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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. If we just wait a week we should be able to pick up Mojoman otherwise... @Inferno @Chaos_Knight @Alstar @kamuixmod @Einstein @VERTi60 @Voe Any of you guys want to join?
  2. ...of Horus? Jeod must be Horus Lupercal. Scum confirmed.
  3. I'm not sure, looking back on it that seems to be the main reason why we were screwed, but it also might've not helped that much depending on his targets. I feel like the game would've been more balanced with a tracker (or watcher) added that way we're not putting all our hopes on one person, but then you'd probably have to change the vanilla Scum to a Framer.
  4. I'm guessing the Scum would be Daemons, Necrons, or Orks so... White Seer, Black Library of Chaos Path of the Seer (Farseer), Ulthwé If I must be human, either Chief Librarian of the Blood Ravens or Gray Knights. Maybe Dark Angels if needed.
  5. To add my little input, I liked the game, didn't appreciate the silent "tactic', and personally find games where I can't perform any actions slightly boring (but that's a personal preference). I was leaning on iLTS over Inferno, but it was mostly Mojo's decision which made me cautious. I did gain a bit more suspicion towards Nodlied for his sudden reversal of opinion towards me, but that alone wouldn't have redirected my attention towards him. I also wish we outed the Doctor then and there since it would've helped "clear" another player, at least in my mind (although he protected himself). For the setup in general, I feel like it was more advantageous towards Scum.
  6. Oh well, I tried so I have no regrets.
  7. It's basically you, Shade, or Inferno on the chopping block, but Cat5 has forced our hand. If we don't all vote the same person, Scum could either outvote us last minute or RNG that victory. My main concern, Nodlied, is that Mojo is already voting iLTS, his potential scumbuddy. Unless he's planning a last minute switch, he's sending his teammate to his death. If the Scum team is instead Inferno, Shade, and Mojo, then with your vote, we'll lose.
  8. Oh, I didn't read your entire post, just saw that you're about to go to bed, give me a sec.
  9. Nodlied, we need to vote Shade otherwise Scum can tie the vote or even potentially outvote us.. ##vote Shade
  10. True, but if Inferno is the Cop, he'll most likely die which would serve to better confirm his theory. And it'll keep the game going. Right now we're in a situation where we'll be at LYLO for the remainder of the game since the Doctor's died. Assuming we're correct. The Town players left should be Cat5, Nodlied, and me. Either Inferno or iLTS is the remaining Town player. Yeah, that does have some problems with it. Perhaps iLTS was trying to soft push Mojo but then switch to me since I'm 2nd on his list? The only other concern I'd have is that Nodlied isn't actually who ChopBam protected, meaning Nodlied could be the other Scum, but the chances of that seem to be much lower.
  11. Alright, I'm a bit confused with your guys logic, or lack thereof. Category 5 Hurricane Shade939 iLikeToSnipe Nodlied Inferno Mojoman TheIrishMan Assuming that Nodlied is Town, then only one of the remaining members can be Town, but you guys have been mostly concerned about Inferno and iLTS. If those two are who you're concerned about, then we can just lynch Shade. Reasoning: So if Inferno is actually Scum, he's pushing a lynch against iLTS which means that iLTS is actually Town. The main benefit I could see about him fake confirming me as Town is to try and make certain that we lynch iLTS, leaving less variables. If iLTS is Scum, he's mostly pushed Mojo, which would mean that Mojo is Town. So basically, if we lynch Shade, we can't lose.
  12. Category 5 Hurricane Shade939 iLikeToSnipe Nodlied Inferno Mojoman TheIrishMan Assuming ChopBam did protect Nodlied, we're sitting at a 75% chance at getting Scum.
  13. I'm on mobile right now so I'll keep it short. The problem with Cat5 being scum is that the only player that's died that could've been a power role is Orange. His logic is a bit flawed but lying about outside activities is generally frowned upon and is borderline rule breaking from what I've learned. And didn't I already vote? If not ##vote No Lynch
  14. I always thought it was "LYnch or LOse" (LyLo) and "MislYnch and LOse" (MyLo) since MisLynch Or Lose makes it sound like if we don't mislynch then we lose. Congrats to the doc though. Anyway, I think we should go with the No Lynch route that way we can gain more information either based on reads or if our cop is still alive. Although someone will most likely die tonight, it'll decrease the suspect pool and therefore increase our chances at getting the correct lynch and put us at LyLo instead.
  15. Ask him why he didn't bother with a replacement, not me.
  16. He just told me he had a lot of shit to do during the weekend and didn't think he'd be able to play, so yeah, I went with his plan. Go for it if you're swayed that easily.
  17. Alright, I'll see reason. If he complains to me at work tomorrow I'm blaming you guys. ##vote FRAYDO I'm fine with that. I think you're more likely to be Scum than he is. It shouldn't matter too much if you do flip Miller, FRAYDO, since a LYLO notice should clarify whether you were actually Scum or Town.
  18. I should say if he's lynched, since it's a tie.
  19. We'll probably get a LYLO notice if he's the miller.
  20. I understand where you guys are coming from for voting FRAYDO instead of Cat5 and in most cases I would agree, but it doesn't look like he'll have anytime to play this weekend so he basically wants out. And I don't see any benefit for him to lie about being the oracle since his plan puts him in a position to get lynched. From the way I see it, if FRAYDO is confirmed Town, then ILTS is most likely Scum and visa versa. ##vote Category 5 Hurricane Yeah, I covered that multiple times already but no one is really interested.
  21. I didn't alter the plan midstream, I came up with a different plan since the first one was unanimously rejected. And the second plan only puts the cop at risk but for our overall benefit since we need to lynch scum or prevent a NK by the end of Day 3. I've already explained my plan, but I'll say it again: The doctor really only has one person he has to protect and that's the cop, the oracle is supposed to die and the miller serves to confuse us. There's only 2 ways my plan can backfire, #1 Orange was the Cop so Scum could just take that claim or #2 Scum counterclaim and we have that 50% chance of lynching the wrong person, but even then we won't lose Day 3 since we'd get a guaranteed lynch on Scum.
  22. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't know what to do. I tried to convince people for my second plan based on mathematical probabilities but besides Cat5's comment, it was basically brushed aside as if no one is concerned that tomorrow (Day Three) is LYLO if we don't get something done. Although it does feel like you're ignoring iLTS's accusations which is a bit odd.
  23. That we're essentially forgoing the use of the Cop to make our decisions? Or that Scum may potentially snipe off the cop without us protecting them(although I would've expected them to wait to use their janitor on them)? Although I know Cat5 came up with this plan in light of the possibility of a counterclaim, but I honestly think it'd be best for our cop to claim. We only have one person that actually needs protection of our Doctor. Our other roles are Doctor, Oracle, and Miller. The Doctor can stay in the shadows, Oracle doesn't need or want protection, and Miller provides nothing for us. And our Doctor can still protect others if Scum falls for that mind game. I'd rather not wait another turn, because if we don't lynch at least one Scum or have our Doctor successfully prevent a NK then we're looking at LYLO tomorrow. If worse comes to worst and 2 people claim Cop while we lynch the wrong one, which is 50% chance, then we'll still have enough time to lynch the other and extend the game for certain. If the same counterclaim situation happens tomorrow, then we're looking at a 50% at losing entirely.
  24. He's got a split today, so he won't be on until like 6 hours after hammer.
  25. So this is under the assumption that we don't have our Doctor protect the correct person or that we lynch any scum. I think I'd rather do No Lynch since we could potentially lose by Day Two. If we do No Lynch, we'll have more information to go off of to produce whatever results we need. Also, like Shade said, it'll give our Oracle a chance to investigate. Day One - 10 -> 9 Night One - 9 -> 8 Day Two - 8 -> 7 MYLO Night Two - 7 -> 6 Day Three - Game Over or Day One - 10 - No Lynch Night One - 10 -> 9 Day Two - 9 -> 8 Night Two - 6 -> 7 Day Three - 7 -> 6 - LYLO ##No Lynch
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