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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. Even the minor villages in APB, that make JRPG villages look like metropolises by comparison, use a lot of the same houses and ruins between different maps. Some of them even have 2 of the same house/ruin on the same map. I wouldn't think of trying to make any villages larger than Stormy Valley/To The Core's with the few houses we have, and certainly not a proper Moscow-esque city as we have absolutely nothing for that besides Metro's icky and anachronistic assets.
  2. At that point you might as well just run them over - SquishVelocity is 2.0, versus its max speed of 6.5ish. That's a much more lenient squish threshold than damn near every other land vehicle, and for exactly the reasons you'd think
  3. Ok so what you want comes with a ton of problems: if you want to strela/shock some longbows that are attacking the coil, you can't be anywhere near the coil to do that or else your attacks hit an invisible shield above you. On a map like KOTG where you get high-ground advantage on a coil, you might want to make use of that to easily snipe engineers repairing a coil. But you can't because your bullets will hit an invisible shield. People say they're useless enough already, right? If you want to shoot the coil with artillery, you have to be a lot more accurate than normal because the base of the coil is the part that's easiest to hit and that is protected from above by - you guessed it - an invisible shield. If you're in a V2 and want to snipe some guys attacking the coil, well you just can't because there's a lot less room for you to aim because there's an invisible shield blocking any V2 rockets within ~10m or so of the coil. Unless you plan to use arc shots which are a lot harder. If you're in any turreted vehicle and drive past the coil, your turret is going to freak out because there's an invisible shield that will directly intersect with either the camera or the tip of the turret at some point. Any Beta players remember the aim-spaz that used to be caused by walking/driving through bushes or aiming through tree branches, since those were also things that you could move through that had projectile collision? Yeah, it'd pretty much be like that. If you're in a longbow, you have to remember to target the upper parts of the coil and not the base because your missiles might seek into the arbitrary invisible shield. Always fun to have to deal with things like that when you have limited ammo and the success of a rush is riding on good use of it! Very obviously floating C4. Please. Before you say just make it not do that for the other projectiles, It's not possible to set blocking on a per-projectile basis; a blocker will either block all projectiles or block no projectiles.
  4. People ingame ask about Metro all the time and I tell them why not all the time so I might as well have a forum post about it now so everyone knows: it's not likely to happen any time soon. The original Metro is WELL below the visual quality standards set by Delta - probably the ugliest official map even back in its heyday - and buildings are much harder to spice up than terrain, getting it up to standards would be a massive time-sink and I don't really have the 3ds max skill for that either. Frankly I'd prefer a full remake based on the "Allies roll through Moscow" RA cutscene, as that is obviously much more appropriate for the APB setting than old Metro which looks like 1990s Los Angeles or something, but that's also a big time-sink. Whatever the improvements, I would love to see Metro or a city map but people need to understand that making convincing buildings is not as easy as making convincing terrain.
  5. Tell me how this blocker is going to block Tanya but not repairmen. Yes. But shocks can just kill those vehicles, and haven't medics been in need of things to make them more relevant anyway?
  6. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Another patch has been released! Get more information and the changelist in the full update on the forums, and stay tuned for more news soon! Changelist GENERAL Fixed radio command spam. Tesla weapons have been nerfed a bit against infantry, having their direct damage removed entirely but having the damage-over-time effect buffed. Since only direct damage gets affected by limb multipliers, this means that shooting an enemy in the chest or leg will do exactly as much as shooting them in the head. So Shock Rifles still kill most infantry in two shots but can't upgrade to instant kills via headshots any more, and Tesla Tanks still kill regular infantry in one shot but can't one-shot Tanyas via headshots any more and need another shot (or possibly splash) to kill anything tougher than a rifle/rocket soldier. Mousing over a targetable object and then mousing over a hidden phase tank/gapped object no longer instantly removes the target box, so this method cannot be used to scan for such units. Some rebalancing to the new event; details are confidential though INFANTRY Infantry now take half as much damage from barbed wire. C4/Tanya C4 damage to heavy vehicles (LT/HT/Med/APC/ML) up by 50%. C4 damage to aircraft up by 100%. C4 damage to Ore Trucks up by 100%. C4 damage to building exteriors down from 12.5% to 10%. Tanya C4 damage to building exteriors up from 12.5% to 20%. VEHICLES Vehicles now take half as much damage from deep water. Tesla Tank inaccuracy up from 0.25 to 0.5. Tesla Tank range down from 125 to 122.5. Hind damage to naval units down by ~17% (0.3 -> 0.25) Longbow damage to naval units down by ~17% (0.9 -> 0.75) BUILDINGS SAM Site rockets can no longer travel significantly further than the SAM Site's target acquisition range. Soviet Ore Silos, Refill Pads and Service Depots now properly give 100 points to each Allied player when destroyed like Allied ones do for Soviet players. Concrete Wall health up from 150 to 225. AESTHETICS Flamethrower, Shock Rifle and Volkov's handcannons no longer "tilt" while reloading (since they don't "reload" in a conventional manner) All weapons and vehicles now have proper HUD strings (only relevant if you're using a custom HUD like Threve's) MAPS RA_CamosCanyon_Bots: Infantry bots at home no longer remain idle and block ore trucks until an enemy comes into view. Revived RA_CanyonRiver! Map now meets Delta standards--terrain remade from the ground up, with scattered foliage and objects to match. New series of tunnels connects the two caves where the river enters and exits the map (allowing a vehicle route completely hidden from the main thoroughfare), plus offshoot tunnels as infantry routes that connect to the main map area. Allied War Factory rotated to a position that complements the Barracks. Defenses added to the bases. Each team gets two silos, each team's silo area spruced up with fenced-in area that contains a PT and some props. New lighting, plus scripted weather and fog scheme. Vis fitted for additional player comfort. Added a waterfall, foam, small ponds, a retaining wall with a tunnel, a graveyard, guard towers, scaffolding, sculpted cliffs, and so many more things that are too numerable to mention here! RA_Fissure: Thief zone exists now on the lower Soviet silo. Made it a little harder to get close to the lower Soviet silo. RA_HostileWaters: Added a small chance of getting a Golden Wrench crate. This depleted Golden Wrench only has 40 ammo (enough to capture anything except a teamed SD/rpad - it will still neutralise those though making it possible to capture them with a second wrench) and cannot repair buildings. RA_PacificThreat: Fixed the ugly slope by the Soviet barracks. RA_StormyValley: Rocket partisan should be more aggressive now. RA_Under: Tesla Tanks can no longer jam Allied radar from the central plateau.
  7. I think the plan with the polls was to depress Republicans into not bothering to vote on election day. Except the media and establishment failed to take into account the raw energy of Trump supporters, laziness of most millennials, and the Shy Tory effect, and once again ignored Brexit where a similar thing happened - turnout was very low among young voters because they're low-energy and had been told by polls that Brexit would fail hard so why bother voting. Polls were shown favouring Remain because it was a combination of being what the establishment wants and the media/left's vehement shaming of everyone who publicly declared their support for Brexit, which just caused them to feign support for Remain until the day.
  8. Obama said Brexit Britain would be put at the back of the queue for trade deals. So basically holding it hostage because it made a choice he didn't like. Now Trump is moving it to the front of the queue.
  9. Yeah, Trump's victory in combination with Brexit is going to energise parties across the world that oppose illegal/uncontrolled immigration and the establishment. The people having a big old cry over his victory only have themselves to blame for creating him. It really didn't help them when they saw Remain's strategy of "1. demonise all opponents as sexist racist bigots, 2. claim that the opposing team's victory will lead to some completely unrelated extinction-level event, 3. go back to step 1" and decided that it couldn't possibly fail twice.
  10. Plus, y'know, Congress. He's already used to dealing with walls. Unless they have cavalry waiting behind, and implying that Trump is going to regress the country by that many years might be just a teensy bit hyperbolic.
  11. I kinda want Goldeneye 64-esque shooting helmets/hats off people except I'm pretty sure none of the helmeted infantry actually have their scalp/hair modelled under them. Instead you get the head hitbox cutting off at the helmet because those hitboxes are already the same size as the Reborn infantry ones and really don't need to be any bigger judging from how frequently med tank headshots occur.
  12. Not here! One of the perks of living in an apartment block I guess.
  13. 0:39 Shock and horror as units that were not designed to be controlled by players do strange things when controlled by players. Cut it out Silverlight
  14. In RA1 however, the Light Tank actually does do more DPS than the Medium Tank by a small amount I guess even that and the higher speed (which = less damage taken in scatterspam fights) don't make up for having 100 less health and 0.75 less range in RAland though, since in the few online games I saw before I got bored of watching it, Allies always bought mediums and never lights. Of course both of them pale in comparison to the heavy tank by lightyears because Westwood balance.
  15. If I wanted to break consistency with the (immobile) AA Gun, SAM Site, MAD Tank, APC, LST, and Volkov's AT and AP cannons, sure. Not seeing what purpose that actually serves though. Only 18 now (excluding bones). Which is still less than most tanks. I remade it and the mobile AA using the Mobile Gap as a base, since that's what the previous vehicles were based on. Fucking shit TruYuri why am I still cleaning up after you. A quick test shows that this happens with the mobile AA because all 6 of its wheels are physics wheels when only 4 of them should be - which stems from the MGG. This might be affecting ore trucks, supply trucks and V2s as well. Edit 1: So ore trucks are affected but since AI ones are tracked they depend on their wheel setup to move at a specific speed and dropping it to 4 changes that, and I'm not recalculating ore truck speed for the economy again Supply trucks are certainly affected since they like to drift around when spawned at times. V2s aren't affected - possibly because their 8 wheels are spaced somewhat evenly from the centre of the vehicle, unlike the 6-wheelers? Edit 2: Also going down to 4 physics wheels on the MGG/related vehicles causes them to reverse at nearly double the speed of a ranger. And I've spent the past 40 minutes unsuccessfully tweaking their physics trying to find a way to prevent that while also allowing them to move forward at anything even close to their current speed. Fuck that noise, one of these 2 issues is clearly much bigger than the other.
  16. Yeah in that case the Medium is already the "slowest", popping out 1 shell per 1.9 seconds, while the Heavy/Mammoth tie at 1.625 seconds (but doing 2 shells at a time so they get so sit behind cover twice as long) and Light Tank spam at 1.16666~ seconds. The different warheads are supposed to place the two vehicles into different roles, rather than leaving them as just 2 almost-identical units like in the Beta days (where not only did they have the same warhead, but the difference in their ROF, damage and movement speed were less distinguishable than now!) Light Tank's higher movement speed and DPS to unarmoured things make it a much better fit for hunting down a base-wrecking V2 or Tesla Tank (though in the case of the TT it's a suicide run as you will almost certainly lose your tank either before or after killing the TT), harassing buildings in the back of the enemy base, or just getting an anti-building rush out as soon in the match as humanly possible (and in that circumstance, the lower price means you can get a Sergeant for more building-wrecking fun which you would most likely not have the money for if you got a Medium), and higher rate of fire means many more chances to get those strong direct hits on infantry. Medium Tank's higher health and damage modifier versus strong armour make it more suited to holding the line in straight slugfests against heavy/mammoth tanks. Sending a medium to deal with a TT via the shortest route will likely get you kited and sending a light to push back mammoths will just get you pushed back.
  17. Yeah, by almost double because, you know, it only has half as many barrels to reload. So raising the reload time to surpass the Heavy's would still mean giving it nearly twice as much damage - or enough to three-shot a tesla tank. From a cannon that is supposedly the same caliber as the Heavy Tank's or possibly less. Also I've seen enough River Raid and Stormy Valley to know Light Tanks do not need to be the ultimate DPS machines to wreak more havoc on a base than mediums do. Because unlike mediums they can actually get behind the base, in some cases regardless of whether the flame towers are alive or not, allowing them to strike at buildings that the Soviets wouldn't have expected to need to defend yet - and obviously doing a much better job of it than Rangers would. If they're getting any buffs they'll be minor. Or alternatively I could just debuff the other MBTs to further encourage use of fire support vehicles...
  18. Try again. It... already does? Unless you're including every other vehicle in this and it's not just between the light and medium, in which case GG, the medium will need a reload time over 8.5 seconds to be slower than the V2, and consequently, over 310 damage per shot compared to its current 70. What is this supposed to accomplish besides making the medium tank a Grand Cannon in a crazy disguise?
  19. But you say mines are useless because clearing charges exist...
  20. Video 3 0:25: I think the soviet technician getting medic'd might have been a spai, just saiyan Video 2 0:06: I like how lag creates an interesting effect with the LAW/RPG, where a near-miss can still inflict splash damage even though the rocket is still flying away. Like the exhaust is burning their face off
  21. Boo on you cutting out the Fissure silo footage just before I began my corner-trolling Also holy shit pyryle started shooting you a full second after his death. That can't be adequately explained as just lag.
  22. Yeah there's a reason Soviets only get the ranger on lowest-tech maps. They had the ranger available on every map for a short time in testing, during which shock/kov rangers were the gods of all units, even with a bunch of nerfs to the Soviet ranger making it move only as fast as a minelayer, having worse handling, and having the rate of fire of the current APC with none of the advantages that balance that out (of course all of that got reverted as soon as it was made a low-tech-only unit; now the Soviet ranger just has the exact same advantages/disadvantages compared to Allied as the Kapitan does vs the Captain). A soviet APC would bring that up to 11.
  23. This is a CJfeature that I kept because I didn't see it as harmful. But without it we might see a resurgence of actually using the transport vehicles for transport (specifically the APC) and make snipers more useful since infantry will have a harder time hiding among tank legions? For the record this is only the Light, Medium, Heavy and Mammoth Tanks that it would affect; I'd most likely keep passengers for the Ranger, Minelayer, Ore Truck and Mobile AA Gun since they all have limited field presence anyway, I intended for the Minelayer/Ore Truck to double as a "better than ST in either speed or toughness or both, but still can't defend itself and can't taxi a team" transport for both teams, and all except the ML clearly have visible passenger seats
  24. I like how we now have 3 different points of view for that TTC mega attack
  25. The best use of the passenger gunner command is to let passengers blare the ST/LST horn or Chinook loudspeaker.
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