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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Just battling won't tell us anything new about who could be a Rocket, either. I have a proposal: we lay out our actions taken last night. We don't have to give the results or names of items or anything, just what we did or even how many actions we took. We might find a discrepancy somewhere. Thoughts?
  2. You think a Level 20 can beat a Level 30 that easily? I admit I didn't see the level difference coming. I did receive a present last night. I'm not battling today, I'm already 1/3 down.
  3. Then why didn't you point it out? You've been pretty anti-town today.
  4. I highly suspect Shade knows more than he's letting on.
  5. I'd really like you to stop acting like you're the host.
  6. Looks like I'm battling an NPC for information. Interesting.
  7. Nothing special about my choice, obviously. You really need to work on your filter, your word choices when interacting with others is rather bizarre.
  8. I just picked a location, nothing special about it.
  9. He followed my logic and agreed with it, if something negative happens to me because of it, I'm the one to blame.
  10. Two of the locations are within the city, and the other two are either just before the city or near the starting point of the Gen2 games. It's too variable to have any sort of difficulty modifier depending on the location, I think.
  11. New Bark Town, yes, but since we didn't start at any specific location, I assume distance from said location isn't a factor. According to the plot, we're all scattered around Goldenrod City anyway.
  12. I didn't start at any specific location, did you?
  13. I think you're making too many assumption regarding the difficulty of an investigation. We're not supposed to win just by battling. Regardless of a successful investigation, there's still a guarantee of information to be revealed.
  14. You mean change my nomination? Nope. I intend to investigate.
  15. I intend to investigate. But if I must battle you, then so be it. Ultimately the choice is yours unless others who haven't voted yet weigh in.
  16. Are you saying your intention is to battle me?
  17. Shade, if I do end up battling you, you're going to get thrashed. Just saying.
  18. I disagree. In an investigation, only one player directly benefits or is hurt. But when you take the team into account, we all benefit. The main issue is determining whether the nominated player is lying about their investigation findings, and debating that is in my opinion much less risky than a battle on the first day.
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