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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Just a small heads-up. I'll be less active (even less!? Is that even possible!?) during the next day (and night) due to being on a familiy holiday and working on my thesis. And yes, that does somehow go well together. Doing fun stuff during the day and doing not so fun stuff during the evening/night. ? I'll still contribute though during the evenings.
  2. I like it so far. It provides for different gameplay than the normal games we have. As for today's lynch... ¬_¬
  3. Which is precisely why there are such things as asking for a replacement.
  4. Actually, and excuse me for quoting again. But if Cat5 really wanted out that much, wouldn't it make more sense to call for a replacement? Why the living shit would we lynch somebody because he'll have less time. By that logic I should have been the D1 lynch. ##Vote TheIrishman You even claimed that ''Cat5 is probably the Oracle'', yet you're completely fine with a pretty much guaranteed town lynch.
  5. A tie will result in a Fraydo lynch no matter how you look at it. Also, what the glacier flaying fuck people, are we really going to lynch Cat5?
  6. What the living fuck are you on about? 1st. You do not ever put down your own vote as ''unimportant'' when you don't think changing it will have any impact. Secondly, there's no bloody reason to lynch the Oracle. His target will become known, yes. But it will only clear Fraydo or put him down as such. As there's such a seemly hot debate about whether or not Fradurr is scum or not, why not place a vote on Fraydo instead of confirmed town? Cat5's role is less important than a potential (and likely!) town Cat5. Not having time to play doesn't mean that you should just lynch a potential good town player.
  7. Don't think Cat5 is scum though. While he's been a bit more memey this game (damn you heretic!), he's also come up with a plan to help us protect our cop or, in case Orange was the cop, figure out the role behind the N1 kill. Additionally, he claimed Oracle and unless Orange was the Oracle or the Oracle doesn't want to counterclaim, I'm inclined to believe Cat5.
  8. Alternatively, the Oracle can live for a while. I don't see a reason to throw Cat5 under the voluntary bus. However, I don't see how lynching Fraydo will have any benifits for Cat5's claim.
  9. A day one lynch always provides information. Beyond the alignment of the eliminated player, we can look at the voting patterns and compare them with those found later in the game. It's not the first time we nailed scum that way. I don't get why people are turning away from the day one lynch these days. D: (Although, honestly, I'm more worried about the potential of never being able to D1 lynch Voe again.) Why would the cons outweigh the pros of the plan?
  10. And thus we open the day by proclaiming that the honourable Fraydo is, in fact, town. That would make sense if he felt that iLTS was very threatened. But is iLTS that threatened? What if he's the safe lynch for an entirely different reason?
  11. Oh yes, I'm eager to learn... how to bloody rid the world of that heresy. In any case lads, did we really have to no-lynch today? What is this? The new go-to strategy? We've done this more than enough in the previous games. What's next? No-lynching until everybody is dead? In any case, Cat5, I believe that your idea could actually work. So let's give it a try.
  12. Irish, your plan is stupid. Mass claiming will only put a target on the doc, cop and oracle. And then what? We'll only have a pure vanilla game left. We need our powerroles to make life as easy as possible for ourselves.
  13. And thus we have another game where I cannot vote for Voe. ¶_¶
  14. The lack of replies on your part for most of the day we lynched Orange was very unlike you, as if you didn't really know what to do with that information. You usually jump at the opportunity to use such cop claims to further your cases or try to verify those claims that quickly. However, you decided to play silenced despite nobody having been silenced before. And knowing you, you would have still continued your cases, silenced or not. Instead, you used your ''silence'' to grab the attention for a while. The problem here though, is that you didn't rush to announce that you were silenced to let people know. You just rolled with it as if people had to find out for themselves. You deliberately wasted our time. So yes, I would have been certain. I wouldn't have known before your silence play, but I would have been 100% certain after that.
  15. I'd be up for that as well. (And then we only need Voe to tell everyone how retared they are.)
  16. KY, you're now a hero of the empire. Holy crap lad, that video was awesome.
  17. Well, that could have ended a lot better. I really can't believe Cat5 got away with the silence bullshit though. And I kind off feel sorry for Sunflower. She nailed the entire game but still lost. D:
  18. Yet scum is also town this game and town is scum and scum is both good and bad as scum is good but town is bad while town is scum and scum is town.
  19. >Nope >I'm a proud member of the mafia WHICH ONE IS IT?
  20. I've been busy. (Beyond that, I have more important matters to deal with.)
  21. No. I didn't change my avatar for this game.
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