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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Game will start in one hour. Be there before that time! Game password will be W3D.
  2. Ah, that's fine too. Looking forward to a normal game! Oh, and if you have enough sign-ups yet don't have a co-mod, you can put me in that place instead.
  3. Despite not having found a job yet (although a temporary spot to finish my education is within my grasp!), I'll sign up. Can we pick our role character or will we be assigned one?
  4. I'd say that four hours will be a good period of time for the first game and/or the first part of the first game. I don't expect it to finish this week, so even if we're not done after four hours, we can still save the game and continue it later. We can also end it a bit earlier if necessary.
  5. That's fine. The timespot is the moment where we meet up, the game probably doesn't start until later, so you won't miss anything. As for communication, I'd say Teamspeak works well.
  6. Remember lads, five more days until the showdown. Go prepare, be there, or be square.
  7. >All those people not voting for Command and Conquer on a CnC forum. You're all heretics.
  8. Alright, so we've completed today's test game with Voe, Liten, TheIrishman and Fraydo (for a bit). Voe as the UK, Liten as Sweden, Svea Rike, and later the Scandinavian Empire, and Fraydo as a short lived Czechoslovakia (he had to leave early anyway). I played as Belgium. Test has been completed successfully and, even though there was a slow start due to the connections, the game could handle speed 4 until the late game anti-Soviet war started. The big game will be set for the 22nd of September, be there or be square. :v Also, the following spoiler contain a few screenshots of today's game. Not really worthy of an after action report, as we didn't adhere to the rules and we were simply dicking around, but eh.
  9. Alright people, Voe, Liten and I are on TeamSpeak ready for the test game. Just hop on in and once we have enough players, we'll start tonight's game.
  10. Yes we are. Game starts in about 4.5 hours. See you all there (although where do we meet? TS or Discord?).
  11. Considering that most people have voted for the 22nd, what would you lads think about playing the ''big'' game on the 22nd while having a smaller ''test'' game this Saturday where we'd limit ourselves to the combatants of the early war? That way we'd be able to calculate how long a ''real'' game would take while ensuring that we'd be able to finish the shorter game. However, if we were to go with a smaller test game first, I'd also suggest that people are allowed to change nations to suit the smaller game (in fact, I'd even dare to pick France). Let me know.
  12. I've added a poll for everyone to vote on. You can select multiple options, so just pick every day that you'll be available.
  13. Generally Saturdays should be the best moment, as US players will generally not be bound by work (talking a normal workweek here) and EU players won't have to worry about waking up early the next day (generally).
  14. Do you have any indication as to when you'd think you'd be available?
  15. I'm keeping it here for now. Just to see if we can get everything to work. If it works and we have a good game, I'll extend it to the rest of the community. Brazil is a bit of a meh, but if nobody else takes Mexico, then sure. That depends on how competent our enemies are. Kaiserreich tends to suffer from networking issues when played with a lot of players. It doesn't have to be the case but I'd rather test this in vanilla. Ah yes... I remember the previous player Italy we had *loses Rome on D1 of the war and gets encircled multiple times*. Right. In any case, considering that many people can't join the game until later, what if we move it to another day. Is there any Friday or Saturday that we can start at the same time with more players? Let me know.
  16. Starting time is always debatable. So we'll see. I'll nod you down as UK for now though.
  17. Also, I might have to specify that it doesn't matter if you have the DLC's or not. The game allows everybody to play with whatever DLC's the host has. If I were to be the host, you'd have access to all DLC's during the game, whether you own them or not.
  18. About Manchuko, the OP states that you can't leave factions or switch ideologies if specified in the faction bound sign-up lists.
  19. Alright people, as promised, here's the sign-up thread for the Hearts of Iron IV multiplayer game. There's been talk about a multiplayer game long before the Ausgleich game, but we pretty much decided to have one after it was over. So without further ado, let's discuss what the proposed rules are and how to sign up. Disclaimer: This is not a forum game. It's the actual HOI IV game. I just put it here as it's this forum population that has been expecting it. The first game will take place on the 22nd of September, we'll start around 20:00-21:00 GMT. Time and where Obviously, we want to figure out when we're going to play and on which voice chat we'll link up. As for when: I suggest Saturday the 1st of September (also the historical start date of WWII by pure coincidence) at around 20:00-21:00 GMT. This is so that everyone can play. Games take a lot of time, especially if game speed is limited to 3 due to slow connections. This allows us to get somewhere in the game before ending or saving it. As per where we'll meet up, the usual place would be Teamspeak, but I've heard voices to meet up on Discord as well. Let us hear where you'd like to meet up. Rules Victory is achieved by controlling (not owning) two of the capitals of the enemy major players + controlling Warsaw. For the Axis this means two of Washinton, London, Paris, Moscow + Warsaw. (The Japanese faction is counted towards the Axis,) For the Allies, two of Berlin, Rome, Tokyo, Moscow + Warsaw. For the Committern, two of Washinton, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Tokyo + Warsaw. This ensures that the game can be ''won'' by all sides. I prevents the necessity for the Axis to spend too much time to take down the massive Allied navy while, at the same time, it also prevents an Allied D-Day sweep considering that they won't be able to grab Warsaw that quickly. This means that the game can end while the war isn't technically over yet. Obviously, enemy capitals must be connected to your won via land connection or ports. Major nations and those specified in the faction sign-up list are not allowed to switch ideologies or leave their historical faction. This means, for example, that France can't join the Axis or that Germany and the Soviet Union can form the Berlin-Moscow Axis. Stay with your historical faction and historical ideology. Boosting ideologies or staging coups in other majors (and other nations mentioned in the faction bound sign-up list) is not allowed. This is due to the fact that this mechanic is horribly broken. Boosting ideologies in other nations via national spirits through your focus tree (example: the Soviet ''comitern'' focus provides a temporary, national spirit for France and the UK, increasing their Communist popularity.) is, of course, allowed. Keep in mind that the faction and ideology bound nations are not allowed to change ideology. Declaring war is not allowed until at least two major factions are at war unless: 1. You have claims or cores on enemy territory (example: Soviet cores on Finland after the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact), 2. You have a national focus to go to war. 3. You've gone to war by issuing a guarantee on another nation (example: this is usually the way the Allies get involved after Danzig or War). This is to prevent silly early wars in wich, for example, Germany rushes the Netherlands for Oil, or where the Soviets rush China. Puppets listen and follow their ''owner's'' orders. Generally this means that the Commonwealth follow the UK. I mean, you can opt to not do so, but then the UK might not grand you free stuff. Sign-ups So, how do you sign up? Well, that's easy! Below is a list of factions with their relevant majors and minors. There are also some unaligned minors that are allowed to switch ideologies and pick a side as they choose. However, as a rule of the thumb, we want to have the majors of all factions filled before we include playable minors. That said though, if you are inexperienced at the game, you can always pick a minor and have one AI major instead. However, let me specify that the most experienced players have priority when it comes to majors. This so that the game is as balanced as possible. Just let me know if you want to play and what nation you want to play in this thread. Allies The Allies will fight for the free world and for the good of all. The question is, will they prevail this time and achieve a victory before either the Axis or Soviets become too powerful? Majors The United Kingdom - Category 5 Hurricane France - Fraydo AMERICA, FUCK YE The USA - Retaliation Minors Canada The British Raj Australia Netherlands Belgium South Africa New-Zealand Denmark Norway Portugal Axis The Axis (and East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere) believe that they can establish a new world order and do a bunch of other terrible stuff. Will they succeed or will they get their arses kicked? Majors Germany - Nodlied Italy - Voe Japan (As East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere) Minors Hungary - Liten Romania - Pluk Manchuko (As East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere) Bulgaria Committern The Comitern, or Third International, isn't off to a good start with internal troubles as well as the dreadful purge. However, can they establish the giant Soviet sphere they so desire or will they suffer a horrendous defeat against their two mortal enemies? Majors The Soviet Union (Can be played by two players if needed) - TheIrishman Minors Mongolia Non-aligned These nations have the option of picking a side. See too it that you choose wisely. Minors Spain Yugoslavia Siam Communist China - TheIrishman's friend Sweden Finland Chinese warlords Mexico - iLikeToSnipe Greece Specific cases There are some specific cases which either cannot be chosen or have another role. Majors China. HAS to go United Front and cannot change faction or ideology. A hard challenge. Pick if you dare. Minors Austria (Cannot be chosen) Czechoslovakia (Cannot be chosen) Albania (Cannot be chosen) Ethiopia (Cannot be chosen) Poland (Pick if you dare) Can only join Allies or Miedzymorze if up for a true challenge. Not recommended though. Switserland (Can't join factions or wars unless it has been declared on by another faction. Has to join the Allies if declared on. Tends to be a boring game.) Now go sign-up and let's have a game. That said, all rules and such are open for debate and this thread should act as a framework for potential future games.
  20. I'm out for now. I'll be spending most of my time trying to look for a job as soon as the weekend ends. Because I can't finish my education without a job.
  21. Beyond the day posts which specified that the Kaiser's guards would receive new briefings (aka, be busy), I'd also provide you with hints on how to accomplish it if you tried to kill Karl and failed. (Beyond that, I've hinted at when you could kill the Kaiser in your own doc. :v)
  22. That would come with a drop in stability though. Not much, but every drop would help Cat5.
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