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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, if we're being honest, the big reason I don't get 4 is because I'm always so engrossed with CK2 of all things (and Stellaris.... and my large library of non-paradox games...) Kaiserreich is definitely recommended though, simply because unlike the base game, it's different every time you play. No two runs will ever be close to one another.
  2. HOI3 was kind of the runt of the litter. To this day I still play 2 and DH over 4, though someday I might get 4. I will say though, kind of the entire point of Kasierreich is that no country is boring. Everybody has options, or at least one option, towards an interesting game. Off hand I cannot think of a single country that's inactive in the mod. You could always just play as Switzerland and give in, which would leave you alone for the rest of the game. I always do my test games as Sweden, but I think Sweden can get more involved with the drama than they do in Vanilla as well, though I'm not so sure exactly what. I know they have some election drama event, which likely leads to them being able to join factions. I know Norway frequently buddies up with the UoB via events like that, for instance, and I think Sweden is balanced to join Germany.
  3. https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/416401-game-over-the-july-crisis-mafia/
  4. You get the option to give in or resist France bullying you, but I've never seen the AI resist so I don't know what kind of events are down that road.
  5. Anywho, I guess I should explain my votes. I really want to play Presidential 1936, however I didn't vote for it. Why? Because it's the most complicated, and thus takes the most GM effort to set up. From my knowledge of Kaiserreich (I'm in the credits for the mod on HOI2 and DH btw, wrote the California Foreign Policy events), that's likely to be, at the very least, a FOUR faction setup, maybe five. That sounds pretty awesome. But, and this is a big BUT, that takes time and a lot of skill to balance. I'd prefer to play a simpler game first, allowing time for the Presidential game to be perfected as an encore, a third game down the road, if you will, allowing for extra experience and inspiration from the games that run in the meantime.
  6. These are all Kaiserreich, aren't they? :p Very excited.
  7. That your "especially when I am scum" is superfluous :P
  8. It's not if you deny it or not, it's HOW you deny it.
  9. We could always do minimum post counts too. I swear we used to have them. The 10 that MU uses might be overkill, but maybe something like 5.
  10. I should probably abstain then, which is a shame, as it looks interesting. Too likely to run past the 11th though.
  11. How soon is this going to start, and about how long is it going to take?
  12. Sunflower and I may have a game idea, but it will not be ready for some time, and I can't host or even play possibly for awhile due to the Championships coming up. It would be a twelve player setup as it current stands though too, and it'd be difficult to scrape together that many players, especially if we co-GM it.
  13. This is why in my early games I always went after the AFK players on principle, though my approach has become more nuanced since then.
  14. TBH I didn't even care, and didn't even care if you were the miller
  15. Ooooo Shade you little.... I had my report on you N1 and was so looking forward to nailing you... *shakes fist*
  16. I'm not so sure I like the odds on that, what with the janitor around. I think default smart scum play would involve holstering the janitor shot anyway, so we wouldn't really be costing them anything by making them wait for figuring out who the cop is. Furthermore, if they manage to figure it out after only one round, offing the cop after just one "confirmed" report wouldn't be that big of an issue for them. I mean, it seems like they'd want to do it early, before things got even worse for them.
  17. I think we have enough info for SOME vote analysis at least. It's not a vacuum, but yeah, to be fair, we could have had more.
  18. I wasn't sure I was in the right spot, but Irish sold me. Points deducted from Cat 5 as I had designated him to make that argument...
  19. I just assumed Cat 5 did the math even if he's being petulant if he voted that way Indeed, it's right up my alley, but alas, I am not the lawyer, nor am I even scum I'll admit, I'm tempted to start a new wagon, like explicitly putting my seal of disapproval on FRAYDO, but a series of 1 v 1 v 1 votes that it looks like we'll get are not the most productive. We'd need actual trains.
  20. I'll cast my lot in for no lynch then too. I have a doctor's apt about an hour away, so I'll be gone for a lot of the afternoon, but back before hammer. ##Vote No Lynch
  21. I watched the video. My main conclusion is I need hearing aids to understand what's being said, though I appreciate the clear response to my math comment
  22. Is is Cat 5 going to do the math on if no lynch is a good option this game? I mean, I could do it, but I hereby designate Cat 5 our official "Math Man" because I'm lazy.
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