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Everything posted by OWA

  1. Hehe, this was me, dt and Tri this time. But mostly me.
  2. The Siege Chopper will deploy using Q, pretty straight forward really. The Battle Fortress will have lots of turrets attached to it, a bit like how the Mammoth Mk II has multiple turrets. However, these turrets will change weapon when you get inside them with different infantry. It will be totally possible to make a Repair Fortress if you really want to.
  3. That type of veterancy is already implemented! The Allies and Soviets will get all of their units from Yuri's Revenge.
  4. With the new system, you could get an Ore Miner along with a few comrades and mine the enemy's ore fields so that their miner has to go further than usual. It's a legitimate tactic!
  5. Flying the plane wouldn't really add anything useful to the gameplay to be honest.
  6. You're actually right. I don't know how wire-guided got into that list. Maybe because the GGI missile has a long, wire-like trail that appears from the back of the rocket. The Javelin in real life can fire a missile 500ft into the air, which should be enough to hit a Kirov Airship. We're going to have C-130 cargo planes that the ai will use to drop things, but other than that the only air transport that is currently planned is the Nighthawk.
  7. No it wouldn't. Any vehicles that are on the Reinforcement Bay's pad when a new unit is dropped will be destroyed to make way for the new unit. However, Harriers will be able to use Tech Airports to refill their missiles.
  8. Of course! Minecraft, Lego Digital Designer, pen drawings, claymation, 3d modelling. You may use anything you like! Acorns, even? I mean, seriously. I probably have enough stuff to do it out of games... Sure why not!
  9. Of course! Minecraft, Lego Digital Designer, pen drawings, claymation, 3d modelling. You may use anything you like!
  10. The Grand Cannon will be massive and scary, just like in RA2. We do have a Kirov model from one of our old acquired projects, but it's not ingame by any means. However, as a tester you should be able to see that we've made a contingency plan for the future by making the Soviet War factory big enough to support them.
  11. We could look into it but it may make the game unbalanced.
  12. Since the country system picks a country when the game starts, we could set a variable that makes the system pick an "all countries setting" for both teams on occasion.
  13. Here we go, answers! First concerning the Desolator. 1. Nope. That'd be too overpowered for a shooter-type game. 2. We'll balance it so it's satisfying to use. 3. It'll be a damage-over-time type deal. It will probably do a fair bit of damage because it requires the Desolator to be stationary. 4. We haven't decided whether the Desolator should damage buildings yet, but if he does he won't be particularly good against them. 5. Not as good as vs infantry, but yeah, it'll be effective. 6. If we make a moon map, yeah! 7. The country bonus is that you get the Desolator. There weren't any other bonuses in RA2, so there won't be in AR. Then concerning the others. 1. The terrorist will have the ability to run really fast, as well as a pistol and a bomb vest. You will have to click or push Q to detonate the bomb. 2. No, because Ivan's bombs aren't setup to be like proximity mines. They are timed. 3. Yes, he will have a small dynamite salvo and a large dynamite charge. Both will be timed and sticky. 4. Yes. It is currently 2. Tesla Troopers already charge the coils in the current test build. Country units won't be in the first version, but we will patch them in later.
  14. I've scrapped that model in favour of the new conscript, which I shall be converting into a flak trooper.
  15. But you'll never release it anyway! (j/k) So has OWA started on the infantry? Yeah, I've started. : http://i.imgur.com/WBShR.jpg
  16. Aww but I'd just started making a new Grizzly model!! D:
  17. The specs will be very similar to APB yeah. You will be able to access a list of servers on the new-fangled launcher that we're bundling with the game.
  18. It doesn't animate properly and it's awkward as hell to hit anything with. We'll patch it back in when it's fixed.
  19. Icetales will be making a comeback I believe. Maybe Ultimate Canyon too.
  20. There will be an announcement made today. Stay tuned.
  21. The Sniper doesn't have a beard so if we need a placeholder, we'll use Mendoza.
  22. It'll be longer than May 17th before Reborn is out. There's some major engine work, balancing and re-rigging to be done sadly. Sorry to burst your bubble guys.
  23. Should be near enough like this scale-wise. http://cybergooch.com/images/tibsunarchive/sizes2.jpg
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