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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. Because how's it supposed to know to shoot specifically at subs? The only reason the current depth charge bot turret works is that it's a cone pointed directly downwards. The only things that are ever going to be below a gunboat are subs, or infantry that have escaped from subs/aircraft who are basically dead anyway. If you want to apply the same logic to subs, then stolen subs could just sit as close to the surface as the game allows them without being considered surfaced, and never have to worry about the possibility of a sub ever being above them to fire auto-torpedos at them because subs can actually collide with each other and can't be above water level. The depth charge bot turret is hopefully going away soon anyway, to be replaced with manual depth charges that can actually be aimed, since I've been told of a script that can be used as a substitute for two turrets, and if I had a penny for every time I saw "how do i fire the depth charges?" or "what the depth charges are gone?" you know the rest. The two-turret substitute also means we're one step closer to Cruisers (there's still the issue of models though).
  2. Because that'd have to be a pretty damn tall curve (at least 5 times the current height of the plateau) to actually make an effective blocker against arty/v2 arc shots. And then the plateau would be at least 5 times taller and apparently you don't want that?
  3. I feel the "fairness" angle makes sense in that, if you spawn on the opposite end of the base from the sub pen, buying a vehicle that you teleport into allows you to instantly defend the sub pen, so it'd only be fair for that to apply to the Allies too. However I think cyborg reaper logic also forbids you from leaving the vehicle - which can be particularly annoying if you're a submarine, kill the naval yard, and then game mechanic-savvy Allies refuse to kill you so that you can't get a missile sub or contribute to land/air offense/defense - and also causes you to die when your vehicle dies, and honestly I really like being able to swim to shore after losing my ship. I'll have to check how this really works with the Reborn team though.
  4. Don't think I can make it too much taller without it looking weird. I could stick some taller trees on it too. I actually considered making the top infantry accessible and putting the house up there too, but the problem is that the projectile blockers block all projectiles, no way around it. So people who get on top of that plateau wouldn't be able to shoot anything that isn't also on top.
  5. So arty/v2 are still way too pivotal on Coastal Influence. What do you guys think about having a plateau in the middle of the island like this: To make arty/V2 have to travel farther before attacking, give infantry more breathing room on the island, give counter-arty artys a nice big target to hit for splash damage if they can't hit the enemy artys directly, and make scouting harder? To compensate for this, the area around the lighthouse will be deforested a little to give more room for vehicles to move since they won't be able to go around the south side of the house. Bear in mind that this one right here also has invisible projectile blockers over it, so arc shots can't fire over it (if they could then these barriers would just make arty/v2 even stronger)
  6. I remember fighting AIs that bought tech centres in PSX Red Alert - haven't seen it in Retaliation or any of the desktop versions though.
  7. Are you referring to how in pre-delta versions, since credit gain was partially derived from points, you'd be rewarded with an amazing extra 0.5 credits per dump which came from the equally amazing reward of 5 points that you got for harvesting?
  8. The distance between the nearest icebergs and the ANY spawn exit is so much greater than the shock's range of 80m that you can barely see shocks through the distance fog if you want to snipe them from the ANY (so it must be around twice that). So shocks can't be that restricting, especially when you compare them to RPG troopers who have twice the range and 1/3 the cost. And Allies, once again, had a massively favoured win ratio on that map. And the halved income makes it harder to afford hindshocks to spam. Yes it was OP. What was even more OP: The pre-Gamma days when you could steal from a silo while inside a vehicle and just give a big middle finger to AP mines. What's confusing about it? If there's a refinery, you can't steal from the silo. It's consistent. We've just put out another patch that contains the proper redist, that should work.
  9. Be on a map that doesn't have a refinery, park your butt in front of the silo's computer. The destroyer also had a much higher hitpoint total and defended itself better against aircraft. It's quite telling how destroyers and missile subs have been bought an almost equal number of times but destroyers have taken out twice as many vehicles and three times as many buildings as missile subs have. Also allies dominated pacific/hostile.
  10. Another patch has been released! Get more information and the changelist in the full update! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Hey everyone! Another patch has just been pushed to the launcher and server based on your feedback! Changelist DAMAGE Golden Wrench healing vs. buildings reduced by 33.33%. This does not affect its ability to disarm C4/flares or capture neutral structures. Grenade damage to buildings up by 6.66% (0.3 -> 0.32). Grenade damage to infantry armour up from 37.5% of health damage to 100% (i.e. it now depletes both health and armour at the same rate). Handheld machinegun bullets (M60/PKM) damage to base defenses down by 14% (0.175 -> 0.15). Handheld machinegun bullets (M60/PKM) damage to MCTless buildings down by 12.5% (0.2 -> 0.175). Anti-tank shell (Gunboat/Volk AT projectiles) damage to infantry health up by 33% (0.375 -> 0.5). Weak explosion damage to infantry armour up by 66% (0.15 -> 0.25). Strong explosion damage to infantry armour up by 66% (0.375 -> 0.625). Artillery splash damage down by 16% (120 -> 100). High-explosive shell (Artillery/V2) damage to surfaced naval units down by 20% (1 -> 0.8 ). Longbow splash damage down by 16% (15 -> 12.5). Longbow damage to submerged subs down by 25% (0.2 -> 0.15). Destroyer damage down by 11% (90 -> 80). Hind damages submerged subs now, for half the damage it does to surfaced ones (0 -> 0.1). INFANTRY Ladder-climbing speed has been doubled, making it now as fast as crouching. Roof flares should be easier to disarm as a result (but also easier to place). M16/AK-47 range up from 90m to 95m. Flamethrower range up from 80m to 85m. Grenadier price down from 500 to 400. Grenadier health up from 50 to 60. Grenades no longer have projectile collision (which previously caused them to stick to other grenades and not explode). Grenade timer reduced from 3 to 2.5 seconds. Clearing charge splash radius up by 33% (7.5 to 10). Halved reserve ammo on limited-ammo Beretta/Makarovs. VEHICLES Longbow splash radius down by 20% (7.5 -> 6). Neutral Supply Trucks no longer send a "Unit lost" message to the Allies when destroyed. Neutral Supply Trucks can now take 5 passengers like teamed ones can. BUILDINGS The tracks to the side of the War Factory's main door can no longer be walked through (the door itself still can though because of reasons). Naval Yard and Sub Pen now have stairs instead of elevators. Removed ladders leading to the Power Plant's smokestacks. Infantry that happen to land near the smokestacks by using aircraft (not possible in any current maps) will slide off. You can no longer get stuck behind the beds in the back of the Allied barracks. AESTHETICS Mechanic's wrench model has been replaced by the more fitting Socket Wrench from .9935 and given a new icon. The Melee Wrench has the text on its icon updated to reflect its status as a melee wrench. Fixed size and position of Medic's MP5-N when it's stowed on his back. Made the grenade's shrapnel effects more visible. Neutral Supply Trucks no longer have an Allied insignia. Models of vehicle occupants are now properly removed when a vehicle is sold. Service Depots and Refill Pads no longer sink into the ground when viewed from a distance. PERFORMANCE Supply/Demo Trucks/MCVs now use the Mobile Gap Generator's wheels, which use less draw calls. MAPS RA_AS_Seamist: Mine limit reduced from 60 to 15 for this map only. RA_CoastalInfluence: Added naval blockers to stop boats beaching on the Sub Pen walkways. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Time limit reduced to 5 minutes. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Point limit reduced to 500. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Jukebox narrowed down to just Backstab (map isn't long enough for more songs to play anyway). RA_ForestOfIllusion: Now uses the Tournament plugin; your spawn character will either be Sergeant, Starshina, Captain, Kapitan, Grenadier, Engineer (no tools), Shock Trooper, Volkov or Tanya. Both teams get the same character. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Added M16s, AK-47s and all of RockTrap's weapons to the crate loadout. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Removed armour crates since gameplay no longer revolves around an armourless class. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Boss health raised from 150 to 200 to compensate for the improved variety of classes/weapons available. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Removed barbed wire in the forest section. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Added Soviet ghost soldiers; they will fight with the Allied ones and "kill" each other - or just haunt their living enemies. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Fixed heart container not animating. RA_HostileWaters: Re-enabled shock troopers. RA_HostileWaters: Advanced naval structures now provide 2 credits per second, and so do the silos. RA_HostileWaters: Added naval blockers to stop boats beaching on the Advanced Sub Pen walkways. RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Added blockers to the big cliff overlooking the Allied barracks and the east side of the cliff overlooking the Soviet CY to prevent MAD tanks/demos climbing all the way to the top. RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Made the cliffs overlooking the Soviet refinery and Allied barracks a little less abusable for both sides' infantry by blocking some parts off (but not all). RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Shrunk Soviet mixed ore/gem field a little to slow their economy down. RA_PacificThreat: Returned to a two-silo setup; however the Soviet silo by the helipad now has its terminal obscured so it cannot be stolen from. Only the one by the sub pen can be stolen from. RA_PacificThreat: Raised all the SAM sites to make them harder to exploit. RA_PacificThreat: Propped up the naval yard AA gun on a platform. RA_RidgeWar: Fixed missing script zones for manual ore/gem fields. RA_RiverRaid: Soviet buildings actually have spy zones now. RA_RiverRaid: Added a visible blocker to the cave entrance behind the Allied WF to signify why vehicles can't get back there. RA_RockTrap: Time limit reduced to 5 minutes. RA_RockTrap: Point limit reduced to 500. RA_RockTrap: Jukebox narrowed down to just Smash (map isn't long enough for more songs to play anyway). RA_RockTrap: Reduced the amount of thick grass around the river. RA_RockTrap: Added character crates, though in a less absurd form than Gamma's. The only classes you can get are Sergeant/Starshina, Captain/Kapitan, Sniper, Rifle Spy, Grenadier and Engineer. These are locked to their respective teams, so for example, Allied players will never get Starshinas, and Soviet players will never get Allied Snipers, only Soviet ones. Grenadiers now have an Allied equivalent and Spies have a Soviet equivalent for this purpose. RA_Under: Decreased kill radius of collapsing underpass from 55 to 45. RA_Under: Removed 1 frontal Flame Tower. RA_Under: Rotated Soviet Radar Dome to make its entrance more accessible to Allies from the tunnel/underpass. Get to the launcher and grab the patch! Be on the lookout for more updates, and we hope to see you on the battlefield!
  11. I should probably reduce the Complex gem fields to mixed fields since there's almost no danger in those. Guard Duty is intentional. There was a mixed field in that spot in Gamma and I left it there (and upgraded it) to fill space and add another obstacle for vehicles to worry about. Allies don't need a gem field on that map (and neither do Soviets really) and there's not really anywhere to put one; in Gamma the Allies had a mixed field but it was around the same position that their current ore field is (both ore fields used to be within breathing distance of the ref, and since the map was low tech, that meant you were basically never wanting for money). Besides, Allies also get one more pillbox.
  12. And you could get your own nuke/tesla civs by selling buildings.
  13. Hello and welcome! Glad you're enjoying the game and glad I could help.
  14. The only thing that'll be lost by returning to non-C4 logic is its ability to consistently stick to terrain/objects instead of falling into bluehell and not hurting anything. Which is a pretty damn huge thing to lose! Of course that can also be "fixed" by making it explode on contact, but then we're back to square one and it returns to being a flamethrower clone and then it either completely eclipses the flamethrower or the reverse happens like how it was before the big change to naders.
  15. Only way of fixing this is making it not a C4 which means it'll be susceptible to randomly clipping through the terrain and falliing into bluehell where it can't hurt anyone. Which will happen to everyone no matter where in the world they are in relation to the server. He's going down to $400 next patch. So sure you can use them earlier but, you know, not so early that the Allies are unable to buy the counter to cliffnaders.
  16. Yeah if you're not bunnyhopping then the only weapons with enough random spread to actually be a problem are the machineguns/MP5/sniper rifles (all solved by crouching, captain/medic can also solve it by getting in closer) and shotguns (and if you're using them at the range they were intended for, the spread will barely be an issue), That's about it. In fact, when not bunnyhopping, pistols get the best deal; the Beretta/Makarov have a negligible spread cone (about the size of a character's hand at max range, if that) and the Colt has no spread whatsoever. So it's not even an excuse with those.
  17. All tesla weapons, all pistols, and all tools.
  18. But the Grenadier isn't for fighting inside buildings??? That's kinda the whole idea behind the delay on its damage, its high vulnerability to its own damage, its lack of an MCT bonus, and its inability to get suicide kills... There's already a thing the Allies have for fighting inside buildings (that isn't as costly as Tanya) too, it's called the medic and it shreds infantry in close quarters like nothing else and makes his teammates nearly invulnerable if he has any with him (unless the Soviets brought a source of fire damage to the party). You may be onto something though but don't get excited
  19. They're being tweaked somewhat for the next patch, so they may make it back into permanent rotation. They're both being dropped down to a 5 minute timer a la Gamma (with the points requirements and spawn time for FoI's special items being halved as well), RockTrap is getting basic character crates (no Tanya vs Technicians BS, but it does include a class that hasn't been on DM maps before and should shake it up a bit due to its uniqueness...) and Forest of Illusion is going to have the Tournament plugin enabled so the spawn character isn't always the same. Oh and RockTrap is having some of its marsh-grass cleaned out and FoI won't have any barbed wire in the forest.
  20. That's rude of you to just assume that all zany texture mods are Threve's. http://www.bluehellproductions.com/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=63
  21. This is totally a thing that you can do already, it's just difficult to sabotage a vehicle in motion without getting run over. But since one C4 is enough to destroy any light vehicle (i.e. everything with 200 or less HP except minelayers) and Tanya C4 ups the ante a little by also one-shotting minelayers/aircraft and inflicting great damage on heavy tanks, it can be worth it. Regular C4 is pretty worthless against actual tanks though, much as I imagine it is in real life.
  22. Also the status of any vehicle (that doesn't explode nuclearly) as "best infantry killer" is highly dubious when they can't enter buildings or reach a lot of other places that infantry can in order to actually kill them. Well, except Reborn cyborg reapers since they can web through walls and that's basically an instant death that's worse than death because it prevents you from respawning.
  23. To be more specific, RA2 APB2. Tesla Boogaloo. 2. 2.
  24. Yeah so that's basically what the deal is; Tanya used to be really strong but her building destruction ability was very hit-or-miss due to her only having one shot at it and having to accurately land a C4 on a floating target that is smaller than the little wooden crate props (which is harder than it sounds since C4 throwing is server-side). I knew that when we got the new MCT implemented, the "oh hey your C4 failed due to lag" thing would be a non-issue, which combined with supply trucks refilling C4 (a thing that got added to give engineers and supply trucks more purpose) would make an already incredibly powerful unit even stronger - so her pistol got nerfed to compensate. So now she's a little weaker in combat, sure, but she's worlds more reliable at knocking out buildings.
  25. Oh yeah and it was also in the days of tiny MCTs that were pretty easy to miss when throwing your only C4!
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