same problem. But that changed and you don't seem to have a problem with it? RPG Troopers are high end and not available on all maps? Shock Troopers and Volkovs are bad vs infantry? Sure whatever. (Okay I suppose the shocky isn't GREAT but he's definitely there given his hitscan and lack of chargeup, so he's worlds better at it than the RPG.) With anti-building damage comparable to Kovtillery (instead of the negligible amount it's been for about a decade) and only a little less range, I can't possibly imagine what he could be used for Especially since Volkov is not available on all maps either!
  3. So why haven't you made an outcry against engineers, snipers, thieves or spies yet? But the grenade is also practically unusable at point blank because of the timed explosion and "if you're in the explosion radius at all, you take max damage" effect which means it can lick you and hurt a lot. This was intended to separate him from the flamethrower and make him not a god inside buildings. A pistol is not enough to make him a god. Because Soviets don't have enough anti veh infantry already? He does kill vehicles about as fast as a flamethrower does...
  4. What you ask is already in play for the Redeye/Strela. Redeye only fires once per 3 seconds but does 140 damage while Strela fires once per 2.5 seconds and does 120 damage. Making the RPG trooper fire faster for less damage would make him even more similar to the shocky I feel. And it was already like that before but he was made equal to the rocket guy because dropping him down from 90 to 80 damage means he still kills anything with less health than a light tank (which is true for how much of the Allied arsenal again?) in the same number of shots so with a faster fire rate he just becomes better against those. Maybe 70 and faster ROF would avoid that? Though I feel like more high-ROF anti-tank weapons (see also: shocks and kovs) would devalue the ranger even further. He is already intentionally disadvantaged compared to a rocket soldier (due to the arc) just like of Kapitans are compared to captains (with the captain's better DPS) to compensate for the fact that the Allies don't really have any better, costlier alternatives to those units anyway like the Soviets do.
  5. The price is also something I'm unsure of, but bear in mind that at this point he is practically Volkov with a pistol instead of the Kovshotty (which is even better than the Kovshotty at around its max range, but is undisputably worse point blank), no AT cannon primary, and standard infantry health/resistances. He's not bad. I could probably knock it down to 400 or so but the primary reason I shot it up so much is because he's not exactly balanced for being buyable right at the start of a match anymore, or being super-spammable on Fissure. I also think Einstein is misunderstanding some of those points. The "gravity effect" is for the grenades, not the grenadier (so you don't need to look up so much when throwing), and the credit yield is how much you get for killing him (which, as with every other combat infantry, is 20% of his purchase cost, while non-combat infantry give up 10%).
  6. First of all, having the damage pass directly to internal health would mean everything will kill the vehicle at least twice as fast as normal. In the case of things that actually have a damage penalty against the armour as well, the time to kill becomes even faster, an example being rifle soldiers killing four times as fast since they also deal twice as much damage to vehicle health as they do to armour - a rifle guy shooting a tank from the rear would down it almost as fast as a rocket soldier shooting a damage-neutral zone. Also it would mean tesla tanks could potentially kill inattentive medium tanks in two shots. In early testing builds of Delta, the damage bonuses were much bigger; shooting a vehicle's wheels was worth 1.5x damage and the rear was about 2.5x damage if I remember right, which by current vehicle stats would mean a tesla tank could kill a light tank in one shot! Pretty much nobody liked this and it was deemed too harsh on newbies that don't understand it. Second of all, the only way I could think that this would be possible is clone a ton of armour types and give them 100% passthrough for everything, then have each part of a vehicle that has a different damage modifier spawn as a separate object (with said new armour types) from the main vehicle and be attached to it, with all the problems that that entails - the most obvious one being parts not despawning properly sometimes - see: Mammoth MK2 occasionally leaving floating turrets around. AI Ore Trucks also previously had a technician model attached to the cab to give the impression that someone is actually driving them, but this also occasionally didn't get removed on death. Having that many separate vehicles attached to each vehicle probably isn't good for the netcode either.
  7. Another patch has been released! Get more information and the changelist in the full update! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update There were some problems with the initial patch delivery; if you attempted to install before this post and failed, try again. Hey everyone! Another patch has just been pushed to the launcher and server based on your feedback! Changelist GENERAL Thieves, Flamethrowers and Minelayers have been moved down from Tech Level 3 to 2. Tech Level 1 now has the same units available that Tech Level 2 previously did. This is to provide more flexibility for future maps; previously TL1 was basically wasted space as it only had the units that are available without a barracks. INFANTRY Added Clearing Charges for Engineers. These are small timed explosives used for destroying mines; they do nothing to hard targets and don't do much to infantry, but they are actually better at mine clearing than regular C4 due to their 25% higher damage radius and 3-second timer. They also deal moderate damage to hedgehogs and bridge segments (10 destroy a bridge segment, 2 destroy a hedgehog). Engineers carry 3 of these at a time and can restock with a supply truck just like with C4. Raised throwing velocity of C4 from 10m/s to 15m/s. Grenadier and Frag Grenade have been overhauled: ROF decreased from 1 / 1.67 secs to 1 / 2 secs. Gravity effect down from 1.5 to 1. Targeting range up from 100 to 125; this is very accurate to the distance it can cover before it explodes. Splash radius up from 8 to 10. Splash damage is now unaffected by distance just like Shock Rifle splash (i.e. as long as something is within the splash radius, it will always take maximum damage, there is no falloff). Uses Timed C4 logic (3 second timer), so it is not prone to the problems that normally affect sticky projectiles and can stick on vehicles and infantry too. (C4 logic prevents the weapon from having a secondary fire, so don't expect to see one. This is also why it's not going on Volknades.) Can be disarmed by repair tools. (Protip: throw them into unreachable positions. This is much easier to do when outdoors.) Damage type is now separate from the Destroyer/Missile Sub type (required since C4 weapons cannot have direct damage). The main changes are that the grenade's damage to buildings is up somewhat (DPS is now comparable to Volktillery) and damage to naval units is way up (DPS is now comparable to Redeye/Strela except it also hurts submerged). Long story short, the grenade is now more reliable at splashing infantry in the field, and is essentially a weaker on-foot Artillery against buildings, but in close quarters you run a greater risk of hurting yourself, and give enemies a chance to get out of the way due to the timer. Grenadier health down from 60 to 50. Grenadier price up from 160 to 500. Grenadier credit yield up from 32 to 100. Grenadier kill points up from 37.5 to 50. Grenadier no longer explodes on death. Grenadier now has a limited-ammo Makarov for close-range backup. VEHICLES Gunboat cannon damage down from 50 to 45. Gunboat cannon velocity down from 300m/s to 150m/s. Depth Charge damage down from 120 to 90. Depth Charge actually hurts ground vehicles now (assuming they're daft enough to take a dive). Destroyer/Missile Sub damage to heavy vehicle armour up by 33% (0.75 -> 1). Destroyer/Missile Sub damage to super-heavy vehicle armour up by 100% (0.5 -> 1). Destroyer/Missile Sub splash radius up from 12.5 to 15. Gunboats and Destroyers now behave like wheeled vehicles with rear-wheel steering. This allows them to turn much faster and their top speed is higher, but they cannot turn without accelerating anymore. Mammoth Tank regen up from 3 to 5. Mammoth Tank missile velocity up from 100m/s to 200m/s. Mammoth Tank missile splash radius up from 10 to 12. Mammoth Tank missiles arc up 60 degrees like the Missile Sub ones, making them easier to use against infantry on hills and nearby aircraft. Longbow missile velocity up from 100m/s to 200m/s. Longbow damage to Heavy vehicles up by 12.5% (0.8 -> 0.9, same as Mammoth vehicles) Hind damage to main structures down by 20% (0.125 -> 0.1) Adjusted light/med/heavy/mammoth vertical turret traverse restrictions to affect their ability to target aircraft (Light is better, others worse) BUILDINGS Missile Silo's damage warnings are correct now. Missile Silo no longer provides (unusable) flares after its destruction. Removed Tesla Coil's anti-infantry splash damage of 6.25 (effectively 37.5 in a full burst) so it is able to hurt and kill less infantry in one burst. (Taking a full blast is still almost certain death even for Tanya.) AESTHETICS MCT glass now properly gives off glass effects at <25% health. Mended a bunch of infantrys' broken forearms (Soviet Rifle, Grenadier, both Snipers). RPG Trooper is now based on Grenadier's model. All infantry have had their first-person hand/sleeve textures updated to reflect their actual models (except Allied rifles, Soviet engineers and Volkov who were already accurate) MAP CHANGES RA_AS_Seamist: Removed pillbox directly in front of the Radar Dome. RA_CamosCanyon: Fixed floaty trees. RA_CoastalInfluence: Moved Allied refinery back 5m to render it a little less vulnerable to V2s. RA_CoastalInfluence: Propped bridge-side defenses up on platforms/rocks to make them more capable of hitting units on the bridge. RA_CoastalInfluence: Arty/V2 Spam Peninsula has now been turned into an island; both teams have to cross a bridge to get on it. RA_CoastalInfluence: Tesla Coil downgraded to 2 Flame Towers. RA_CoastalInfluence: Added destructible hedgehogs to the Arty Spam Island, which will have to be destroyed for vehicles to advance. RA_CoastalInfluence: Added a cliff line on the south side of the lagoon to make it harder to spot enemies approaching on the long land route. RA_CoastalInfluence: Fog thickened from 300/450 to 200/300. RA_Complex: Removed concrete walls shielding ore fields. RA_Complex: Shrunk ore fields so trucks have to travel a little further. RA_Fissure: Tech Level down from 5 to 2. RA_GuardDuty: Tech Level down from 2 to 1 (no change since TL1 is now the same as what 2 was before). RA_PacificThreat: Removed one ore silo per team, and upgraded the existing one to a double-income one. So the economy is more vulnerable to destruction but less vulnerable to thieves. RA_StormyValley: Fixed vehicles being able to climb the central hills. RA_Wasteland: Fixed Barracks targeting. RA_Wasteland: Fixed a bunch of multimaterials, should improve performance Get to the launcher and grab the patch! Be on the lookout for more updates, and we hope to see you on the battlefield!
  8. That's why it's on those maps in the first place (as well as Bonsai due to flares): because radar serves a little more of a function than normal there, so radar actually serves a purpose, therefore keeping the dome alive serves a purpose. Verti's idea would mean either making it much harder to figure out which tech structures are yours by permanently removing radar, or making it much easier to disable radar by adding the OTHER building that keeps it up. And yeah - making it so not starting with a dome and power means no radar would, on many maps, render the Engineer's mine detector upgrade that he received in Delta completely obsolete, forcing him to rely on sounds that don't seem to come from where they should. And thus making it much harder for him to do his job of helping clear/detect minefields. Did I say "many maps"? I meant every single one that is not KOTG because that is the only one so far where a power plant and radar dome coexist.
  9. The concept is already there for the PP mostly. If you don't have a PP, you don't have high tech defenses. There are only two exceptions to this: Seamist, where the Allies are not meant to be able to attack the Soviet base. Downgrading the coils to flame towers just because there's no PP means you get Nuclear Winter where there's practically a wall of flame towers which do not matter because longbows exist (and the arty, but that's much more reasonable to remove than the only buyable vehicle on the map). Adding a power plant would mean Allies can spy it and suddenly they're the aggressors and Soviets lose. Ridge War, which isn't justified like Seamist's is, but we tried the map without a coil in one patch and it led to Allies almost always winning. If you want me to add a PP to a map that has no room in the back of the base to add it, is utter hell to redo VIS for, and would unbalance it because Soviets have to defend more structures than the Allies do (unless they also got a PP which they have even less room for)... :/ As for the Dome... since neither the PP or dome buildings have any editable parameters in LE that point to the PP powering the dome or the dome depending on the PP, but it still seems that destroying the PP powers down the dome, and it seems the dome is capable of functioning without a PP in the first place, guess what that means? Yeah, in order to maintain your desired effect of "if you don't have a PP, you don't have power", we'd have to do all these things to conform to that: Remove the radar dome from maps that lack a power plant, or vice versa. Have fun on Seamist! Also have fun with there being even less venues to employ the MRJ! Also have fun with all that newfound empty space! Add the radar dome to maps that do have a power plant, or vice versa. Have fun finding room for that in, well, any currently existing map that has a power plant or radar and not both, except Complex which actually does have room to put a dome and I might even do it. Stick a disable radar script on everything in all the domeless maps (the easy part). Have fun trying to find flares on Zama, find phase tanks ANYWHERE, find your way to either base on Wasteland, find infantry almost anywhere since most maps are far less open and more cover-laden than their Gamma incarnations where it was very hard for infantry to sneak around without being seen. Oh and we'd have to remove all AA defenses from PPless maps since those use power too. Because, you know, Hourglass and Zama were absolutely not the worst non-DM maps in Gamma. Alternatively we would have to add a PP (and subsequently, a dome as well) to those maps. Have fun finding room etc etc. Oh, and if we go about adding PPs and a Soviet dome to Seamist because coils and AA need power, that means Allies have to pay attention to TWO buildings which they only have to lose ONE of to lose the game (unless they're just magically able to call and guide reinforcements with the power down). Alternatively, we just remove the dome and coils/AA defs altogether and there's no "where's this power coming from" issues but Allies are also left without an objective to defend unless it switches to their barracks which gets easily camped due to being the one spawn location. Joy. Redo VIS on almost every map that has had a PP/dome newly added to preserve performance. Some of which would be air maps. Fuck that. And lest I mention: https://secure.w3dhub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=415653
  10. But now surely you can figure out why we don't do that?
  11. There are even less maps with missile silos and I don't see any complaints about the limited availability of a-bomb flares. If the power plant serves no purpose because it's possible to place functional powered defenses without it, then the refinery is useless because it's possible to place a functional dump script zone without it (which some of Timeaua's Reborn maps did and nobody ever piped up about that!) Or that the construction yard is useless because it's possible to add a script that says "heal all soviet buildings this many HPs per second" without it. Or that the helipad is useless because it's possible to tie aircraft production to another main building and exclusively use refill pads for refilling instead
  12. Besides providing an alternative way of disabling the coil/gap than just attacking them directly? Currently there is no map that contains a Gap Generator that doesn't also contain a Power Plant so they might as well be tied in that way, and the only Tesla Coil maps that don't have a power plant are Seamist (where the coils are meant to be near-unassailable) and Ridge War (where, like Seamist, you have aircraft to avoid being forced to ground rush the coil. People have argued that this map could do without the coil though.) Coastal Influence is losing its coil next patch. So that leaves... one map where the tesla coil exists without a PP but isn't also a "no, allies are not supposed to attack on this map" check. And conversely, there is no map that contains a Power Plant that does not also contain a coil AND a gap. One even has multiple coils and gaps! So besides the one exception of Ridge War's free-power coil, the bonus of having a power plant is that you get a coil/gap to go along with it! Gamma is no longer supported in any capacity so why are you making suggestions for Gamma?
  13. Radar range adjustments midgame are not doable I'm pretty sure. Unless you're just asking for no radar or team-only radar which is horrible. As for the latter, you are asking for artillery units to be excluded from half the maps or for all those maps to be redesigned to include a dome - in many instances either having to displace another building or completely redesign the terrain to make room. Having no artillery/V2 on Guard Duty, Camos Canyon, Zama, and no V2s on Seamist doesn't sound very fun. Especially since Soviets are already disadvantaged on Seamist and seemingly almost all of their victories come from V2s. Because the maps with power plants also happen to have some of the strongest economies (ask anyone about complex/KOTG) and don't need any help and making a significant reduction in those economies requires - you guessed it - major terraforming? If a map doesn't have a visible radar dome or power plant, then it's there but outside the map boundaries where nobody can destroy it. Ever notice the power lines on Guard Duty, Pipeline and Ridge War? And on Seamist, no matter what perks the radar dome itself has that could possibly set it apart from maps that don't have a dome, it will always have the "weakpoint" issue of it causing a GAME OVER when destroyed because that's the objective. But apparently that's not a problem, so just view all the power plant/dome maps as maps with an objective where you have to protect the power plant/dome or you lose power/radar for not doing so.
  14. Nope. Doesn't refill a-bomb flares either.
  15. A ridiculously roundabout way of making engineers less OP that would be better solved by just reducing the golden wrench's repair speed, the amount of health that each purchase can repair, or a flat increase of the engineer's price (the last of which would also discourage use of his offensive role which is also a bad idea).
  16. The regular power plant that has the exact same health as any other non-Construction Yard building since this is not RA where a V2 being able to kill it in one shot is apparently good game design? Why have I never heard from anyone else that main buildings die too easily? Hell all I hear about is how they stay alive too easily because of engineers.
  17. Also the "remove the oldest mine" approach is severely flawed because you basically need to run through the entire mine limit again just to fix the problem. Say someone got a minelayer when the base was fully mined and plopped 2 mines at some tunnel entrance not knowing that it removed the mines from the side of the WF in the process cause that's the first place that was mined. Okay, so you get a minelayer to fix this. You mine the WF side door. Now the WF rear door is unmined because you mined the side door and that was originally the second place to get mined. You mine the rear door, now the refinery doors are unmined... it goes on and on. And then someone will argue with you about how the tunnel needs to be mined and undo your work again.
  18. That implies that the player will: read the message understand what it means either notify their team that they've reached the limit so the original miner can fix the problem, or attempt to fix their it themselves (assuming they just happen to know which mines are being removed) Given the kinds of people who tend to poop up the mine limit by assuming that all mines are dual-purpose despite the different models and different kill strings for "Anti-Tank Mine" and "Anti-Personnel Mine" and the way mines behaved in Red Alert... uh... sure Also I'm pretty sure AT/AP mines do not use Renegade mine logic otherwise it would already be the case that they replace old mines.
  19. Having the mine expire after a time limit is really simple to do I'm sure. Hell, "spawn a thing (radar marker) that expires after a time limit" is exactly how the Engineer's mine detector works. What I'm not sure about is if it's really a good idea to force people to waste more time doing something that's not fighting. Especially considering how much time it takes for a Soviet minelayer to fully and properly mine an entire base once, or an Allied minelayer to saturate one attack route in mines once! To prevent a player from spending the entire game remining the same places, the time limit would have to be so long that it wouldn't even properly do the intended job of fighting against people who place mines poorly.
  20. Judging from the game logs (again I haven't had much time to play lately) games of ~20 players is not uncommon. There were a few times around the initial release of Delta where it hovered around 30-40 (at that time the server was set to a max of 40 instead of 50) and I'd say it played pretty well at those numbers. And there was a time around February 2 years ago I think, where Reborn peaked at 50 during an event (back when the game was much more appealing). The absolute maximum we can set the player limit is 127 (that is, 63 on one team and 64 on another) but I think the gameplay might start to fall apart with those numbers - partly because so many vehicles and so many people would bog the performance down a bunch, partly because I don't think the netcode would handle it too well either, and partly because there would be so many people paying attention to every possible flank that nobody can make any progress... and the instant people start slacking, a building dies before you even know it's under attack because 6 V2s shot it all at the same time or a horde of hinds/longbows converged on it heedless of their lives.
  21. This was really easy to do for boats, subs and helis because it didn't actually require any changes to the model, just use of the existing logic for "spawn an object that has projectile physics". The game's physics take care of all the effects needed. Doing this for ground vehicles would be quite a bit more time intensive because there's really nothing for the physics to do there (they're already on solid ground, where are they going to fall?) so it would mean having to make a ton of alternate models with visible damage beyond the normal fire/smoke plumes you get at low health... unless you just want the normal vehicle model to sit there with its damage flames/smoke for a while and still look like it's perfectly feasible to get back in and drive, which will surely prompt people to actually try to get back in. So this is unlikely. The idea of just having new mines replace old ones is just as vulnerable to n00b behaviour; someone might de-mine an important building without realising it and then everyone's wondering "how did that tanya get in there without killing any mines?" And given that you usually want to mine the most important buildings first (especially if the enemy is pushing for early Tanyas), that means those will be the first to be made vulnerable. If any better ideas come along I'll talk to the script guys about it and we'll see what's plausible then. No problem.
  22. Last I checked "Early Access" had a pretty bad stigma surrounding it because you're basically just being charged money to beta-test a game rather than being paid for it, and you can't even be assured that the game will be finished or that it will be any good when it is finished, and it seems to attract a lot of really crappy devs? I bought Starbound 2 years ago, was disappointed, and the core game is STILL not actually complete because the devs don't seem to actually have a goal in mind beyond rolling in early access money. For a game that isn't free, has already been bought by a ton of people, and has a dev team of a not-insignificant size, that's kind of a problem. Then again since Reborn is free I suppose the whole "buyer's remorse" aspect of early access is not a problem...
  23. Something I've had to parrot here quite a few times is the sentiment that, for APB, "major development is over". This does not mean all development is over, but it also means we're not completely overhauling the game anymore like the full Beta, Gamma and Delta releases did. Here's a more thorough explanation: I'm satisfied with Delta as it stands, minor bugs/balance issues notwithstanding. The majority of the playerbase seems to be satisfied with it too. Many of the things left to implement from Red Alert are either MASSIVE timesinks, impossible to balance, or impossible to implement period due to engine limitations. I have already spent a ridiculous amount of my free time just fixing Delta up to its current state by myself, because throughout 2015 more and more members of the team either wound up with too many real life issues to contribute much, or they just vanished entirely. The dev team is pretty much down to me and ChopBam at this point and nearly everyone else here is busy with their own projects. I really shouldn't be pouring so much time into this since I'm not getting paid for it. I've enjoyed developing it, sure, but I can't really make it my life. I'm not about to start charging people for this game that has always been free. Especially since the only work I've actually done on it was optimising the balance and tweaking other peoples' maps, and oh yeah, there's copyright issues too. Therefore I am pretty much just here to maintain the current game by fixing bugs and balance problems, and maybe fixing up a few more maps and features that we actually have most of the framework for, because anything bigger is not a good use of my free time. So before pitching your ideas, ask yourself how long you think it would take for one person to do, if you would like to spend that much time doing it, and if it would be worth it. If not, you should probably think smaller. However, even the simplest-sounding undertakings might be stopped by the engine's limitations, and if that's how it is, then that's how it is. I have an idea that will make this gameplay feature more true to Renegade/Reborn/Red Alert! This game is not Renegade or Reborn and is not trying to be. As for Red Alert it was a very flawed game mechanically, tank spam ahoy. Many of its nuances don't translate well to FPS either. APB is more about borrowing RA's setting than its gameplay, though we do try to emulate it in the few places where it's both reasonable to do so and the engine allows us to do so. I have an idea on how to implement a Red Alert unit/power that isn't currently in the game! There's all sorts of reasons why these things aren't currently in the game: You'd better have a model and texture for it already, or know someone who can do them, cause if it's not on this list then that's most likely the primary concern, and for many of the things on this list it's just one of many concerns. Helicarrier: This would be really boring to play as. At least in the similarly unarmed MGG you're right in the action and get to crush people... Plus we don't have a model. Parabombs: Basically a nuke that wouldn't even one-shot buildings, and we lack a complete Tu-16 Badger model. Attack Dog: Spies are definitely not powerful enough to demand a hard counter - plus limitations in how we can mask their identity make them easy enough for players to detect without dogs anyway. If people come up with ideas that'd make the spy more useful, and the scripts team are able to implement them? Then I'll consider it. MCV: APB isn't SimCity. I'd rather not double the length of matches just to make people grind up their bases. The unit itself is ingame already (though it is one of the oldest and ugliest assets that we still have...) but it's only there as an objective unit for custom maps, it can't deploy. Tech Centres: Bases are big enough as they are without more massive structures of dubious purpose. Also, currently lacking the team tech centre models. We may be able to use the NBNW neutral tech centre CMDBob made as an objective somewhere though. Chronosphere/Iron Curtain: While we do have a Chronosphere model, and we may have some feasible scripting logic lying around for it, we don't have a model for the Iron Curtain (only a "destroyed" prop) - and for balance reasons we'd have to introduce both superweapons into the game at the same time. I have an idea for a new map/new take on an existing map! Go ahead and get a discussion started! Just be aware that the further your map idea deviates from standard AOW gameplay, the more likely you are to run into things that either can't be done without jumping a ridiculous amount of hurdles, or just flat out can't be done... or for the map to just not be well-received as has been the case with so many other maps that have deviated greatly from standard AOW gameplay. Also, developing each map is a pretty big time sink. I have an idea to fix this overpowered/underpowered unit or Allied/Soviet biased map! Go ahead and get a discussion started! There's probably a bunch of ways of solving it with a bunch of them being quick and easy to do. Or maybe there's something about the units/maps involved that isn't immediately obvious that I or another regular will be happy to explain. I have a bug to report! File it in the bug tracker. Thank you for your understanding
  24. But it's on the same launcher as another free game that has a larger playerbase despite having the same degree of advertisement? Are you forgetting who owns the C&C franchise? We could always go back to gamma because that was further from Battlefield... oh wait gamma was a total flop like I've mentioned about a dozen times by now.
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