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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Btw, @Voe did you cure yourself of fear yet?
  2. So what the glacier flaying is going on in here? What's with that sudden offensive Irish? You've been trying to off me since forever. Is it because there are no nightkills and framing the cop is the next best thing to do? Talking about the cop, I got a light result on Horthy. So retail should be more than able to fight any shit out there for us. :D Long time no see? What happened? We were supposed to play games on Thursday.
  3. To be fair, it has been almost a week since I've talked to Voe. He hasn't responded to anything on any platform yet.
  4. Well... That didn't go as planned. But, at least, chances are that we'll see some sort of Kane vs Cane match again. Also, is anybody here wondering if you can increase your RNG via the dark force?
  5. Kuddos for the great response. Well then, no Horthy vs Kane: the ledgendary cane. ##Vote Sith Fraydo
  6. I'm down for this ##Vote Champion Retaliation
  7. Did you even read my night result? õ_o
  8. Well then, @Voe, what have you done during the past days and how is your fear doing?
  9. Just a small thing to think about. It believe it to be quite likely for Jeod to be the one to infect Voe. Jeod knows that Voe is always more likely to flip than others and that he's far more willing to walk the edge for greater power. So perhaps we should investigate Voe again?
  10. The only time I've been given an indication that I was targeted by someone was when both you and Choppy melted your minds with mine for today. As for the night result, Sunflower returned a light result. Initially wanted to go for Retaliation, but Verti told me that I wasn't allowed to target a duelist.
  11. To prevent Verti from yelling at me for not voting, ##Vote Champion Retaliation. It's Horthy time!
  12. I honestly don't get why Shade would be so angry about people not using their learning ability to their fullest. =/
  13. What a load of bull. There's a reason why at least I've gone after Irish during the night and why Cat5 and Choppy went after me. We were suspects and were bloody cleared by night action. Beyond that, I can more or less confidently say that together with the result Choppy and Cat5 got on me, the pattern of my actions appear to check out what I do and why. And even if Irish was very suspicious, he's been cleared during the night. I could have been insane wasn't it for the fact that Voe himself confirmed that he was ''fear'', ruling out such possibility.
  14. My force sense on him ended in a light result.
  15. I'd like to hear from Voe if he decided to cleanse himself from his fear though.
  16. Seems like both of you wankers (Cat5 and Choppy) decided to melt your minds with me tonight. Do you have any idea how much that hurts? In any case, I too are rather disappointed with the light result on Irish. But then again, time to look for those who haven't done any real helpful action during the night. Oh, and if people want to know, as if you didn't already, I sensed the force in Irish. As for the coloured lightsaber thing, I honestly don't think that it has anything to do with allignment. Not only did we have to pick it before we even got our alignment, but mine is also red(+white) and I'm as light as I'll ever be.
  17. Wooo go Voe! In any case, let's have a closer look at a little suspect tonight, shall we?
  18. I don't know. All I know is that's the original reason for line towards Nodliedtown.
  19. People not seemly believing that I only went for learning one skill instead of two during N0 due to the wording. At least, that's what got the wagon rolling.
  20. I really should. But it's unlikely to happen until I get back tomorrow.
  21. IIRC it appeared yesterday, after I learned sense. It might have been there at the start, but I would have missed it if that was the case or I simply don't remember it.
  22. I have three skills at the moment. Control (T1), Sense (T1) and control-sense (T2). I'm not sure if it's one of the pure skills. Maybe it helps that I'm human.
  23. Can't be tier 2 as the action was there before I learned a tier 2 skill.
  24. Should be a combination of control (T1) and sense (T1). But maybe my other aspects also influence it. My knowledge skill is intelligence and my combat skill is constitution (if it even has anything to do with it.)
  25. Well, that's close enough. And it should pretty much prove that being light means your town and that being dark means you're scum. That theory would be additionally supported by the action explaining that some results are still considered to be part of ''light''.
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