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Everything posted by Wallywood

  1. YES and hopefully it will be neither No not yet
  2. We should have some videos coming soon.
  3. We'll confirmation would come, when we make the next blog. When we have enough to blog about. Until then, wait patiently.
  4. LOL you guys are really hard headed some times. Guys with the amount of new work going into the game. Alot of it right now is script fixing and balance ideas. I can tell you it's not dead at all. Just because there are no new models to show off right now doesn't mean things are dead. For example Dtrngd just got the EMP mines set up and working and we're planing on showing a video of that soon. We've also been talking about showing Ion storm videos soon. So no we're not dead at all. We have slowly down alittle bit due to RL.
  5. But is it possible to add such a script? Theres alrady a video of it somewhere
  6. I'm sure our new testers will do a fine job on that.
  7. The GDI Bar will be bigger in scale and will probably be given more rooms. It will also be getting its flag on top
  8. All the buildings in right now are how they will be for release. The only building that will get some changing done to it will be the GDI barracks.
  9. Just because someone is OCD about little details doesn't exactly mean they would make a great tester. The type of testers were looking for are the ones that are going to find game breaking bugs, exploits, and in-balances. Not spend their time trying to convince us to change an already sculpted,fully rigged, textured model just because they find an image on google or a cut scene video on youtube. Just because you can find Waldo on every page doesn't mean you'd make a great detective. Now as for ICE becoming a tester, if he can do the things we need then there is no reason why he shouldn't be. So we'll review any bugs he may have posted in the past "Just like we will everyone" and if he has shown that he can post something other then "OMG THE COLOUR OF THATZ HELMET IS ALLL WRONG!!!!.... FIX IT !!!!" and of some use then, I'm sure he will be picked. But keep in mind and this goes for EVERYONE ......that your actions in-game, on TS, on IRC, on the forums, and in public does effect if you are picked or not. and also just because you we're a tester for Reborn or BHP doesn't mean you will be re picked.
  10. The building and dome part that is on the in game model will be added soon. And that added room will play as the Limpet drone room.
  11. Does this mean that they've figured out a system for disabling Cyborgs in Reborn? Also, awesome MEMP! We might have an idea...we'll have to test it out and let you guys know
  12. Yeah, we'll try to put something there that kill them, If they try to piggy back the MMKII
  13. These C4's may be cloaked anyway. No need to give NOD, GDI weapons.
  14. It will be a remote style C4 and we're going to be basically using the old remote C4 model to do this. I've been told the only way to have it trigger is the building way. But after we test out these plans, we may even add things like having the C4 do infantry damage so you could maybe boobie trap a PT. So there are still some cool ideas floating around with this.
  15. Well I'm thinking he going to have a good amount of them, in case some of them fail to trigger the building trigger. But using them is going to be a bit of a risk because your going to have to get them on the MCT to work and it will unstealth you when you use team and trigger them.
  16. Because of engine limits, a structure must take damage to trigger these strings
  17. How is it pointless? The remote decoy C4 is there to trigger ""X" building is under attack" string and the fact that NOD has an underground rush ability you'll never know if that is a real a threat or not. So if it does go unchecked it could mean that it is really being attacked. Plus it will be a great way to get GDI troops away from a hacking engie that might be working on another building.
  18. Well no Nod unit is getting C4 now so that is no longer going to be an issue yeah I remember testing that and succeeding on knocking it other a few times. Very very true, they can and will take you down if your not paying attention
  19. Because this community loves finding exploits to give them the advantage and they will not think twice before using these exploits to get an advantage. I have seen this many times before and my goal is to prevent any game breaking bugs like this from hitting the public servers.
  20. This was an Idea that we were thinking about to prevent leg ramming. Nothing set in stone about this.
  21. Probably not going to happen next blog. Sorry , but there will be some pics and new things
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