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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Question for you regulars. We have added some new familiar faces to our usual mafia games and all of our lives have changed a bit since 2016. With the current trends in mind, would it be beneficial to shift hammer times? 6:00PM EDT (or 11:00PM GMT/BST/IST) has been the norm because of work schedules--it was a decent time for those of us in the west as well as in the eastern continents. Would it be better to shift hammertime forward or backward by 1-2 hours, or to any other specific timeframe? What are your thoughts? Please also respond if it's something else besides work/life that's keeping you from being able to play/be interested in mafia.
  2. My arguments were so good I wish I was actually town just to spite the people who didn't bother to be on. Why sign up for mafia if you're not going to participate in the debates? See you guys post-game.
  3. I fully blame Nodlied, iLiketoSnipe, and Shade for this loss. Apathy is inexcusable.
  4. What about an extension to the phase so people who "don't have time to participate" can participate?
  5. Seriously, town is going to throw this down the toilet due to complete apathy.
  6. @Killing_You I demand a penalty for not voting, especially during critical moments such as this one!
  7. It's 5 minutes to hammer and 3 players have yet to vote or choose a side. You have no idea how aggravating that is, especially when you know they're all likely town.
  8. TIL: "Making your head spin" = "Must be wrong"
  9. 6) If my theory is correct and both scum live to tomorrow, then scum will have 3 votes to equal the number of town votes, forcing a nolynch on MYLO and gaining the win. 7) Since TheIrishMan's ability could only be used during the day (I assume), then OrangeP47 must have a night ability, which I blocked last night (and he admitted that he got a visitor, and nobody else has claimed to visit him).
  10. 4) This leads us to the reason I formed my current theory. It's well known that tomorrow there will be five players left in the game. But let's not think players, let's think votes. Now, normally there would be 3 votes needed to cause an early hammer tomorrow. However, given @Shade939's supposition of dayvigs and whatnot, I considered the interactions between Irish and Orange with the other players and discovered that a Mafia Doublevoter Role made the perfect fit. The reason behind their posts. Here's why: 5) Use this as a guide. TheIrishMan states that, while "it's possible Orange can be scum we'll just lynch him after you". Orange followed that up with suggesting that in a counterclaim, the lynch must take place within the two contradicting players. This was a direct play to keep TheIrishMan off of the lynch table. More to come.
  11. I think you ought to examine my rebuttal post from this morning: 1) I presume that TheIrishMan and OrangeP47 are the scumteam. Let's start with TheIrishMan. I'd already been hammering away at him for his scum perspective post at the start of this thing. At the same time, iLiketoSnipe is busy suspecting OrangeP47 due to the early hammer suggestion. I was at work so couldn't put more attention to Snipe's read, but I did say I agreed with it. 2) TheIrishMan continued to push for my character flavor--the reason given that "there's only 3 characters that fit the role of a Drunk". I saw this as flawed reasoning, so I tried to get more information out of him. 3) The tipping point: scum feels the pressure is too much between iLiketoSnipe's read on OrangeP47 and my read on TheIrishMan. I claim my character after providing, in my opinion, an excellent post about why I'm town and Irish is wrong. The first quote in that post shows TheIrishMan clearly saying that it doesn't matter which character I claim, I'm still scum. OrangeP47 counterclaims my character a full three minutes after my initial claim. That's plenty of time to have read my post and decided that it was getting to a point of no return. Hold up your early hammering, I have more to write.
  12. I hyperlinked it. I exonerated myself as “the killer” factually and as scum from, as Irish likes to say, what I know. If you can’t find time to read my words properly then don’t vote.
  13. You know, the point of asking your opinions now was to clarify any questions. What exactly in my point of view is a logical leap?
  14. @Nodlied, @Shade939, @iLikeToSnipe, and @Sunflower: we're about two hours to hammer. If you have opinions that need responses, now's the time to speak up. Scum don't get to be slippery at the last minute on my watch.
  15. Indeed, as I expected a basics game. I feel I need to point out that you're both speaking as if lynching me today is set in stone. I assure you, it's not.
  16. Let's take a look at the page I linked, shall we? I'm not forcing anything together. It's the only thing that fits aside from KY assigning a character flavor twice.
  17. When I flip town my theory will be proven correct, and it postulates that you're the more dangerous of the two. In a 1 scum vs 3 town scenario, all it takes is one afk townie to let you win. As we all know, not everyone can make it to hammer on time or come to a voting decision. Further, you were present on Day 1 but didn't end up voting. It's because you didn't know how the GM would show double voting and want to keep that ability hidden, right?
  18. Here's a scenario for you to see why I'm against a cop coming out: Irish is scum, but a cop got a town result on him. The cop is insane. I'm lynched, I flip town. The cop is nightkilled. Irish is lynched, the cop is confirmed insane. Another town is killed. You're now down to 1 scum and 3 town. Naturally, Orange should be lynched. However, what if KY did goof and assign a character twice? Perhaps he's nightkilled and it's realized the dawn of the final day. 3 town, 1 scum. 25% and no information. I would prefer a cop try to stay alive in this case.
  19. Speaking of the future, if Irish is being truthful about being visited by a cop, their sanity is still unknown. It's probably best not to drag them out into the arena just yet.
  20. So @OrangeP47, did you miss the opportunity to early hammer because KY's CvC confused you, or are you just unsure of what other factors could stop you when I flip town?
  21. Neither of the two players who need to change their minds are online right now. There's no point in "flipping out".
  22. Tch. This is what overreactions get you. Counterclaiming a player just after they go to sleep, allowing others to pile up the votes for an early hammer. Have you any decency?
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