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Everything posted by Mojoman

  1. Yeah you're right though. Indoor vs outdoor doesn't matter in the long run. Maybe there's just a war factory in doors to make a masonary :p. I don't think we should bet on no Allied buildings though. Because if we are wrong about a buildings allegiance and waste protection on them under the assumption of all Soviet buildings, that's a huge advantage for Allies
  2. I'm pretty sure Fraydo is the die due to RNG meme. If we can determine indoor or outdoor it would give us more information. Indoor there would be no air units for masonary, so we could expect more land vehicles and basically eliminate the possibility of Allied buildings since verti likes flavour that makes sense (at least in vanilla games)
  3. Eyyy killing_you is just trying to be buddy buddy witch ya. Nothing wrong with that right?
  4. >353 posts >Know nothing about RA The heck you been posting about dude :D You just need to know the role sheet for some basics. The Soviet's are town and want to kill the Allies who are mafia. The Allies all know who they are and have a document to talk to each other. Soviets have no idea who anyone is and are not in a document together. Don't need to know much RA lore beyond that.
  5. Oh crap I messed up my profile pictures! ##unvote ##vote Chopbam
  6. I didn't think I'd have to use my power so early... 4th party power activate! ##vote Jeod ##superchronospherebombquakevortex Jeod
  7. I don't think we've ever had a vanilla game with Verti that didn't have a custom role haha
  8. And I assume a Rocket Soldiers ability would work on air units as well? They are vehicles.
  9. Can buildings do night kills? Not sure what the precedent or rule is for that. I doubt the Allies would be bogged down with an AA gun, unless there is a surprising amount of migs and Yaks flying about >.> My guess on Allied combination (assuming 3) is; Engineer (Obvs for role block) Rocket Soldier (This assumes Soviets have vehicles, probably the Heavy Tank to protect the silo). Spy (To protect Allies against Flame Tower, scout, and to even allow the spy to play themselves off as the Missile Silo).
  10. I think there might be a trade off. We either have 2 missile silos and 1 flame tower or 2 Flame towers and 1 missile silo. Either way the Allies have to get really lucky and guess on the missile silo, or they have to risk investigating people which would could kill them (Even if they have a spy they can't just have 1 person investigating to be safe because that would take too long).
  11. Oh just a heads up too that I will be a lot less active this coming Sunday as I've got an extra long day at work coming up.
  12. I agree with engineer at least. Roleblock the missile silo (assuming there is only 1). The other two are up for debate. Verti might not have given optimal roles to the Allies, only the necessary one (role block). There's also the possibility of a third party, which would again would probably make the Allied team makeup not optimal, as the third party would most likely want to stop the missile silo as well (or divert it into the base?) Ugh that means if we lynch a building someone will have to try to protect it from the engineer, and even then they could be an Allied building. OR MAYBE WE ALL ARE MOLOTOV BROTHERS WHO KNOWS!
  13. Who knows. Maybe you'd prefer a different game? I know you like 'I spy with my little eye'.
  14. I don't know Chopbam. Even if I was, someone else probably told you that. You always like to steal the credits from others eh?
  15. @Pushwall Doesn't he just mean for this to be on Lunar_Paradox?
  16. Finally we will receive Soviet Tanyas like in multiplayer to balance Bonsai! I like Bonsai the way it is, perhaps sans the Allied bridges. I feel they offer a bit too much line of site protection for the Allies base defenses.
  17. @Raap You help keep the community alive and your contributions are appreciated. It'll be a shame to see ya go.
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