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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Good assumption I stole the picture from here because Hungary will be winning this game.
  2. I can't remember if I ever mentioned it in the dead doc, but the flavor of shade failing to kill cat5 was a displacer field. Role assignment was also purely random so it was a nice coincidence that FRAYDO and Nodlied got the roles that fit the flavor they requested.
  3. Ah, one more document https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1liooHCWMI0Aae9eMPfEY6-JgsyIp8aeqEXzQ7TAW1JA/edit#gid=0 I don't think I actually have much more to say. Game ended up very much like the testing I've done (although town normally won with only 3 players remaining), but I feel scum had a very good chance if their kills were higher quality. If anyone has any suggestions for settings for later 40k games, I'm interested. Already thought of genestealer vs anyone else, deathwatch vs various aliens, admech experiment gone horribly right.
  4. Yeah I think we can say we're done. Have a doctors appointment so we'll have to wait for the big info dump, but while I'm waiting... Killing You, the Fallen Veteran (godfather) surrenders! Dead doc/warp doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X4tz8Aqh8DVG8fon2hoBaT-viNgJdWwZlG0D4fqO9MY Commissar doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RmcBUbgrNbtZ333IDCvqVu41Oc2gQZ-pnqyLRZ0Atiw Scum doc (sneak peak at the kinds of tools scum could have given themselves): https://docs.google.com/document/d/182oL2elDYG_VsglKqd-gX5sH4NkN5E2OosH-PCFwukA/edit I think the only roles that aren't publicly available are FRAYDO (armorsmith and poison cure), Nodlied (dayvig/rolecop 3rd party vanilla hunter), and the overall town vanilla role (correctly guessed to only be able to kill other vanilla roles). In the future I think I'm going to describe the "vanilla" roles as basic like how shade described them. At least the inactivity wasn't a ploy by anyone. Irish and KY had a hard time coordinating and responding to town discussion. It's unfortunate for them that every lynch and kill didn't really advance their position. Killing jeod/cat5 or FRAYDO night one would have put them in a good position (and pressured nodlied to actually shoot someone ).
  5. Players Votes Blujet No Vote Cat5 No Vote FRAYDO Killing You Irishman DEAD iLikeToSnipe DEAD Jeod No Vote Killing You No Vote Nodlied DEAD Shade DEAD Killing You is in the lead with one vote.
  6. Players Votes Blujet No Vote Cat5 No Vote FRAYDO Killing You Irishman DEAD iLikeToSnipe DEAD Jeod No Vote Killing You No Vote Nodlied DEAD Shade DEAD Killing You is in the lead with 1 vote. Day ends in roughly 25 hours.
  7. Again you all meet up for discussion first thing in the morning, and again you find someone missing. You check out Nodlied's room and find what's left of him and his recently fired bolt pistol. Nodlied, the Lord Commissar (Third-Party) was killed with his own weapon! Players Votes Blujet No Vote Cat5 No Vote FRAYDO No Vote Irishman DEAD iLikeToSnipe DEAD Jeod No Vote Killing You No Vote Nodlied DEAD Shade DEAD Day will end at normal time 2 days from now.
  8. Players Votes Blujet No Vote Cat5 No Vote FRAYDO No Vote Irishman Blujet iLikeToSnipe DEAD Jeod Irish Killing You Irish Nodlied No Vote Shade DEAD As reward for his past service in the emperor's name, a firing squad was authorized rather than the traditional sentencing for servitor conversion. As the fire command is about to be given however, Jeod pushes the Irishman into the way. Irish takes the brunt of the las fire and cumples. As a medical team approaches his still form, his body erupts into dark mist as his soul is claimed by the Dark Gods. Irishman, the Slaanesh marked Blood Angel (Vanilla-ish Scum) has paid the toll for power! Players Votes Blujet No Vote Cat5 No Vote FRAYDO No Vote Irishman DEAD iLikeToSnipe DEAD Jeod No Vote Killing You No Vote Nodlied No Vote Shade DEAD Day 3 begins about 24 hours from now. 2 posts per night, and don't delay in getting your actions in!
  9. Players Votes Blujet No Vote Cat5 No Vote FRAYDO No Vote Irishman Blujet iLikeToSnipe DEAD Jeod Blujet Killing You Irish Nodlied No Vote Shade DEAD Blujet is in the lead with 2 votes. 10 minutes until lynch.
  10. Players Votes Blujet No Vote Cat5 No Vote FRAYDO No Vote Irishman Blujet iLikeToSnipe DEAD Jeod Blujet Killing You Irish Nodlied No Vote Shade DEAD Blujet is in the lead with 2 votes Day end in ~45 minutes
  11. Players Votes Blujet No Vote Cat5 No Vote FRAYDO No Vote Irishman No Vote iLikeToSnipe DEAD Jeod Blujet Killing You Irish Nodlied No Vote Shade DEAD Irish and blujet are in the lead for votes.
  12. When I said on schedule, apparently I meant half an hour early. All seven of you meet up again for discussion the next day. It's odd though, you feel like you're forgetting something... iLikeToSnipe, the colonel of a forgotten regiment (vanilla town) was laid to rest! Players Votes Blujet No Vote Cat5 No Vote FRAYDO No Vote Irishman No Vote iLikeToSnipe DEAD Jeod No Vote Killing You No Vote Nodlied No Vote Shade DEAD Night begins at normal hammer time 2 days from now.
  13. Right, two posts per person (unless you're asking a question like FRAYDO), send in your night actions an hour before yadayada. Organization is not my forte.
  14. Incidentally today is a special occasion! https://regimental-standard.com/2018/06/13/the-ultima-te-anniversary/
  15. You come to the conclusion that <NAME REDACTED BY THE INQUISITION> is likely a traitor. As you dispose of his body you uncover message logs within his power armor. Apparently this was all just a unfortunate understanding, and he was loyal to the end. Oops. Shade, the Lamenters Captain (town vanilla) has been killed! I did give shade a "special" ability though. He could take FRAYDO's place if FRAYDO would die to a tie vote. The Lamenters are possibly the only thing in the galaxy less lucky than FRAYDO after all. Don't look too much into it. Final CVC Players Votes Blujet No Vote Cat5 Shade FRAYDO Shade Irishman No Vote iLikeToSnipe Jeod Jeod Shade Killing You iLTS Nodlied No Vote Shade No Lynch Night 1 ends same time as hammer tomorrow.
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