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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Yeah I'd kinda like to hear a bit more about what Irish has to say too. I mean, Voe's response is kinda eh.... but like I said I was leaning Irish anyway.
  2. I mean, some of us have been arguing quite intensely. If your loyalist the royal project should have upgraded your faith points accumulation too.
  3. Regardless of what you are, I suggest you re-read your PM btw. Verti's been changing our abilities and not been notifying us of the changes, so you never know what you might find
  4. Irish has moved down for me with his recent posts. I don't like how he filled in Sunflower's info with a guess, and I don't like some of the other push on her, though I guess he could just genuinely be misunderstanding things, but it could be an agenda. What gives me a pause would be why push on Sunflower when there are "easier" targets. I haven't liked how disconnected he's been in general, though, so it's not like his starting position has been great... (and he did admit even if he's loyalist he's half-assing it). On the other hand, I feel slightly better about Retal, and I guess I'll grudgingly take that point about Voe he just made. I'm feeling like a "hero shot" on Irish would be good, if this was a vig game. I know I don't have very much progression on those reads, but that's where I'm at. May be a bit tin-foily.
  5. Three and a half hours is nothing to sneeze at, and I'll be here to react as need be.
  6. TBH I want to hear what Voe has to say when he comes back... if he comes back...
  7. I mean technically if the rebellion outnumbers the loyalists and the king fights on the rest of the loyalists get the chance to peace out and that's third party it sounds like
  8. I know Sunflower likes Daenerys, but I figured that house would be a popular choice (what with dragons and such), so there's no guarantee she got that character even if she wanted it.
  9. That's for defense against rebel attacks. For eliminating a player we have to commit forces to help.
  10. For a second I just questioned your motives on actually rebel hunting. Despite Shade's earlier comments not being good, it is fair to ask why you would help.
  11. In general, I don't want to Hand Hunt, but I would not be voting for someone who I thought could be the hand. I did think yesterday that *maybe* Shade could be the hand, but his sketch today has overruled that. If it turns out that Shade is the Hand I'd actually re-evaluate my stance that the Hand can't be turned, which would be a big deal
  12. I mean, rubeci, are you voting Shade because you think he's the Hand?
  13. The hand of the king should probably be kept secret for 2 reasons. 1) Rebels probably want to attack the hand directly. Keeping them unknown thwarts this. 2) The Hand is probably safe from conversion. Not knowing who it is is one one problem the rebels will have to avoid when trying to convert someone.
  14. You've already hit your aggressive quota so you can be aggressive on Irish if you want
  15. I'd not shed a tear over Voe. That said, I'm eating dinner right now, while watching soccer, so I'm a bit distracted. Let me think about actually swapping or not. We have time, I might keep my vote where it is just as a statement while lending tacit support.
  16. Upon being informed that the doc would be opened N3 I almost complained to Verti, but alas, I'm not Shade
  17. I chose to ally with Sunflower, but the alliance doesn't kick in until the night, so apparently she has not been notified of my decision. I feel as if I need to clarify this whereas I would have originally liked to be laissez faire.
  18. *cough cough* Pretty Reckless *cough cough* But yeah, heading out to Pokemon now.
  19. Well if Shade's compromised everything's a wash anyway. Our scouts would be high priority targets for conversion, which is just another checkmark against him. I hope we have someone who is Old Gods that didn't speak up, but I'm not holding my breath.
  20. Right now I'd only go for Shade or Retal (in that order), though I do hope we get some discussion on other subjects that is productive so my reads can progress. Also I have to get ready for community day, so I'll be afk for a few hours now, though if there's any questions in the next 5 or so minutes I can probably answer real quick.
  21. Things would have been fine if you had kept your cool
  22. The notification of alliance request said something about gaining a "shared action" (I guess not "unique"), whatever that means, but it sounds exciting. Technically I could have done it with you, but you have enough actions. I think it's based off our Houses, and I wanted to maybe extend my immunity to conversion to another possible loyalist.
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