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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. You weren't concerned enough to vote in the thread about it apparently. This is what APCs, minelayers, rangers, and supply trucks (both buyable and field spawns) are for. If the Alliederps decide they should get nothing but medium tanks and kill any supply trucks they find because muh recs, that's their problem. I thought you of all people would be jumping for joy because it also means more infantry are in a position to be sniped. Don't forget that this inhibits shock trooper/volkov hitchhiking as well.
  2. Actually it's not related to different development environments at all. Check your PMs, I don't think anyone else here wants to gaze into the abyss that is the bridge code
  3. I haven't touched the scaffolding w3ds or presets so I don't know what's up there. e_turretsmoke1 has always been a "permanent" emitter though...
  4. 0:47 Fireballs have 0 projectile size, just like rockets and bullets. You need to tag them with the very centre of the ball, and the trail isn't indicative of anything either. Fireballs did previously have a large projectile at some point, but due to exploits, this feature has been removed from all infantry weapons except AA launchers. It seems he just barely dodged. Also I swear I should know what that music is from but I forget. 0:59 Clearly he dressed his Hind up in Beta-era foliage. Tracking weapons have always been an enigma in this engine, no matter the game or mod, and I'm sure everyone will be jumping for joy when someone figures out how to make them work properly. 1:35 Wish I could say I masterminded the AI coding behind Killthief Ants but no, it just seems to be a general quirk of this engine's AI. And I love it. Keep up the good work!
  5. Now free of rubberbanding, dotted tracers, black water and MBT carpooling! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update There's one day left until the first year anniversary of Delta's initial release, but I was never the type to intentionally delay important things just to have them happen on a date that sounds better. Plus it's not exactly a "megapatch" worthy of that anyway. Since the recent rubberbanding troubles have been so troubling, I wanted to get this patch out as soon as the fix was made. Enjoy! Changelist GENERAL NetUpdateRate is now set correctly, this should annihilate your rubberbanding problems! Being scoped in when the map ends no longer causes you to stay scoped on the next map. Added engine.cfg override for monitor refresh rate. Added armour bar to HUD target box for any unit that has armour. This should reduce the confusion about inconsistencies in weapon damage. INFANTRY Infantry armour is now more effective against "weak" explosive splash damage, reducing health damage by 62.5% instead of 50%, and the armour itself is completely immune to this damage. Effectiveness of "strong" explosives (artillery, V2, C4 and hand grenades) is unchanged. VEHICLES Light Tank, Medium Tank, Heavy Tank, Mammoth Tank can no longer carry passengers. BUILDINGS Purchase terminal zones now have physical collision, so it is no longer possible to get so close to them that you are unable to use them. Fixed shape of Construction Yard roof VIS sector, should prevent some oddities when camera is over the "arch". Construction Yard second floor has grates beneath the PCTs, so even if the PT zones fail, you should not fall through them when buying stuff. Added blocker behind MCV in non-tunnel version of Construction Yard basement, so it is no longer possible to get stuck behind it. Sub Pen now has mesh fences on the ends of the piers, making it harder for Allied infantry to disembark directly into the pen (but still possible) and harder to fall into the water while trying to defend against navy as an RPG/Volkov. Naval Yard now uses the same mesh fencing as the Sub Pen. Collision plane on Allied Barracks basement stairway now properly connects to the lower floor; this means that infantry descending the stairs will no longer "fall" and get accuracy penalties as a result. AESTHETICS Added Kaskins' Imperial Age bullet tracers with his permission, to replace the outdated and broken emitter-based tracers. Weather particles no longer fall through water; this also allows us to add weather back to naval maps that previously had it at some point. MAPS RA_HostileWaters: Added light snowfall. Fixed water brightness. Water now fades at shorelines. RA_Siege: Fixed water brightness. EVA now reminds you about the cannon side objective every so often. Cannons now repair at half the previous rate and take 25% more damage from Hinds. Cannons now use the same radar marker as base defenses. Added collision planes to the landing pads, so ground vehicles should not get stuck on them and infantry walking onto them should not "fall". Fixed a bad texture blend on the hills behind Soviet base. RA_Under: Added snowfall. Parts of the Soviet Radar Dome are no longer untargetable.
  6. 0:02 is most likely a result of driving through water, and more prevalent now that water's been nerfed to open a bunch of fording opportunities. Water damage pierces vehicle armour just like it does for infantry. This not only makes it immediately obvious that the water is hurting you, but it means that a vehicle that "just barely" survived a water route can still survive some weapon fire... except for tesla shots which also pierce armour. He probably had something like 20/150 health and 85/150 armour left before you hit him, and a quirk of the way the target health bar works means that it still shows as being 20/150 full despite the arty still having enough armour to survive a rocket. Which works fine for infantry since everything pierces infantry armour, but no so much here. In development I asked CJ if he could add a broken shield indicator next to the target health bar to indicate that the target has 0 armour, which would make that more clear, as well as being useful information for when you're using a weapon that is stronger against unarmoured inf/vehicles. But he never got around to it. Now that the scripts team has another competent scripter doing HUD work, I'll be sure to ask him if he can do this. 0:40 ...interesting. The Golden Wrench still has a zero damage multiplier to both infantry health and armour, so my only conclusion from this is that radius weapons like the wrench steal ownership of lingering fire/shock damage on any enemy infantry in range? But the Golden Wrench still has to be able to affect enemy objects otherwise it can't disarm. Whatever, this is harmless. 1:14 Geez the butthurt is strong with that guy. Yes the unit that can only hit things in front of it, with a very slow projectile, once per 9 seconds, but is rewarded heftily for managing to do so against fast vehicles, and dies to one phase tank salvo, is a cheat tank. It's not that you're continuing to practice zero caution or evasion around that unit after learning how threatening it is or anything.
  7. Soviet rangers only exist on the low-tech maps though. This is because in the pre-release testing, a high-speed armed transport turned out to be ridiculously OP with even one shock trooper/volkov inside, never mind two. Many attempts were made to nerf the Soviet ranger, bringing its speed down to that of a minelayer, its attack power down to that of a rifle soldier, and eliminating the passenger slot. And even then it was still too good, so I decided that screw it, this unit just shouldn't exist in fulltech unless the Soviets steal them from the Allies, which still prevents them from amassing an army of volkovmobiles unless the Allies are very incompetent. (And now as a result, on the maps the Soviet ranger is available on, it's almost equal to an Allied ranger again.) If Soviets need a fast one-man/two-man transport in high-tech games, then the minelayer certainly delivers that, being almost as fast as a ranger while also being a little tougher. Armed? They can just transport a shock/kov for that. For what it's worth you can also lay mines around the area your infantry are going to control to deter a Tanya defense. People never suspect forward AP mines unless the ML is driving straight through their base and trying to killwhore. Engineers can sprint faster than the mammoth tank, being a ride-along only helps to protect from artillery/sniper fire. Frankly snipers could stand to be more useful and I already threw Engineers a bone against artillery by giving them 50% resistance to indirect explosive damage at the start of Delta. Maybe this could stand to be increased further, and maybe for all infantry and all explosive weapons except grenades?
  8. Just checked and it's definitely set up the same way as the official rotation. You're probably getting unlucky Sarah, either that or you just subconsciously tune out the songs that you've heard too much of before. That's part of the reason why when I devised the jukeboxes for all the maps, I made sure that no music track existed on more than 2 maps and that most of the "starter" tracks were unique to 1 map. Now Siege leads to Face The Enemy and Trenches being on 3 maps and all of a sudden you don't notice them. It's not base to base, but aside from that, it sounds like people just need to learn the map's gimmick like they did for Pipeline and other maps with side objectives. If you let the enemy grab all the oil on Pipeline you will undoubtedly get crushed by an early rush of expensive units. If you let the enemy grab the central icebergs on Hostile Waters then it becomes Hostile Skies. If you lose the dome on Seamist then YOU DIED. This map has the same deal. But those other maps also have chat messages that remind you about the side objectives. I guess Raap forgot about that this time around? I'll make sure to fix that for next patch.
  9. Heh, when I was checking the release version to make sure everything worked the blue orb was the one I kept having trouble hunting down. The other orbs are so much more accessible than the blue one, and when you find them, you might see why.
  10. Tanyas that don't have to worry about AP mines. Fun. In any case thanks for reminding me about this thread Bayonetta! Support for the removal of passengers and restoration of personal space seems to be overwhelming, so I'll get on that for the next patch. It was a thing in Red Alert and it was a thing in Renegade...
  11. Well hey for the next LOLmap I could always do "RAlism to the max" mode. Where only APCs get passengers, only rifle soldiers can drive, V2s kill buildings in 1-3 hits, artilleries have the same range as tanks and half their current health pool, and airborne helis are immune to everything except aa defenses, rocket soldiers and mammoths... oh yeah and soviets don't get rocket soldiers. I'm sure the army compositions on flying maps will be real diverse.
  12. The stats are only recording the grenadier's pistol kills (as I already mentioned in this very thread just a few posts above) and it should not be surprising why the medic's kill count doesn't suck if you've seen it in action. Also what do you mean he was great in Red Alert. In tech levels where heavy tanks don't exist maybe.
  13. Rendering updates broke the old ones. Welcome to the W3D engine... This happens when there's something blocking the line of fire of the off-centered guns, like if you are standing very close to a wall. If it was fixed it would make first person worthless.
  14. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Improved aesthetics and the new map, Siege! Get the APB update! Changelist GENERAL Charge-up weapons (C4 and Demolition Trucks) now show a progress bar when charging, just like Signal Flares do. Sorry for springing charge-up C4 on you guys before and forgetting to put it in the changelog (oops) but this should make it obvious now. INFANTRY Limited-ammo Dragunov crate now correctly gives 10+10 ammo instead of just 10. VEHICLES Light Tanks and Ore Trucks are now treated as "heavy vehicles" by the AI. Essentially this means that Pillboxes and Flame Towers will be less likely to shoot them when they could be shooting infantry or unarmoured vehicles instead, and the reverse is true for Turrets and Tesla Coils. AESTHETICS/PERFORMANCE Ranger has a smaller muzzle flash, making it easier to use in first-person mode. Reduced duration of smoke particles for dead buildings, powerplant/refinery smokestacks, ore truck exhausts, and shooting "fire pipe" surfaces (such as the WF pipes and flamethrower's fuel tanks). Tons and tons of rendering refinements. MAPS New map added: RA_Siege by Raap! See these two threads for more information on the project.
  15. Not to mention it took like 8 seconds to fire its whole salvo and then another 8 seconds to reload. The current phase gets to start on a second salvo before the Beta phase would finish firing its first one.
  16. Thing is, somewhere between the scripts Beta used and the 4.0 of Gamma, stealth vehicles were made to always hide passengers on radar regardless of whether they are radar invisible or not. If you make snipers mandatory for radar invisibility in phases, you make them mandatory for radar invisibility in gaps. Any reason why we should make a "blanket change" to nerf the gap too? Also "every phase driver will use a sniper, no questions asked, unless the radar is down or none of the MBT drivers are smart enough to get mechs for the phase to rely on" = diversity? I myself typically get a rocket-phase if there are enough mech friends around in lights/meds/APCs, having them close by eliminates the need for having a mech myself and allows me to continue fighting if I lose my phase - and when infantry can sneak around and TTs can poke out from behind cliffs, it's hard to assure that your phase will survive every single encounter unless you don't take risks and therefore get very few chances to contribute to the game. A lot of people seem to only think about themselves leading to whole armies of mech-vehicles when they really don't need to have an infantry composition of 100% or even 50% mechs, and while sniper-phases would make it more obvious that you don't need that many mechs, it's not a requirement for that.
  17. Pushwalls are a staple of some very ancient FPS games, they're walls that you push (I know right???) usually to reveal secret areas. The developers of Rise of the Triad (the old one, not the 2013 one) had quite a bit of fun with them, culminating in this graphic that I've used as an avatar numerous times: The mystery is dead. Of course you guys are still going to say that I push walls until the end of time.
  18. A few hours ago we hit some switches, and the people we were able to play with seemed to be having a bit of an easier time with lag. Let us know if it's improved for you as well!
  19. While we're looking for ways to make the APC's transport ability more relevant, let's let the phase tank do it too. "Standing still" is a dubious term for vehicles; it can be hard to bring a vehicle to a complete standstill (though easier for tracked ones) and if you have the FPS/velocity display enabled you may have noticed that even if you have managed to get a vehicle to stop completely, if it's on a slope it still reports as moving at something like 0.08m/s. Something that could be done is something similar to how the Engineer's mine detection works; give infantry a script that makes it so if they're within a certain distance of a Phase Tank, the Phase Tank gets a radar marker temporarily attached to it. Since Volkov is part machine, maybe not being so easily fooled by tricks of the light could be another niche for him, creating an unusual dynamic where he's good at sniffing out phases but is also the easiest infantry for phases to kill due to tracking. Or alternatively, it could be a thing for the Shock Trooper for similar reasons to why the Tesla Tank jams radar?
  20. Clicking add just causes the panel to hang. Is it preparing to show me a list of every single .exe file on my computer like the program was written in 1992 or something where people weren't expected to have a lot of .exes or to know how to browse?
  21. Clearly he rigged it. The media told me the RNGods hate him after all.
  22. Wow the flag feature even alters the map. Check the star over east Africa. Ethiopia represent. Also this is why the server is a European server.
  23. Pfft, has to be a lot more going on than that for someone using rangers for 75% of the match to steal your MVP Especially since rangers also really hate trees
  24. Favorite Admin/Staff/Moderator: FRAYDO Funniest User: FRAYDO Most Helpful User: Einstein Biggest Spammer: Dominant_Hunter (fuck you I'm not alt-capsing that) Best APB Player: Totd Tactical Espionage Action: forg0ten1 Most Likely To Demo-n00b: sammyd, no question. That last one makes me think though. There's probably some bandwagoning going on here because you decided to have everyone declare their votes publicly instead of PMing them to you.
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