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Everything posted by ChopBam

  1. I read your long post again, and the closest thing I can find to an answer is something we already knew: that your PM said you attempted to pass your item. And some things about how you worded this to the rest of us. But I'm not seeing where you said explicitly whether you still have the item or not.
  2. So, do know whether you're still holding the item or don't you?
  3. Heard the phrase "lynch all liars"? Your claims seem to shift to whatever most conveniences you in the moment.
  4. Well I suppose I am comfortable again re-adding my vote. ##vote Jeod
  5. I suppose it is possible that the GM actually used Jeod's name in the message receipt. It'd just be confusing, which I suppose lends credence to Louis' confusion. I am used to Verti60 games where he just says "target" and I have no idea who the actual target is, if there is a bussing action.
  6. Glad to see you're on the same page as the rest of us now. :D Wording is important, especially in answering clarifying questions.
  7. Ok, so it sounds like you are changing your answer to my question. So instead of "yes, specifically." You meant "[no,] I targeted Jeod in my action but it could have been redirected."
  8. I know this, and is the reason I asked her this specific question. Contrary to my expectation she doubled down and said it was confirmed to be Jeod. 🤷‍♀️
  9. Louis has also contradicted this. So now you and Louis have two points of contradiction with each other. The PM stating the name of the target (Louis says Jeod was named), versus just "target" without naming who the target was (Cat5 says the GM can't confirm). Louis says she targeted Jeod specifically, and Cat5 says she targeted Irishman specifically.
  10. @ Louis Cat5 didn't claim to roleblock Irish. You and Cat5 are contradicting each other.
  11. I've heard "tracked," "watched," "jailed," and "roleblocked" when it comes to Cat5's ability. Have any of those been confirmed as claimed by him?
  12. ##unvote More things to think about, but Jeod's not off the hook.
  13. You were told specifically that you detained Jeod? Not just "target" or whatever?
  14. Am I the only one getting caught up on this wording here? Has excuse for why he can't check his items with an inventory, instead it works another way "for some reason". "having trouble adjusting to this role being town" "double checked alignment with KY" So Jeod you admit your roleclaim is pretty sus? This, with all the other evidence we have.. how could we not vote you? Besides, still failed the "r u scum" test on D1. ##vote Jeod
  15. What happens if the roleblockers target each other?
  16. Light Infantry can't do anything at night. Thus, no visitations, items (as far as I know), or actions.
  17. Note: If you manually downloaded any textures (Prop_Shelf.dds) that were missing to put into the data folder, you can remove them now. If you're not sure what this note is about, feel free to ignore. General Vehicles left on Service Depots (and other repair building types) that have an enemy enter them won't start repairing again. On maps where the Spy is available but the Shock Trooper isn't, the Shock Trooper Spy option has been replaced by a Flamethrower Spy option. Fixed a missing string for scope sensitivity in the options menu under "controls." Fixed a number of stuck spots reported on maps and in the Construction Yard. Added infantry access from the water to the Allied lake cliff. Added a shallow island for infantry in the south water area. Fixed an issue with bots not properly repairing Soviet defenses. Moved the Flame Tower from the southeast side of the Airfield to the northwest side. Opened the area on the south side of the Soviet base for infantry swim access. Slightly adjusted other flame tower, barbed wire, and shipping container positions, adding more barbed wire an extra container behind the Soviet base. Shifted Soviet Ore Silo south, and the Service Depot slightly closer to the War Factory. Added some sandbags in the Allied base. Moved the Allied AA Gun from the rear of the War Factory roof to the front. Fixed very visible z-fighting at the Allied Barracks. Set up invulnerable concrete walls behind the Allied base with the supports that were added recently. Fixed a few floating objects. Updated local lighting instances. Other Map Adjustments RA_LunarParadox: Fixed a bug with the Kovtillery right click causing a black screen. RA_NorthByNorthwest: Fixed a missing shelf texture. RA_NorthByNorthwest: Fixed some stretched rock textures and removed unnecessary rocks underneath the terrain. RA_StormyValley: Landing Longbows no longer destroy (or block) the AI Ore Truck in the Allied base. RA_Under: Bots that spawn in or enter the Soviet Barracks no longer suicide when trying to leave.
  18. Irish and Jeod are both showing big red flags at to me at the moment, but it also doesn't sit right that we'd essentially have two role blockers in the game. Maybe I'm misreading something but I am just as confused by your logic as I was before.
  19. So you initially thought it was scum doing jailing action, till you learned Cat 5 did it, and now you're not sure whether it was scum doing jailing action? Connect these dots for me.
  20. Gauging to see possible scum pairings with him, but since the day started we are still waiting to hear yet from almost half our players.
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