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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. My nationality is red, which probably explains why I started as suspicious. Shade, stop being stupid.
  2. Continue to be stubborn all you like. Orange showed my vote for status quo the first night and I told you why I did radical over soft. Do you have any better ideas to solve our tie problem?
  3. You didn't read my plan when I explained it did you? I said I'd vote soft quo if I were allowed to enter the vault.
  4. We can follow my plan this time and make some progress. ##nominate Jeod
  5. That's likely it. Two soft options are tied, and wouldn't be if I hadn't voted radical quo N1.
  6. You jailed your chance at a soft reform, got another tie, and lowered the stability to 43%.
  7. The cost of the shock trooper is too high for the difficulty compared to the captain/kaptain. That's the skinny. I much preferred Gamma's shock trooper.
  8. Sounds to me like you don’t want to be home nvestigated. I’ve already said I’ll abstain my vote.
  9. Also, my victory condition is status quo by reform. Like I said earlier, I opted to start with the chaotic good approach. However, if radical reform is a major concern, I have no problems with voting for soft reform. Orange could even watch me tonight as proof.
  10. First, thanks for your support. Thus far, I think everyone who's been on the table for investigation has been willing to state their status in advance. Retaliation, however, has not. Regarding the radio (if the radio and walkie are one and the same and not two separate items), I certainly don't mind using it. I can see two possibilities from your perspectives: A) Jeod is suspicious-hostile I have no clue if I can turn hostile, I wasn't told if I have the chance to turn hostile, and I'm not going to play the game as if I can. As far as I'm concerned, I'm "town" and if I do turn hostile somehow, then that's a loss Nodlied will have to accept as I don't play those silly alignment-changing games. That said, if I'm lying about this, then if there is a person on the other end of the line, I'll have no choice but to tell you--and said person would need to corroborate my claim. With this method, you place the spotlight on two players. That's more information than we have right now and it'll help us in the long run. B) Jeod is suspicious-town This is my own perspective, of course, but from your eyes it's a win-win. If I speak to someone, I can form an opinion of them and I'll leave soft clues in my dayposts unless the situation demands that I be more blunt. I've already been leaving crumbs as to my ability, and so far nobody seems to have caught on, so I'm confident in my subtlety. ##nominate Jeod
  11. My point is you're trying to blend in and I'm noticing it. Your choice of words in your posts is an excellent indicator.
  12. You have that "lead from the fence and agree with town" vibe going for you here. It rubs me the wrong way. ##investigate Retaliation
  13. You only figured it out because A) Orange happened to spy on me, and B) I was willing to admit it. You, on the other hand, are more suspicious than I am.
  14. "An example"? Hah. Night votes are anonymous, there's no point in using a 'warning' as an excuse to investigate me. You'll actually do more harm than good to yourselves.
  15. I disagree with sending someone on the investigate list to the vault in the same night. ##nominate Sunflower
  16. I'm all for trying military out this time around. ##reform military
  17. Irish is in the lead for investigating. I don't need to search for anyone else, and if my motive were to get attention off myself to avoid investigation, that comment is one that I certainly wouldn't have made.
  18. Sure. Unlike the majority of us deliberating on how things work, he seems to know more than us. From his own objectives or a scumdoc. Just a thought.
  19. At this point I could be convinced to switch to a Shade investigation.
  20. I mean this game. I'd considered that I may be adding too much detail to the meaning behind each nationality's goals.
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