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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Top left now. This game's projected to start on Sunday, November 8th.
  2. New target start date is Nov 8.
  3. Try switching your forum theme. I'm not a fan of the new "modern" look either.
  4. I’ll likely have to delay game start by a few days anyway. You’re in.
  5. @iLikeToSnipe, @Mojoman and @ChopBam, I'd like your requests today por favor so I can make some progress. I can't work on this during the weekday this next week since I'll be at the office.
  6. Well, this is a surprise. Welcome back! That makes 11 players. I'll allow one more.
  7. Will spend much of tomorrow building roles. I’ll let you all know in 24 hours or so if the start date needs to change.
  8. I can no longer guarantee a Nov 6 start date, but I'll do my best to make it work. Until I can definitively say I need more time, it'll be on time.
  9. Watch some Ace Attorney. That's essentially mafia. Play Among Us. That's also mafia.
  10. Banned. I can make you a role.
  11. I'll still let them in, sure, but any more than two more players would delay the start date.
  12. Alright, I've got seven players and three roles so far. Obviously, with one below the playercount, I'll need to come up with some twists to try to prolong the game...
  13. Do Louis or Sunflower want in?
  14. Hmm, we'll need at least two more players. I intend to close signups on the 28th and will begin designing the roles then.
  15. CHOOSE YOUR OWN ROLE VI (SIX) INTRO The polls say the people want an unthemed CYOR game. As a patriot and believer of the American election system, it's time for CYOR VI! This game will start on Friday, November 6, at 10:00PM GMT (the usual time, but daylight savings time is soon so take that into account). If you weren't a part of my previous CYOR V, that anniversary edition was slightly themed with items from past games. This time, however, I fully expect every player to bring out their best, their baddest, their most chaotic ideas. My promise for this game is to try to deliver the same kind of epic, puzzle-like, rage-inducing feel as RNGesus, Capitalism/Imperialism, and the Infinity Stones. As players, I hope your creativity will help me make good on that promise. For those of you who are new to Choose Your Own Role style mafia games, here’s a short explanation: at its core, CYOR is a standard mafia game. Town attempts to eliminate all hostile elements (mafia and third party). Mafia attempts to eliminate players and outnumber the other factions. The third party has specific win conditions based on their role, and the neutral faction is similar; neutral faction players, however, are not considered hostile. If you sign up for this game, you will send me a PM with your role request. You can customize your role as much as you see fit, and I will do my best to honor your request. Here’s an example of a role request: The more information you include in your request, the more accurate your final role will be. Here’s a template to help guide your request, although it’s not necessary to use when sending me your PM: MECHANICS This game's going to be chaotic--I'll be more lenient with restricting roles, so bring whatever you want to the table. Items will of course be a part of the game, and players can start the game with items. Signed Players - 8 7 Minimum OrangeP47 Shade939 Killing_You iLikeToSnipe Chopbam Category 5 Mojoman Anon_Kat Retaliation FRAYDO TheIrishMan Louis
  16. Unthemed it is! I'll have a signup thread up over the weekend and a target start date.
  17. This would most likely not be hosted until the second week of November. (Poll + Signups + Planning/Developing, which must come before the game starts).
  18. My work shifted schedules again so now instead of being in office every other day I'm in office one week out of the month and then remote. Here's a poll.
  19. Jeod


    Lag plagues US gamers too. Cluster grenade spam is still the norm for every single CoD Blackout player I've come across. AoE is the only trustworthy damage modifier now.
  20. Jeod


    Ideally, roz being a mod would have brought the swap abuse problem to the mod team he is a part of instead of taking matters into his own hands. But, I feel the phrase "you get what you deserve" can be applied. My two cents: roz will be roz as roz has been the past few years with zero noticeable changes to behavior. The part of the matter in your control is your tendency to abuse the swap feature and rebalance teams to your liking, which if continued will obviously lead to your reputation being sullied as it already has been, as well as the IA server being periodically emptied due to players not wanting to be a part of your "friend time". The latter is going to become an IA staff & leadership issue eventually. Simply put, if you care at all about the well-being of the game you two enjoy, you'll stop contributing to this problem you've created.
  21. Jeod


    Looks like loophole abuse since !squad was removed. True harbingers of teamwork such as Silverlight learn to work with multiple players and aren't dependent on a single player. What you're both doing is unhealthy for yourselves and the rest of the community. The fact that this thread exists in the first place should tell you everything you need to know to make a change.
  22. The sooner the better for voice chat here--I'm currently the only one home.
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