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Everything posted by Wallywood

  1. I guess some of them have selective reading. If they want limited ammo that bad I'll just set every units ammo count to 99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999. There now its limited.
  2. We have had this discussion on the Reborn forums and the BHP forums a few times already and I have given my reasons on both a few times. You continue to re ask the same questions that have already been answered because you aren't reading enough or you just don't like the answer given. I have stated my reasons. Also there was nothing directed at you in that post, It was to everyone. Also I stated that a cost increase doesn't really make sense if you loose your Power Plant...Slower production however does make sense. The funding comes from the Harvester and Ref. Has nothing to do with the Power Plant at all.
  3. I have stated tons of times on both forums why I say NO to limited ammo. If you choose to keep ignoring my answers, I'm going to choose to ignore your questions relating to the subject. *Running out of ammo makes you have to run all the way back to base. *If your WF goes people WILL turtle *Not true to any C&C RTS style game. *Limited ammo numbs Infantry combat *This is NOT RENEGADE *Doesn't work well on larger maps *Refilling is already enough of an issue in these styles of games, why add something else to make it harder to modderate *The only good idea (APC PTs) doesn't make sense to WFs and would take way more coding then what its worth. *90% of wanting limited ammo bases their logic off other FPS (COD,BF,Halo) and have weapon/ammo pick ups *Why would anyone use a unit for attacking when they could just use a vehicle *Limited ammo sucks You can debate this til your blue in the face. It will not change my mind.
  4. There is nothing at all Renegadish about our plans except for the game's engine and the factions.
  5. How can I say this nicely....just NO. No limited ammo, No vehicles after the WF is gone. Just No
  6. The APC idea only makes sense til you loose your WF after that no one will wont to leave their bases.
  7. The Confessor is going to play more of an anti-vehicle, But his weapon is going to changed a little to make him a little more balanced. Even though there will be a few different Anti-vehicle classes for Nod there going to play very different from one another. Here is a good way to look at it, Disk thrower + Rocket trooper = Anti vehicle units Officer + Elite Cadre = Heavy gunners units Medic + Hijacker = Support units Jumpjet + Cham. Spy = Recon units Umagon + Toxin Trooper = Auto scoped units Ghost stalker + C.Commando = Commando units Riot + Cyborg = Anti infantry units with veh. support perks A.A Trooper + Confessor = Extra support units That is a basic way to kind of see how we're working it. I didn't know anything about that ...Sorry ..but Lilith was replaced with the Toxin Trooper.
  8. Thank you.... I think Well we're thinking that the Rocket arm will be an un-lockable item at Elite status. So yes I'm sure after you rank up to the max level it will over shadow the rocket trooper. But of course you'll have to earn that. As the Elite Cadre/ GDI officer will be similar to the APB's Captains. As for the Toxin Trooper and Riot , I would rather make their secondary weapons more of a re-buy item. There going to be pretty powerful weapons and we don't need them being spammed everywhere. But after the balance testing goes through things may change.
  9. Guys listen out for our Pod cast in the next blog to get some of these questions answered I am not ignoring, just don't want to give away any answers before the pod cast
  10. Yeah, If we can. We're going to make it an Elite unlock No, They are indeed EMP mines. The Riot Trooper mission had Mobile EMS so I got to thinking, Hmm why not give him EMP mines. So I got together with Jonwil and we planned it out and it should make for interesting game-play. But they will have to be re-bought they will not be a refill item and they will probably disappear after a certain amount of time also to prevent mine spamming on the battle field. Yeah if anything, I'll probably go with a slower production time. It would make more since. Well, we are going to make him pretty slow and take down his jumping rate. But since there isn't any more Sniper these two things shouldn't be too much of an issue. Also to make up for the slowing down, Cyborgs are going be like walking tanks We might have it do a bit of damage when you hit someone but it's probably not going to be an insta-kill weapon. The AA Trooper will be strictly Anti Aircraft. The Nod Rocket trooper will have an AA secondary shot, so I figured this would be a good unit to add in for balance.
  11. Power Plant logic so far will only disable the Base defenses, I'm not a huge fan on the concept of a power plant doubling the cost of things... that has never really made since to me, but I might throw in the idea to slow down the speed in which things are built, if that is up and working in time. Also R315r4zor there is no rule that says you have to put a Power Plant on every map you make.
  12. How is taking out base defenses useless? IF your base didn't have an Obi and RPG towers along it would be a major prob.
  13. I'll talk more about the non-drivable units later. It will cut power to certain base defenses And the Cyborg Commando will most likely get a flame thrower secondary fire. But it might be an Elite un-lockable
  14. so if your War Factory and bar are down, and you are playing in a map whit no missile silos, the only way of destroying a building is by hacking? so what chances you will have of lets say destroy War Factory by hacking? how long you will need to stay hacking in order to destroy a building? because i think you will be undefended wile hacking and i dont thing the enemy team will just sit and watch you hack his buildings lol, a simple remote or C4 could do the job easier and faster keeping in mind that is dificult enough to even infiltrate enemy base most of times. i am just trying to stablish that free inf units should have a fast and efectivelly way of destroying a enemy building if they work as a team and manage to get inside enemy base instead of just siting hacking for the time that would take and watch a enemy guy puting his gun barrel over you head and killing you wile you are very busy using your laptop rofl. Who said anything about having to stay still to hack. TBH if your Team looses their WF and BAR/Hon then they deserve to have a shit game. Plus it's not going to be as easy to kill a building with Infantry as it is in APB. Right now all your guesses are based around APB's game play. There will be no rushing in to attack the MCT. Shooting the outside of the building will be just as effective as shooting the MCT. MCT is only going to act as the repair point of the building. Ghost Stalkers C4 will mostly likely have to be placed on the MCT. The Engineers Hacking is going to be a way to take out the power for either a short time or for good depending how long the building is hacked.
  15. I think there are tons of people not understanding here. *The Cyborg will be good against both Vehicles and Infantry. *Cham. Spy will be give a knife and a pistol has his attack weapons. *NO, IF you loose your WF and Bar/HON then you will not be able to buy WF/Bar/HON units *NO the power plant being lost will not double the cost of units. *Ghost stalker is the only one getting C4 that will be able to take down a building. *You can take a building with attacking it with vehicles or hacking *Beacons will only be able to be bought on maps with Missile Silos and Upgrade centers *Also certain units will not be able to drive vehicles only ride in APCs Hope this clears some stuff up.
  16. Most of Reborn's Infantry will be getting unlimited ammo. I don't see the point in have to run back to base just to refill and that concept alone has always bugged the crap out of me about Renegade. Also Decoy mines are aimed to trigger the Base under attack announcements. So it can help run distractions.
  17. If it has a motor, it is a chaingun, if it is recoil, a minigun, if it is hand cranked, it is Gattling. Thats what I thought also...Thank you for that
  18. With that logic...I could just give him a NOD light rifle and that is not what I'm looking to do. I want him to have something less powerful then a Rifle and more powerful then a Pistol. So the Uzi works. The Uzi texture will probably be fixed or covered in the end.
  19. He stole it ...he is a Hijacker....thus DEAL WIT IT ! I took out the repair guns...too Renegade like.
  20. For the last time ICE there is no proof of it being either. With your logic it could still be either one. I could claim that the damage done by the blast is too big to be a grenade. Again ICE there is no proof from such an unclear video. Also in that video that one light infantry unit took out both Cyborgs in two shots, that couldn't happen in TS, should because I saw it in this video should I make that happen in Reborn? ..NO
  21. There is no proof that is grenade launcher, instead of a small rocket launcher. Even in the videos it is un-clear, and most likely it will be a Rocket launcher
  22. Medics and Hijackers are going to need some sort of side arm. And a standard pistol seems a little bit weak for a field unit, so I think the best in between is the now un-used Uzis. As for the charge up and re-naming of the Confessor's Rifle both might happen. The charge up might would be a really cool Secondary fire, with a longer reload. We're still working on details, but yes I think giving these units a multipurpose is a good way to make no unit is over shadowed I think to make a Cyborg a major threat like he was in TS/FS then yes he should be giving both an Anti-Unit and Anti-Vehicle weapon. But who's to say it might be something that gets unlocked a Elite Status
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