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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. It's okay merge barrels now as they use an updated texture with only 1 material - they just didn't back when you were doing the advanced naval buildings. Large wooden crates also use only 1 material but the small ones don't. But still yeah, never merge anything together if it results in the three-choice popup. Another important thing is that there can only be so much going on in a single mesh before LevelEdit just refuses to load a terrain model. I don't know the exact limit and whether it's a limit of polys, tris, vertices or what, but I've always found I can't go over ~4500 polys per mesh without that happening. So keep that in mind if you're merging a lot of props or have a particularly defined backdrop (which Raptor's appears to be) - you'll have to split the extras off into separate meshes.
  2. That's because before Delta, all EVA messages were played simultaneously. Delta staggers most EVA messages so you can actually hear them separately and so the chat doesn't become so overloaded that the chat box vanishes entirely. EVA messages spilling over to the next match is an unforeseen bug that never got spotted in testing and likely can't be fixed without Chronojam but it doesn't hurt the game so who cares
  3. With his history I'd say he's had enough 24 hour bans for it to be a bit longer this time. Perhaps 2-3 days, and just keep extending it every time he crosses the line from now on.
  4. Nothing wrong with chewing on some pineapple.
  5. That's easy now with Rock Trap's barrels. If I remember right, what actually happened was someone stuck a C4 on him and he tried to shoot but the C4 got in the way, and since shooting a C4 that's attached to something also damages what it's attached to...
  6. Don't have an IP address that claims to be from the US?
  7. Check wherever your "my documents" or "documents" folder is \W3D Hub\games\apb-release\engine.cfg
  8. We've pushed a quick hotfix for several issues that the last patch introduced - and for real this time: real news will come soon! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Whoops, this wasn't intended to be one of the "more updates coming soon" but here we are: a quick fix for numerous issues that have been reported for Once again, keep an eye out for actual updates coming soon Changelist VEHICLES Gunboat's depth charge mode now has its inviso-turret facing forward instead of backwards, as this prevents the game from being confused about where to aim it post-switch. PERFORMANCE Reverted to the previous stealth shader due to numerous reported performance issues with the new one. MAP CHANGES RA_AS_Seamist: Allied Ore Silo no longer gets destroyed when buying a Longbow. RA_Complex: Reverted to Tech Level 5, but for infantry only; vehicles are still Tech Level 4. RA_HostileWaters: Fixed light bleeding near Allied barracks/ore silo. RA_StormyValley: Church money crate is now stacked on some other crates where the AI won't accidentally pick it up. Reduced rain by 25% - should improve performance a little. Small vehicles can no longer get onto the plateau between the 2 lakeside mountains. Fixed a floating rock in the middle. RA_Under: Fixed destructible rocks using the string "High Resolution Shadows".
  9. What does this mean? The superior stealth shader from APB Gamma is now in Delta. Scripts 5.0 didn't support it previously so we couldn't have it until now. OP demos.
  10. I"m gonna miss that broken bridge. It always amuses me everytime I play that map, I always see an empty stuck vehicle at the bottom of that broken bridge. I remember one time we were Allies planning an early truck rush and the passengers were spamming chat/radio telling the driver stop as he drove onto that bridge and spoiled the rush. Yeah it's always funny when you see it but then you realise it's a newbie trap that's just there to make newbies rage. That's not what I'm about tbh. That's no fun though, I like being yelled at for bad balance, please don't kink-shame May I ask why? It took me a good amount of practice to learn how to use the thief effectively on that map. Because allies aren't supposed to be able to cripple the soviets on this map. The soviets have a hard enough time as it is.
  11. Well that's just another incentive to fight the trap head-on instead of trying to lure it into walls, isn't it? Jk that'll be fixed.
  12. If they weren't proxies they would be untextured and have no collision. What do you mean? ??? It's the same way other bot kills are handled (like OT technicians and base defenses) and doing otherwise requires a new weapon preset for every single bot.
  13. Well it's not all me - I have to thank Synaesthesia and Generalcamo for the mammoth, Killing_You and Generalcamo for the sounds, and Aprime for the texture updates.
  14. Another patch has been released! Get more information and the changelist in the full update on the forums, and stay tuned for more news soon! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Hey everyone! Another patch has just been pushed to the launcher and server based on your feedback! And stay tuned, because more updates are coming soon! Changelist DAMAGE Gunboat cannon damage to submerged subs down by 33% (0.375 -> 0.25); this is to compensate for depth charges being manually aimable now Gunboat cannon damage to buildings up by 12.5% (0.12 -> 0.135) Gunboat cannon damage to concrete (bridges/walls) up by 50% (0.12 -> 0.18) Grenadier damage to buildings up by 5.5% (0.32 -> 0.3375) Longbow damage to submerged subs down by 33.33% (0.15 -> 0.1) MAD Tank shockwave damage to bridge segments up by 100% (8.5% -> 17%) INFANTRY Fixed missing killstrings for limited-ammo versions of M16/AK-47. You will now get hurt if you rub up against the coiled razor wire fences. Repair Tool now takes 5 seconds to disarm C4 (was 4). Golden Wrench now takes 2 seconds to disarm C4 (was 1.06). VEHICLES Gunboat's depth charges have returned to being manual weapons; they can now be aimed in a 270-degree angle from the stern of the ship. You must press Q to alternate between the deck gun and depth charges. Unfortunately, due to the way the turret switch script works, the pilot of the Gunboat is no longer visible. Depth charges are no longer homing. All naval units can now be entered from beneath, in case you fall into the water at the sub pen dock, or eject from a boat in shallow water (such as Pacific Threat's strait). Missile Sub's muzzle bones have been raised a little above the actual launchers, making it less likely to home in on the ground when aiming at inland structures. Missile Sub now fires 6 missiles in a salvo; reload time has been increased to match, so damage over time is unchanged, but it has to stay surfaced longer to let the whole salvo loose. Destroyer/Missile sub projectile velocity up from 75 to 100m/s. MRJ health up from 200 to 300. Mobile Gap Generator forward speed up from 11 to 12m/s. LSTs now refill the occupants' ammo, C4 and armour like a Supply Truck does. BUILDINGS Non-tunnel Construction Yard now contains the ramp from the tunnel version, which connects the MCT room and the side area on the ground floor. Concrete Wall health up from 125 to 150. Destructible hedgehogs now have an invisible collision box in the middle, so they should be easier to hit or attach C4 to. Added short grates extending out of the dock platforms of the Sub Pen, so it should be impossible to drown when boarding a freshly-bought LST. AA Gun and SAM Site no longer have physical collision on their rotary parts, as that caused infantry to get stuck on them. Pillbox's reload time reduced from 2.5 to 1.25 seconds. Pillbox projectile velocity up from 375m/s to 750m/s. Pillbox and Turret no longer have projectile extensions; they will have a bit of a harder time hitting infantry but will have less trouble shooting around cover. Pillbox bullets now originate from inside the bunker rather than outside, so they don't have a "blind spot" right next to the bunker. AESTHETICS Mammoth Tank now has an updated model/texture with camouflage variants! Gamma's stealth shader has returned. Fixed a bunch of textures with missing mipmaps. When the jukebox rotates, it prints the track's title and artist in the chat. Higher-quality music files for Workmen Remix, Mud Remix, No Mercy Remix, Scrin, Techno Babble, Asteroid Belt, Dream Sleep, Fire Ice, RenAlert Jam and Drone Instrumental. New sounds for Hind/Longbow/MP5/M60 firing, Hind reloading, and MAD tank detonating. Texture updates for Soviet Barracks flag, Refinery bib, Barracks lockers, War Factory water drums, civilian house stucco, APC desert camo, and some metal textures, courtesy of Aprime. Muzzle flashes for Longbow/Destroyer/Phase Tank/Hind/Missile Sub should now be in the right place. Destroyer now makes use of all 6 of its launchers (still has to reload every 2 shots though) Destroyer's turret model has been upgraded to the SAM site model. AA Gun now makes use of all 4 of its barrels (still has a delay between every 2 shots though) Chinook's rotors spin the right way now. Hind's gatling gun now spins while firing. Fixed missing sinking state for Missile Sub. Sinking states of naval units will now persist until they hit the ocean floor or 60 seconds pass (was 5). Helipad signal flares actually have the signal flare model now. Flame Tower now has a sound effect for its pilot lights. Flame Tower, SAM Site, Gap Generator and Tesla Coil now give off smoke and flames when damaged. Gap Generator now stops animating in low power. Domination Mode team markers no longer bob up and down when rotating. PERFORMANCE Fixed a bunch of excessive meshes and multimaterials on wrecked defenses/silos/refill pads/vehicle props. MAPS RA_AS_Seamist: Removed thieves. Allies have 1 less refill pad, service depot and AA gun. Removed some rocks that were restricting Soviets' ability to leave their base. Reshaped the Allied hill slightly; there is now very little room to climb it from inside the base, and driving off it into the base will also require some care. Allied income down from 4 per second to 3, condensed into 1 silo which is a little further back than before. Moved dome pillbox back slightly. Moved helipad AA gun over to just behind the silo pillbox. RA_Bonsai: Repaired the broken bridge near the Allied War Factory. RA_CamosCanyon: Shrunk the rock in front of the forward Flame Tower to its original size. RA_CoastalInfluence: Added a plateau to the middle of the island that prevents artillery/V2 arc shots. They will have to get closer to hit buildings. Added a pier on the south end of the lagoon, which is connected to the south side of the map through a tunnel; this is another potential LST dropoff/cover spot/sniper spot/anti-sub rocket spot. Re-added the pier that used to be on the east side of the island, giving Soviets LST access to the island. Removed a pillbox and a turret from the land route, but moved the remaining defenses closer together and closer to the base. Spread out flame towers on the land route so they don't cover each other quite as well. Switched Naval Yard spawn zones around, so LSTs spawn close to land and boats spawn in areas where they can steer more freely. Moved hedgehogs away from the bridge to make them less easy to destroy. Added water ambient sounds. RA_Complex: Tech Level reduced to 4. Added projectile blockers over the central mountains, so artillery/V2 cannot hit buildings from safety. Gem fields downgraded to mixed. Bridge is no longer destructible. Moved Allied silo over to the PP shack. Jukebox changed; removed Techno Babble, added Voice Rhythm. RA_Fissure: Out-of-bounds platform behind Allied barracks actually falls when approached now. Made part of the upper central platform destructible; this will block off the lower central area when destroyed. You can still cross the upper area as there is a bridge over the rickety platform. RA_HostileWaters: Side/rear iceberg defenses have been moved back into the bases. Soviets get an extra rear flame tower. Capturable structures no longer have functional SAM sites. RA_PacificThreat: Added a Turret and a Flame Tower on top of the naval buildings, protecting against gunboats/subs taking the short route and covering the silo near the naval factory from infantry attack/theft from that direction. (The turret does a much worse job of infantry protection, but it also doesn't get outranged by caps and has a much wider angle of attack) Fog thickened from 200/300 to 100/300 (same as Stormy Valley). Added water ambient sounds. Jukebox changed; removed Arazoid, added Workmen. RA_RiverRaid: Removed some trees. Removed rear pillbox/flame tower. Added blockers around the broken bridge to prevent arty/v2 from perching on them for easy base attacks. RA_StormyValley: Reshaped the mountains. The narrow "lake route" (i.e. the most direct route between the 2 bases) is now inaccessible to ground vehicles. Widened the chokepoints between the ore fields and the "construction site route". The hill separating the "gem route" and the "construction site route" is now home to a series of vehicle/infantry paths that connect the two routes and allow infantry to snipe from atop the hill. Added an infantry tunnel connecting the "gem route" and the "lake route". Added a Radar Dome where the Refill Pads used to be. Improved defenses in most areas. Moved Service Depots that were near the Soviet War Factory/Allied Barracks over to the Soviet Helipad/Allied Refinery. Added a bunch of concrete walls to the bases, protecting the Helipad, Refill Pad, Ore Silo and Barracks from attacks from certain angles. Spy zone for barracks is now in its proper location instead of where the barracks was in Gamma. Oops! Removed hard-to-see barbed wire from Soviet barracks. Removed a Refill Pad from each team. Improved brightness. Added more ruins to the town. Added a drivable MCV and forklift to the construction site. Church now contains a $250 team money crate... with some safeguards. Purchased Allied helicopters now come in from off the map. Jukebox changed; removed Scrin, added Techno Babble and On The Prowl Redux (another Scott Peeples remix). RA_Under: Removed rear Service Depots. Added an extra Turret to the front of the Allied base. RA_Zama: Removed some rocks.
  15. And then it ends up either going unused because firing a weapon will always unstealth you no matter what the "weapon" does, or it gets used and people whine about the gap generator being underpowered suddenly because they don't realise that firing does what I just said.
  16. I will say though, there is something related to camos that the Soviets might appreciate in the next release.
  17. There's a flag change coming up in the next release, but it's not that, it's just adding the hammer and sickle to the middle of the current one like in the Red Alert Soviets' radar background. (Who knows - to pull an ICE, maybe that's the flag they adopted in the alternate timeline?) So go ahead and do your own edit
  18. Is there really that little space between the two bases? Looks like a B2B mad tank/arty/v2 paradise even more so than river raid. Are the forests supposed to be completely impassable to vehicles or just an annoyance for them? Cause if it's the latter then that's definitely too little space between the bases.
  19. But then you have some maps where multiple camos work well - for example Zama which is a mix of desert/forest at night - and you would be locked out of one of the ones that are good. Even just setting the "desired" camo as the default one and leaving the other choices in requires every map to have a custom purchase list, which is a pain to keep up to date whenever something related to unit purchases gets globally changed. In addition some vehicles use scripts to make their "visible" ammo disappear when fired, like the longbow and V2, and other use scripts to activate the vehicle's animation, like the MRJ, and I'm not sure those are compatible with the "force camo per map" script since they all involve messing with the vehicle's model. Actually the V2 is definitely not compatible with that because each separate V2 camo has its own weapon to fire a rocket that has the correct camo. No It was unfurled in RA. Define "actual Soviet flag". There's a bunch of them. Tanya's alt camos are something that just happened to conveniently be sitting around in the game's files for years and never enabled. I simply enabled them.
  20. The issue with full pathfinding besides just possible LE crashes is that Ore Trucks don't always want to take the shortest possible path. I posted this image previously on River Raid's release - currently the Soviet OT takes the red path because the pathfind grid only extends out as far as it needs to for the OT to take that path, while with full pathfind coverage it takes the cyan path for some bizarre reason. Using pathfind blockers to funnel the OT any more than it already is will also funnel other AI units, and lord knows that front entrance will become cramped since vehicle bots don't know how to not block ore trucks. So here's another map that a bots version would be problematic for.
  21. I should mention that one of the other maps will have some bots in the next version. They suffer pathblindness too, but luring them out to the edge of their pathfind grid is probably not the best idea - they're neutral bots, so that just means the other team can more easily reach what they're guarding.
  22. Problem with Fissure bots: You can't alter the pathfind grid during the game. So with the introduction of that new destructible platform, either bots will have to completely ignore the middle lower route, which will make it really easy for players to destroy the enemy barracks, or they will be able to go through the lower middle route, which will mean when the platform gets destroyed, bots will end up piling up against the rubble that they will try to run through but can't. And almost all of the bots will do that too since bots prefer to take the shortest possible path to their enemy - which would be the lower middle path. Problem with Pacific Threat bots: I already have something to help with the silo problem. Plus getting bots to "guard" something involves artificially constricting the pathfind grid because they are too bloodthirsty to stay near an object. And since they refuse to shoot infantry that are standing in a place that bots can't move... you do the math on that one. The alternative is just making them not move, but that makes them really easy targets for any weapon, especially the thief's Silenced Beretta with its nonexistent spread.
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