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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. If we want an ineffectual monarchy we should just make Voe king directly perhaps
  2. Shade would both be a hyper competent king and super likely to be overthrown. This makes it more likely for any of us to be king later (likely good) while also leaving us to inherit a strong realm (also good).
  3. So, who's up for seriously considering actually voting Shade?
  4. Explosive runes are banned in my tabletop group after an incident which will not be referenced.
  5. In D&D I was a wizard-lawyer once. Apparently, the response to my lawsuit regarding false advertising was for the other wizard to just blast me
  6. Then there are GMs like me who are consistently 45 minutes early
  7. Start the game now I need an extra few hours to shit-talk Shade
  8. Not gonna lie, I was actually going to propose this.
  9. Cleaned out a closet at the family home and found a copy of the books that I didn't know I had, oddly enough, so might actually read them in the near future.
  10. I died in the Champs game so I'm free now (game still ongoing so can't really talk about specifics though).
  11. These things are the most entertaining when none of us have any idea what we're doing.
  12. I actually figure you twerps are going to attack me no matter what I do so that bonus sounds like it won't suit me
  13. Jeeze I better submit Shrek my character choices soon before I get left in the dust.
  14. Shade if you elect me King I'll make you Right Hand or whatever it is.
  15. Shrek is the final boss of your life. (Also I might use him as my char for GoT Mafia dunno)
  16. This looks really good, I love complex games after all, even if I don't know much about GoT, but my participation in the Mafia Championships might get in the way.
  17. Well, that you were actually town, and that your agro on Irish was not a scum tell
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