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Everything posted by Chad1233

  1. Nice update and needed changes but I hope you guys don't get to carried away to add weapons that didn't exist in RA1 the only exception was the shotgun due to it's appearance in a cut scene. I also found the medic just fine with a pistol and OP healing powers which sounds more historical then a mini machine gun. Is it possible to set the default camo for units to match the map your in? I get tired of clicking the yellow arrow only to have it greyed out when somebody bought a tank. lol
  2. Such a dramatic explosion it blew me away! For game play reasons I suggest to keep each side from being completely defenseless after their naval production is gone you should make 1 or 2 free gunboats or submarine spawn every 5 minutes in a small pier after it's dead. Or maybe have a free transport ready at start of game to make game play faster for whatever you plan to do with the ice mountains.
  3. Aww man this map was pretty fun when it came out but it sucks to hear the ATS Submarine and Ion Destroyer won't make an appearance again. By the way will the secret soviet tunnel will be back in non glitched form where you couldn't get out?
  4. Well the Renegade engine is practically an open book now thanks to the TT staff, it's possible to do anything to the W3D engine as long as they have the talent we could see network code being re-written or have DX11 support if they really wanted to do that. Though i could be wrong about this.
  5. Long time C&C Fan and APB player though I've been severely in-active I have been playing delta some.
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