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Everything posted by Chad1233

  1. Speaking of the cold war asthetic I don't know if you seen my earlier topic here: The Westwood staff during a early Q&A in February even said RA1 takes place in the 70s which puts the Allies more modern units like the Abrams and Apaches and Soviet double barreled T-72's into perspective even though some of them were quite early prototypes at the time but being a alternative time line I could see them put into service earlier due to the war. Though in retail they seemed to of scrubbed any mention of this since Stalin would be so old by then which could of been the reason. :P
  2. The people at Westwood weren't exactly the greatest at accuracy in the modeling department (CGI modeling was time consuming and cost a lot of time to render) which I said was more than likely based on the M107 it just wasn't well made since it's lacking a lot of detail and inaccuracies. Even then I don't think it was that important to them to make the Artillery look exactly like it since it was just gonna be a tiny sprite in-game anyway. Westwood just lazily reused it from C&C1 anyway. lol
  3. Ah so it's based off the AMX 13 chassis. It's a pretty good model but I'd prefer to be just use the M107 chassis.
  4. I prefer the B version to because it's more like the real thing which is what the old model was going for unlike the newer one which is based off the weird Remastered version and WW's ancient CGI model (Which it was modeled after the M107 abet poorly :P). Though the tracks arch down at the back on the B version for some reason and I can't find it doing that in the side profiles here: https://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/US/M107-self-propelled-gun.php
  5. Nice to see you, I remember when you was around back in 9935.
  6. I don't think it should outright replace the Chaffee since anything WW2 related could fit RA1's universe but I'm just interested to see the light tank recreated that's seen in all the CGI scenes since it was something part of the RA1 world in cut scenes. Maybe sometime in the future when they want a new model or something. If you wanted to think a bit more realistically a Bulldog would make more sense than a Chaffee since that puny 75 had trouble penning T-34-85's frontally, let alone a double barrelled T-62/72
  7. I mean as said they took inspiration from various designs as I checked the hull and compared it to the Pershing/Patton tanks and Bulldog and seems like a combination of them while the turret itself is like a baby M1 Abrams turret.
  8. It's never actually mentioned to be a light tank in the cutscenes but it could obviously be it just because it's smaller/less wider than a M1 Abrams, has a smaller turret and shorter gun thus lower caliber gun, plus the model remains the same in every appearance.
  9. The light tank and what is it in RA1 was discussed years ago and so a Chaffee was settled but even though I'm sure people noticed the Light Tank seen in CGI cutscenes was consistent and was pointed out in the C&C fan wiki as pictures. So I think it should be recreated, ignoring the fact the M2 Bradly in-game icon was reused from C&C1. It took me years to realize the tank in this cutscene wasn't the M1 but infact the light tank since the turret tricked me. The hull is completely different and seems like a combination of late 40s/50 American tanks but with a modified M1 Abrams Turret that's not as wide and shorter with a smaller/shorter gun. This is the best close up of the tank itself. (Also note it has the NATO logo on the front like they were in early versions of Red alert.) These are high res screenshots which shows two light tanks and a medium. It also shows the proportions to the medium, though they're further back but definitely not as wide and seem as tall though hard to tell. And the link below is nice screenshots of the tank done with a AI upscaler to show some angles like the back/sides and close ups. (credit to Tomson26 for help). I had to upload them somewhere else due to file size. http://www.mediafire.com/file/b063q68gbb2e7du/Raidg.zip/file
  10. I'm guessing that's why they quietly scrubbed the year from being mentioned anywhere pass the Q&A. :P
  11. I remember old discussions years back about when RA1 took place and recently I found a transcript archive of a Q&A that took place in 06 Feb 1996 which was really early in RA1's development and had some interesting information. Well It may not be much but I always wanted a specified date of the war unless I missed some information somewhere. XD VENOM: what's the story behind RA and in what time and technology level will it be on ? WSAdam: Okay -- Here's the scoop: World War II never happened the way that we think of it. Hitler never came to power, and there was no WWII... for a while. We're spinning European history in a new direction, with Joseph Stalin and the USSR coming to power as the big heavy in the game. The player can play the Allies or the USSR as they strive for conquest of Europe. The technology ranges from 1940's to 1980's, but that doesn't mean that you're going to be commanding Pintos! We've also spun the technology up a bit, so there's plenty of cool stuff for you to use.. like attack dogs! Rambo: what will RA's story line be about? WSAdam: RA is an alternate time line that takes place in the 70's. WWII in Europe happened in another way, where Stalin and the USSR became the big heavy that threatened Europe. Also some neat early ideas at the time kane: how will you earn your money to make units? Tiberium? WSAdam: Ahh- this is somethingwe changed. Since Tiberium isn't around yet, the player has ore to mine (on the board, not in mines) to get money -- there are three types of ore, so which one you go after will determine how much money you get per load. Sure, you can go after the copper, but that Iron deposit is worth more, but closer to the opponent - - it adds a strategic advantage to what you collect. WSAdam: there are three ores, Copper, Nickel, and Iron. Each is worth a different amount of $$ per scoop for your ore collector. We've kept the metaphor of harvesting, but now you've got a dump-truck like unit with a scooper, and an Ore Processor. WSAdam: Side note -- we considered power lines, but they were problematic for the computer and made the game a lot more of a sim than we want it to be. They were found here: http://www.tibcom.com/wchat/transcripts/
  12. A beta of Red Alert 1 v0.09c Siberian GRemlin found has popped up and is now released. It has cool unused cut scenes, sound files from the thief and allied quotes of "It is done.", a internal scenario editor and all kinds of differences. It's a little tricky to setup but there's instructions and fixes for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/commandandconquer/comments/dflqti/a_present_to_the_cc_community/
  13. While the topic is old I'd like to add that the Camo Pill Box was more then just "camouflaged" it had 200 more HP than the regular one bringing it from 400 to 600 so it was pretty much a straight upgrade leaving the Pillbox obsolete other than costing more. I think the Pillbox needs 4 MGs poking out in each corner (2 in front and 2 at back) rather than one in the center which will help it aim up and down better, plus it will increase its usefulness.
  14. Okay so it was already enabled but I disabled V6 and still froze. if the staff needs more information here is what stalls every time. Is there a crash report generated anywhere I could post?
  15. I'm experiencing a crash that every time I start a LAN game the client will just hang. My theory is because my main IP address is V6 and not V4 because this also happens in Renegade as well. Can anyone with a V6 IP address try to make a LAN?
  16. Came back to update APB and though I read the new Naval units are out sourced I'm personally not a fan of the Gun Boat at all since the C&C/RA1 design was always my favorite. ❤️
  17. tomson26 hangs around the RA2 modding community I don't know where you would find him these days and I have no idea what he used.
  18. The ''Artillery'' looks like a poorly modeled SU-101(Cut Tank Destroyer unit maybe?) http://www.wardrawings.be/WW2/Files/1-Vehicles/Allies/2-USSR/05-TankDestroyers/SU-101/SU-101.htm And from what me and a friend could decipher the ''Light Tank'' looks a lot like the BMP-2 which is a Soviet amphibious tank with a TOW launcher they had on some. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP-2
  19. These would have been useful years ago but tomson extracted the 3D renders you see in PSX RA''s game stats screen spinning around which makes a nice reference for any modeler since it shows the sides and backs of all the buildings and units you never see. though they are only 64x38 some stuff can still be made out though they have a odd perspective. Also some structures like the War Factory have things never seen in-game or cut scenes like having chimneys and Soviet Barracks having a back door but the Allied tent doesn't plus others. psxscorescreen360renders.zip
  20. For Red Alert it's Fogger and Search those two forever stuck with me when I first started with the ps1 version. But now I love most of the soundtrack from the first Red Alert.
  21. Hello iamrecognized I remember your name and it's good to see you!
  22. Hey AircraftKiller It's been a while since I checked the forums and just realized you changed your username. Awesome models you got here especially the train! Though as a bigger fan of steam engines it would be awesome to see the 20th Century limited by New York Central with your talents as I rarely see such a beautiful art deco steam engine modeled.
  23. I remember stealing a sub in the old hostile water when spies sucked. lol And yeah I remember using the torpedo explosion underwater to splash damage the other subs.
  24. I lost a lot of a old screenshots years ago and made me sad but I still have a few. But wasn't this Wasteland? I like this one cause somebody placed a flare and 3 engineers at point blank range could not disarm a nuke due to how laggy the thing was
  25. Nice update and needed changes but I hope you guys don't get to carried away to add weapons that didn't exist in RA1 the only exception was the shotgun due to it's appearance in a cut scene. I also found the medic just fine with a pistol and OP healing powers which sounds more historical then a mini machine gun. Is it possible to set the default camo for units to match the map your in? I get tired of clicking the yellow arrow only to have it greyed out when somebody bought a tank. lol
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