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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Like I said, it arrived on my doorstep (Yeah Verti sent it)
  2. I don't really use them either, but it's pretty well constructed for what it is. Verti went to great lengths to try and convince me it was going to be a figure, not a Death Note. This has prompted me to actually clean out some of my old junk a bit so I can put this some place where it looks nice.
  3. Imgur is having issues, so I had to make it a direct upload
  4. It's a little less 'cartoony' than TF2, but I suppose that works. I'd equate it to the old stand alone Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, but to be fair that was one of my earliest games.
  5. So guys.... the game's over, but something mysterious showed up on my doorstep today....
  6. I'd be up for it sometime. I actually got it back in 2012, but haven't played it in a few years.
  7. Bumping this thread: For the next 24 hours or so, Chivalry, Medieval Warfare, is free on steam. As in install it now you get to keep it free. It's a pretty fun objective based multiplayer sword and arrow fps.
  8. We spent too much time derping about if we could fire Chop's gun for him. That said, I did consider writing myself in the notebook for protection (and I see from docs I'm not the only one who had that idea), but in the end decided that since I'd already had a killstreak of like 5 people it was okay to pass the torch.
  9. Also, reading the KY-Nod doc, Verti says don't call him sensei but had no problems when I call him Verti-sama Edit: Nevermind: Early morning my eyes do not the see the color well, much like that colorblindness troll test
  10. If I'd been town I'd have been pretty heavily in 'use the notebook for good' camp too. I'll admit, even as a KS I didn't know if the notes could possibly corrupt people, and I'd have paused a bit to evaluate that, but in a team setting I'd have taken one for the team if need be.
  11. I'll also say I was very surprised no townies got more trigger happy. Well, I guess Voe *kinda* did, but with my fake note I noticed Mojo was acting like a loose cannon, so I gave him the fake note in hopes he'd create some drama and get the town to pile on him, but it really didn't happen as explosively as I hoped
  12. I think, actually, we can chalk this up at least in part to kills not happening right away. The natural instinct of the scum would be to kill quickly, to reduce town strength, but having 2-3 names out in the open at once allowed me to alpha strike by having multiple people in the note under control at once. That wouldn't have happened if people were being killed as soon as their names went public. It's not so much the Kiras were aggressive, but as soon as one went to pull the trigger (me), I was able to very quickly write everyone at once. Grabbing Voe's note and writing him in it happened before I'd even made a plan, or gotten in contact with any other scum. Indeed, I was deliberately taking my time to cultivate some distance between me and the scene of the crime as well as hopefully discover more names, as I took the step of stealing the note Mojo was caught with rather than writing in it immediately, which seemed to be right when people were getting ancy for some kills, heh. I really wanted to tell Jeod to chill that day, as he'd be getting his way soon enough, but there was no way for me to signal him.
  13. He has Leslie Nelson as his avatar, I don't think he's capable of real anger
  14. Yeah, at that point I still didn't have an overall plan, was just checking people off one by one and figured eventually something would happen. You'd been marked for awhile, as a delayed death though, so once you started agitating I figured maybe it was best if I just stopped talking for awhile because I knew sooner rather than later you'd lose the ability to share your suspicions
  15. Yeah, and with Nod's comments, I think he kind of forgot you never were town in the first place. I think some of that was him thinking you were a town defector, which wasn't the case. Even if everything was true, I'm pretty sure his comments were still in jest and just wanting to drag someone down with him
  16. I think some people were playing the roles a bit strongly, but I don't think you were ruining it for anyone.
  17. Now reading the Cat 5-Choppy doc. Haha, that's an interesting way for the gun to work. I guess my ##Nodlied is actually what did me in!
  18. Yeah, that's one thing I'm worried about. Cat 5's arguments were pretty effective on that front when the endgame started, but I'll also say that kind of is my natural argumentation style regardless. I'm kind of afraid I'm going to be one of those "plays the same way no matter what team" players, which will make me ineffective unless third party.
  19. But that said I'll fully admit my performance is probably a fluke. I bet next game I derp up pretty hard or something.
  20. Ha, yeah, I know. This is just is me as a newbie trying to claim a bit more credit
  21. We discussed a lot, but as Teru I was a bit... overly enthusiastic at times....
  22. Cat 5: I used you because I had your name. I had to expended resources and you were the resource I had. I'd have preferred to use Mello but I didn't buy the eyes until the night *after* we had revealed ourselves.
  23. Thoughts overall: That was a crazy ride, and my first *real* time playing a mafia game, though I'd been familiar with it and some similar games for awhile now. For the record (cause I see in the dead player doc people talking about it ) I actually had calculated I probably was going to die before the end. However, one of the first things I always look for when playing any game is if my survival is actually needed to win. In this case, it wasn't. That's *very* fitting for Teru. It meant, when it was time to go all in, i could without regard for my own survival. However, I had intended on KY carrying the torch after I died, at least by the point in the game when I got shot. I felt bad about killing Voe first, and was honestly going to help KY win if I could, so how he played in the end kind of surprised me. I was also more than happy to try and help Jeod win, but oddly, Mojo's antics ALMOST made me start to suspect Jeod was going to backstab me for awhile, as if Ryuk had another protege waiting in the wings and I was about to be discarded like dirty laundry. I'll also say, I started the game without the foggiest clue who was task force and who was not. I think that actually really helped me in my role, because it forced me to legitimately act investigative. I had to help the town find the bad guys, because I needed to talk to the other bad guys in person. Thus for the first few days I was just playing town legit. At the end, when I came up with the plan we executed, which was actually a Plan C so to speak, an offhand thought I had while trying to find a way to get heat off myself after Mojo was investigated, I had not yet even discovered who KY was. I took a big gamble just outright asking if he wanted in on the plan, and thankfully I hit the jackpot. The moment of revelation in our doc is pretty funny, worth everyone checking out. We'd talked the first day with both of us pretending to be town, and then the second day I'm basically like "hey kid, wanna make twenty dollars?" and it all comes together. I learned a lot, though. I definitely slipped in my argument with Cat 5, but I kinda did it on purpose, because by then it didn't really matter and I wanted to check out his playstyle for future reference. I also learned a lot from Jeod, and from Nodlied actually. I suspected a Nod-CK team early on but was very surprised by how that relationship eventually evolved, and I found past that point that Nod was great at finding info as town, and that's something I hope I can manage in future games.
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